Using LinkedIn to Recruit Passive Candidates www.jennifermillman.com

Using LinkedIn to Recruit Passive Candidates

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It’s a fact that companies are still filling 80% of their jobs with active candidates – candidates who are actively seeking other employment. Yet, most of the A-playing talent is found within the passive pool, a much smaller pool. How in the world will you be able to hire quality passive candidates if they are not applying for jobs? The most valuable and effective tool for finding and communicating with passive candidates is Linked In! In this session, we will learn how to utilize Linked In – even if you don’t pay for a Recruiter account – to find and communicate with the best candidates out there!

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  • 1. Using LinkedIn to Recruit Passive Candidates www.jennifermillman.com

2. JENNIFER MILLMAN Talent Acquisition Manager, Vology HR Consultant www.linkedin.com/in/jennifermillman/ [email protected] www.jennifermillman.com 3. A PASSIVE candidate is someone who is not actively seeking a job. 80% of the workforce is passive. An ACTIVE candidate is someone who is actively looking at job boards, applying to jobs, sending out resumes, and networking to land a new job. 4. Why Do I Care About Finding Passive Candidates? 80% of jobs are filled with active candidates But only 20% of the workforce is active! Dont be shy! 80% of working professionals are interested in discussing a new opportunity. 47% with less than one year of tenure are Explorers. 5. Compared to Active Talent, Passive Talent is: More likely to want to make an impact. More likely to want a culture that fits their personality. More likely to want challenging work. Less likely to need skill development. Less likely to need recognition for their contributions. 6. Whats In It For Me? Youre going to make your boss look good. Youre going to make your company look good. Youre going to make your hiring mangers look good. Youre going to bring your organizations talent acquisition function to a whole notha level! Youre going to increase your own value and skillset. YOU are going to look like a SUPERSTAR! 7. ~Lou Adler You cant hire top passive candidates who arent looking using processes designed to hire active candidates who are looking. Finding 100 million passive candidates on LinkedIn is not the same as hiring them. To hire them you need committed and capable hiring managers and recruiters who are trusted partners with their hiring managers and have the skills and time to recruit. 8. LinkedIn Largest pool of professional talent resides in LI (200M). Average number of views per job = 470. 30% of views came from passive candidates. Pfizer hires 40% of its candidates from LI. Accenture plans to hire 40% of their 50,000 hires using LI and Twitter. Referrals make up the majority of the rest. Amazon uses LinkedIn for all non-entry-level jobs. Make the most of LinkedIn by having a solid company page and individual profiles. 9. LinkedIn and YOU! Build & Strengthen your PERSONAL Brand! A strong personal brand will give you more access to the best passive candidates. Strengthening YOUR brand will strengthen your companys Employment Brand. A strong Employment Brand will increase your ability to recruit passives! 10. YOUR LINKEDIN PROFILE A photograph is a MUST!! Consider hiring a professional. Good investment. Profiles without photos are IGNORED. Poor photographs = not good. 11. Linked In Groups 2M+ Groups on Linked In Send messages to any group member Free! Easier to laser-focus search for passives Send invitation to connect to anyone in your groups. Can join 50 groups at a time Join groups relevant to your industry, your job openings, etc. People who engage and post in Group discussions get 400% more profile views. 12. Post Jobs & Discussions in Groups 13. Send Messages to Group Members 14. Follow Companies on LinkedIn Follow Companies Follow Universities Follow News Follow Industries Follow your Competition Employment Market/Industry 15. Searching for and Connecting with Talent on LI Linked In is the most effective tool for finding and communicating with passives. Dont worry about whos not on Linked In. Advanced Searches Company, Keywords, Title, Location, etc. Post jobs in your status updates. Post discussions and jobs in groups. 16. Building & Tracking a Passive Pipeline What is a pipeline? A network of talented professionals (active and/or passive job seekers, pre-screened or not) that you regularly communicate with regarding opportunities within your organization. Pipelines are built before the need arises. Proactive recruiting vs. reactive recruiting. What is the purpose of pipelining? Present a qualified candidate ASAP. Reduce business down-time. Employment Brand. 17. Problems with Pipelining Timing. Once you plant the seed.... Time, energy and effort. Fit. Low ROI. 18. Heres the Good News Your Linked In network IS your pipeline! You should be able to present a qualified, interested, best-fit candidate within 1-2 days. Use the power of referrals through LinkedIN Best-in-Class companies hire 50% referrals. National average is 30% referrals. 19. Do We Have a Solid Pipeline? The next time your boss, CEO, or hiring manager asks, Do we have a solid pipeline? You can say, YES!! Your LinkedIn Network IS your (just-in-time) pipeline! 20. When the Next Req. Comes Across Your Desk Do NOT post and wait! Go directly to your social media pages and post something clever and enticing about the job. Leverage your whole team! Let ALL employees know good employees know good people. Leverage your leadership teams networks. Start searching your Linked In Network and reaching out. 21. BEFORE you Dialogue with Passives, You Must Know The job and why its exceptional. How to strategically partner with your hiring manager/client. How to generate and work a cold list. How to limit your time spent with candidates who are not As. How to conduct an Exploratory Interview Getting the information you want and need. Exciting the candidate at the same time. How to maintain applicant control. 22. Exploratory Interview: Tell me about your current situation and why you may be considering making a change. What is your ideal new situation (dream job)? Now laser-focus your pitch. If theyre on the hook, cover red-flags and basics. Get full compensation history, timing/availability. Ask about non-competes, bonuses pending, etc. Discover concerns and obstacles and begin to remove them. If you realize they arent a fit but they know A-Players, turn it into a networking call and ask for referrals. Maintain applicant control. 23. Passive Candidate Interview Process 1. Present Candidates to HM; note they are passive. Assess them at the same time as selling them. 2. Focus process on Candidate Experience. Put them with important people and other A-players they will want to work with. 3. Constant Communication through process. Before and after each step, check pulse, ask questions, provide feedback, remove obstacles, and always be closing. 4. Keep closing even after they are closed. 5. Ask for referrals. 24. Writing a Compelling Job Posting: Marketing the Job Do NOT use your companys job descriptions as your job postings. Market the opportunity. Use info from recruiting kickoff meeting. Write to attract the right candidate. Title. Doesnt have to be official internal title. Say what it is. Use Title field to market more. Old-school postings are a turn-off to A-Players and do nothing for your brand. 25. Reconnaissance: Learn More and Save Time Resume is only 20% of full picture. Narrow from 100 resumes to 15 before even talking with them. Look at their Linked In profile. Do they have one? Connections? Endorsements? Recommendations? Active? Google, Facebook, Twitter. What do you find? Is it acceptable? Your time is valuable! Make sure its someone you want to talk to before talking to them. 26. Boolean Searching And, OR, But, Not, =, +, With Linked In, YOU NO LONGER NEED TO DO THIS!! YAY TECHNOLOGY! YAY SOCIAL MEDIA! If you want to torture your brain and learn boolean even though you wont need it anymore, check out www.booleanblackbelt.com. 27. It All Starts with YOU! Be ACTIVE on Linked In Post regular updates Comment in groups, pages, and on status updates Join groups, follow companies, universities and news pages. Post PSAs, questions, and comments Post jobs Do all of this FREQUENTLY. Connect! Pay it forward. 28. QUESTIONS? Jennifer Millman Talent Acquisition Manager, Vology HR Consultant www.linkedin.com/in/jennifermillman/ [email protected] www.jennifermillman.com