Using Research to Improve the Delivery and Effectiveness of Change Programmes & Projects Part 1: Setting the Scene : Jim Dale Change Change Change Change Change Where you see this button in the presentation Click to tweet & share with others

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Using Research to Improve the Delivery and Effectiveness of Change

Programmes & Projects

Part 1: Setting the Scene : Jim Dale






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Pressures and Pace of Change

The pressures for change are unrelenting and all organisations are in at state of flux as they

respond to technological advancements, competitive

pressures, government policy and the economic downturn (CIPD, 2013).

A few words of introduction

Lets ensure we are talking about the same things

Plan Implement Consolidate

APM’s Model of Change Delivery

Lets kick off with a Poll

What is the failure rate when delivering organisational change?

A 30%

B 40%

C 50 %

D 60% and higher

The answer is D

60 % and higher!Sources:

CIPD, 2013

Beer & Nohria, 2000

Balogun & Hope Hailey, 2004

IoD, 2012

Gaius Petronius Arbiter It appears to have been ever thus….

“We tend to meet any new situation by re-organising. And what a wonderful method it

can be for creating the illusion of progress while producing confusion, inefficiency and


The Satyricon, Ist Century AD

Achieving Change is NOT easy

“It must be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to carry out, more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to handle, than to initiate a new order of


Niccolo Machiavelli (1469 – 1527)

Extract from ‘The Prince’

“Alarmingly and despite the warnings and lessons learned, up to 80% of all changes fail to deliver the planned


Office of Government Commerce (OGC), 2005

Gateway Lessons

Insufficient recognition and attention to

change management issues is a recurring finding from the UK

Government’s Gateway Review Scheme

Another Reason?

“Change is often viewed as something to be overcome, controlled and a disruption to this known world, rather than the new ‘norm’ that needs to be managed.”

My own on-going doctoral research: methodology



1:1 Semi Structured Interviews / Focus Groups

Survey: Self completed questionnaire Action orientated Research with an on-going Strategic Alliance Programme

A snapshot of comments

• “Success and failure is not absolute”

• “We don’t use the term failure but most change programmes achieve a sub optimal outcome”

• “All our projects are doomed to succeed. We can implement new systems but nothing changes”

• “I am struggling to think of a successful change management programme”

• “Even the successful initiatives contain huge areas for improvement”

• “Given our track record, employees have every right to be sceptical and suspicious”.

Why? 1 of 3

• Poor research. Many change models and frameworks appear flawed or have no evidential base.

• Out dated research: We still use and rely on research undertaken in a different era.

• Knowledge about the discipline of change management matters appears ‘sketchy’ within the PM community.

• There is no common agreement on what works and what does not.

Why? 2 of 3

• Too many senior managers consciously or sub-consciously subscribe to Morgan’s (1997)metaphor of organisations acting as machines.

• Real life pressures often result in good theory and practice being jettisoned (The hypocrisy of change management)

Why? 3 of 3

• Folklore and current thinking needs to be challenged. Is change always resisted and does a desire to create strategies to overcome resistancecreate an appropriate mind-set?

• Managers continually under-estimate the costs, time and challenges involved in delivering effective organisational change.

We need your help…..

Please complete the Major Change Surveyavailable on-line at:


Session Two Rod Willis


• Balogun, J., and Hope Hailey, V. (2004) Exploring Strategic Change. (2nd ed.). London: Prentice Hall.

• Beer, M., and Nohria, N. (2000) Cracking the Code of Change. Harvard Business Review, 78:3, 133-143.

• Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. (2013) Factsheet: Change Management. London: CIPD.

• Change Management Institute (2012) Organisational Change Management Maturity: 1-20. Available: http://bit.ly/16Xssak

• Institute of Directors (2012) Leadership. London: IoD.

• Morgan, G. (1997) Images of Organization. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

• Office of Government Commerce. (2005) Business Benefits through Programmeand Project Management. Norwich: TSO.

• Office of Government Commerce (2008) The Eleven Gateway Lessons. Norwich: TSO.

Jim DaleContact Details

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