Wall Street, K Street - Understanding the Politics of Money It looks like hypocrisy abounds today on both sides of the aisle in Washington DC and on the media company propaganda channels as well. The Neo-Con controlled Republican Party is a pathetic joke. They have the guts to declare themselves the party of fiscal responsibility, after Bush’s eight year reign of error. He and his fiscally responsible party were handed a budget in surplus and managed to add $4.9 trillion to the national debt by waging undeclared wars, encouraging Wall Street to create the biggest fraudulent financial bubble in history, creating a new $16 trillion unfunded entitlement (Medicare Part D), cutting taxes without paying for them, and creating a massive new government agency (DHS) to take away our liberties and freedom. Federal government spending grew from $1.9 trillion to $3.0 trillion under Bush and the Republicans. Does that sound fiscally responsible? Does anyone believe the Republican Party is serious about cutting anything? Tough guy Republicans like Big Chris Christie preach fiscal responsibility when going to war with teachers’ unions, but he squeals like a pig when a $60 billion pork filled, unpaid for, Sandy Relief bill is held up in Congress. The courageous fiscally responsible Congress critters passed the entire pork filled, unfunded, bloated, vote buying joke. It included $28 billion to mitigate future disasters, $3 billion to repair or replace Federal assets, and $6 billion for transportation projects completely unrelated to Sandy damage. The hypocrisy of politicians who proclaim the $50 billion of 2013 fiscal cliff tax revenue as deficit cutting, and then immediately piss it away by paying people to rebuild their houses yards from the Atlantic Ocean while funding billions of non- disaster related projects is disgusting to behold. There is nothing like compromise to add another $60 billion to the national debt. So when you see the cut in your take home pay, just comfort yourself knowing that JP Morgan, Citigroup, GE and hundreds of mega-corporations were able to retain their tax breaks. As they have done for decades, Congress and the President agreed to address spending cuts at a future date. Of course, a

Wall Street, K Street - Understanding the Politics of Money

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Wall Street, K Street - Understanding the Politics of Money

It looks like hypocrisy abounds today on both sides of the aisle in Washington DC

and on the media company propaganda channels as well.

The Neo-Con controlled Republican Party is a pathetic joke. They have the guts to

declare themselves the party of fiscal responsibility, after Bush’s eight year reign

of error. He and his fiscally responsible party were handed a budget in surplus and

managed to add $4.9 trillion to the national debt by waging undeclared wars,

encouraging Wall Street to create the biggest fraudulent financial bubble in

history, creating a new $16 trillion unfunded entitlement (Medicare Part D),

cutting taxes without paying for them, and creating a massive new government

agency (DHS) to take away our liberties and freedom. Federal government

spending grew from $1.9 trillion to $3.0 trillion under Bush and the Republicans.

Does that sound fiscally responsible? Does anyone believe the Republican Party is

serious about cutting anything? Tough guy Republicans like Big Chris Christie

preach fiscal responsibility when going to war with teachers’ unions, but he

squeals like a pig when a $60 billion pork filled, unpaid for, Sandy Relief bill is held

up in Congress. The courageous fiscally responsible Congress critters passed the

entire pork filled, unfunded, bloated, vote buying joke. It included $28 billion to

mitigate future disasters, $3 billion to repair or replace Federal assets, and $6

billion for transportation projects completely unrelated to Sandy damage. The

hypocrisy of politicians who proclaim the $50 billion of 2013 fiscal cliff tax

revenue as deficit cutting, and then immediately piss it away by paying people to

rebuild their houses yards from the Atlantic Ocean while funding billions of non-

disaster related projects is disgusting to behold. There is nothing like compromise

to add another $60 billion to the national debt.

So when you see the cut in your take home pay, just comfort yourself knowing

that JP Morgan, Citigroup, GE and hundreds of mega-corporations were able to

retain their tax breaks. As they have done for decades, Congress and the

President agreed to address spending cuts at a future date. Of course, a

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government spending cut isn’t actually a cut. It’s a lower increase than their

previous projection. Nothing is ever cut in Washington DC. The austerity storyline

is a lie. Not a dime has been cut from the Federal budget. Intellectually dishonest

ideologues try to peddle the wind down of the Obama $800 billion porkulus

program as a cut in Federal spending. They sold this Keynesian “shovel ready”

crap to a gullible public as stimulus to jumpstart the economy. Federal spending

was $3.0 trillion before the Obama stimulus. After the two year stimulus was

pissed away without helping the economy one iota, the baseline should have

been back in the $3.2 trillion range. Instead, FY13 Federal spending will be $3.8

trillion. This hasn’t kept liberal ideologues like Krugman and his minions in the

mainstream media from blaming crazy Tea Party Republicans for inflicting

horrendous austerity measures on the poor and disadvantaged…Read More

Thank You

Ziad K Abdelnour