Expand Networks Confidential and Proprietary Headline Text Expand Networks Confidential and Proprietary Virtualization and WAN Optimization INTEROP LAS-VEGAS May 2008 V1.3 Efi Gatmor CTO Expand Networks mailto: [email protected]

Virtualization and WAN Optimization

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Infrastructure virtualization is no longer a trend, but a business imperative for providing improved ROI and operational simplicity. To succeed, virtualization projects must also address application performance and security issues derived from deployment over the WAN. This presentation provides an in-depth look at enterprise virtualization strategies, as well as solutions to overcome virtualization challenges.

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Page 1: Virtualization and WAN Optimization

Expand Networks Confidential and Proprietary

Headline Text

Expand Networks Confidential and Proprietary

Virtualization and WAN



May 2008 V1.3

Efi Gatmor


Expand Networks

mailto: [email protected]

Page 2: Virtualization and WAN Optimization

Expand Networks Confidential and Proprietary


�Virtualization is becoming the IT infrastructure of the

enterprise’s datacenter. This presentation discusses the

advantages of utilizing this infrastructure for WAN

Optimization deployments

�The presentation will discuss the following

o Benefits of virtualization in the Datacenter

o WAN Optimization deployment options in the Datacenter

o Virtualization and WAN Optimization in the remote branch

o VDI and WAN Optimization

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Expand Networks Confidential and Proprietary

The Drive to Virtualization

� Virtualization is being adopted by more and more enterprises as

the datacenter IT infrastructure of choice

� Underutilized servers in the datacenter are consolidated into a

small number of powerful servers as a virtual OS/Application

o Virtualization is endorsed by the new HW technologies (multi-cores,

native virtualization support in CPU, …)

� The adoption rate is expected to grow:

o Forrester: 66% of the Enterprises will use virtualization by 2009

o IDC: 50% of the physical servers will be virtualized by 2011

o Gartner: by 2015 every aspect of IT will be virtualized

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Expand Networks Confidential and Proprietary

Top Reasons for Virtualization

�Physical Server Consolidation

o Efficient HW utilization

� The 80/ 20 rule

o Density and space

o Power and cooling savings

�Greener IT

o Reduce the carbon footprint

o Use of energy efficient servers

�Storage Consolidation

o Cost efficient solutions

o Easier backups and DR

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Top Reasons for Virtualization contd.

� IT

o Smaller IT team

o High Availability, Backups and DR

o Ease of management and control

o Rapid deployment

o Minimal Downtime

o OS Licensing

�And more…

o Legacy support

o Testing

o Scalability

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Virtualization in the Datacenter

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Virtualization in the Datacenter

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Expand Networks Confidential and Proprietary

Traditional WAN Optimization in the DC

�WAN Optimization has become an essential part of the WAN infrastructure in the Enterprise

�WAN Optimization deployment in the Datacenter (unlike the remote branch) can pose multiple challenges to the IT organization:

o Medium to large enterprises will require multiple high end appliances in the datacenter - complexity, space, power

o High Availability - backup and DR is complex

o Manageability - monitoring and control

o Scalability - complexity of deployment

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Virtual WAN Optimization in the DC

� By leveraging the existing virtual infrastructure in the Datacenter, WAN

Optimization can be deployed as a virtual service or appliance

� A Virtual WAN Optimization solution will provide the same benefits as the

classic one and will get all the benefits of the virtual deployment

o IT Standardization – using the same management and configuration tools in the

Datacenter as the other virtual applications / servers

o Easy to deploy using standard virtualization tools

o Scalable – allows utilization of the best of breed HW, add more as you grow…

o Greener WAN Optimization – power, cooling

� In the future, with the introduction of stronger router blades and switch

blades for the enterprise, we expect to see WAN Optimization running on

the blade as a virtual service with additional services

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Virtual WAN Optimization in the DC (cont.)

�Additional benefits:

o Density awareness

o Reuse of the Datacenter’s shared storage (NAS, SAN, …)

� Same backup and DR tools can be used

o Support for high availability based on Virtualization


o Flexible and dynamic licensing models for Virtual WAN

Optimization Services (VWOS)

o Cost effective – a SW only solution

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Virtual WAN Optimization in the DC (cont.)

�Virtual WAN Optimization considerations:

o Requires an existing virtual infrastructure

o May require additional virtualization licenses

o Supports only ON-LAN (off-path) network deployment

� Not a real issue in the large datacenter

o Requires the right resource allocation

� CPU, Memory, disk space

o Sizing and performance planning

� Difficult to benchmark and to size

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Before VWOS Diagram

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After VWOS Diagram

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Virtualization in the Remote Branch Office

�Virtualization can be used in remote branch offices as a means of deploying WAN Optimization

�WAN Optimization can be installed on the existing server infrastructure in the RBO as a virtual service

�Main benefits:

o Leveraging existing physical infrastructure (space, energy, manageability)

o Deployment in environments where appliance can not be installed (Airplanes, Ships, Hostile environments, etc.)

o Extremely Cost effective (virtualization license is free)

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Expand Networks Confidential and Proprietary

Physical Desktop Consolidation

� Physical desktop consolidation replaces existing desktops in the remote

branch with thin clients running via a remotely accessed Operating

System and Applications

� Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) is the technical foundation utilized to

deploy desktop consolidation projects

� Using VDI, remote users connect to the datacenter and attain a Virtual

Desktop (Windows XP, Vista, Linux) running enterprise applications

� WAN Optimization solutions for VDI (must be supported) can be deployed

over the virtual infrastructure in the datacenter, allowing a tighter

integration into the environment

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Expand Networks Confidential and Proprietary

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)

� Thin Client

o HW platform which runs the virtual desktop

� Connection Broker

o Manages connections and resourcesfrom branch to the Data Center

� Virtualized Machines (Remote OS)

o Typically XP, Vista or Linux running over a virtualization layer

� Virtualization Server(s)

o Virtualization servers run virtualization OSes

� Management Console

o Configuration, alerts, statistics and monitoring

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� WAN Optimization can be deployed as a virtual solution over the existing virtualization infrastructure in the Datacenter

o IT benefits (standardization, HA, backup & DR, configuration & management, flexibility & scalability)

o Cost effective

� The same virtual solution can be applied in the remote branch

o Leverage the physical servers, cost effective

o Deployment flexibility in challenging environments

� Virtualization support goes hand in hand with VDI

o Tighter integration into the Virtual Desktop Infrastructure

� Virtualization support is available (as a controlled release) by Expand Networks

o General Availability is planned for Q3/2008

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Headline Text

Expand Networks Confidential and Proprietary


Efi Gatmor


Expand Networks

mailto: [email protected]