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Ways to protect your outdoor paving from harming elements

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Page 1: Ways to protect your outdoor paving from harming elements



We can use pavers at any place that we want, but only

when we stay determined about appropriate

maintenance, as it is prescribed by the manufacturer.

This is an absolute must because no matter how robust

and hardcore they are declared by the seller, every paver

suffers blows and faster, if not taken care of

appropriately. This statement applies for seriously on

the products used for outdoor paving.

Ways to Protect Your Outdoor Paving from

Harming Elements

Page 2: Ways to protect your outdoor paving from harming elements



The unsealed

interlocking pavers are

prone to get stained,

chipped and face the

growth of creepers in the

cracks and edges.

Despite this, the fact is that the pavers are robustly

built and does not require that much of maintenance.

But whatever they require should be offered to them

without fail or delay. In most cases, the outdoor paving

requires occasional sealing and washing on a frequent



Page 3: Ways to protect your outdoor paving from harming elements



While offering maintenance

firstly, it is important to

determine the material of which

the pavers and retaining block

walls are made up of. Here, it is

worth knowing that the

manufacturers use different

materials like clay, concrete, stone, cement, brick, etc.

The reason why this information is crucial is that

depending upon the material used in the production, the

level of scrubbing them would differ a lot. To clean

them, you require a scrubbing brush (not very hard),

detergent based water.

Page 4: Ways to protect your outdoor paving from harming elements



Sealing the pavers used in outdoor

paving immediately after the

installation decreases the chances of

getting displaced or disfigured.

If your pavers are set in sand, they will

move and readjust for sure and in the

process, if they have chipped away you

need to replace them. Therefore, it is a

wise move to purchase some spare

pavers while buying them. Those laid on the sand have

to be checked on a regular basis for flaws in the design

and because they often sink. If you come across any

such flaw, you can push the sand back to its place.


Page 5: Ways to protect your outdoor paving from harming elements



The sand available between the joint should be of half

of the height than the original surface.

You can also

purchase sealing

concentration as

it helps in

keeping the

problem at bay

from the outdoor


The reason why cleaning them is important is that the

bottom of the pieces is hollow and observes oil quickly.

The longer the oil is there, the deeper it would set and

continue to make the stain more and more permanent.

To avert this, you can purchase oil removing agents

from the local hardware shop of the shop that sells

products for retaining block walls.

Page 6: Ways to protect your outdoor paving from harming elements



While buying them, ensure that it is non-acidic as

chemicals and acids can react with several ingredients

used in their manufacturing and slow down the damage

control process. In some cases, they were detected

damaging the pavers even more and therefore, you

should keenly look for those that have more and more

natural ingredients. Weeds development is another

very frequent problem in outdoor paving and to prevent

this from occurring, you can go for weed killers rather

than plucking them. You can also use stone polish to

prevent weeds from growing profusely and protect

them from several other damages.

Source: https://storify.com/mariabreskoff/ways-to-


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