U.S. History Chapter 13: Industrial Growth in the North Section 4: More Technological Advances

US History Ch 13.4

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U.S. HistoryChapter 13: Industrial Growth in the North

Section 4: More Technological Advances

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Messages by Wire

• 1800: Alessandro Volta built the first battery

Alessandro Volta

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Messages by Wire

• André-Marie Ampère: determined the rules governing the relationship between electricity & magnetism

André-Marie Ampère

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Messages by Wire• Samuel Morse: first

to combine the battery, electromagnetism, the electromagnet and the correct battery configuration into a workable practical telegraph

Samuel Morse

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Messages by Wire

• Telegraph—sends pulses of electrical current through a wire

Telegraph Key

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Messages by Wire

Morse Code Diagram

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Messages by Wire

• 1844: First public test

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Messages by Wire

• First shown to work in the election of 1844

• Sent info for businesses, government, newspapers, private citizens

• Telegraph lines built alongside railroads

• 1861: transcontinental line completed

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New Factories

• Start of Industrial Revolution most factories ran on water power

• Steam-powered factories could be built anywhere

• Northeast home of the nation’s industry

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New Factories

• Factories build closer to cities

• Closer to labor, transportation

• People flock to cities for jobs

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Better Farm Equipment

• John Deere: blacksmith who made a steel-bladed plow

John Deere

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Original John Deere Plow

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Replica of John Deere Plow

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Better Farm Equipment

• Cyrus McCormick: designed a mechanical reaper that cut down what quickly & efficientlyCyrus McCormick

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Better Farm Equipment

• Opened a factory in Chicago using steam-power

• Customer service

• 1830: 20 hrs to cut one acre of wheat; reaper reduced to one hour

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Changing Life at Home

• Elias Howe: invented the sewing machine

Elias Howe

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Changing Life at Home

• Isaac Singer: improved the sewing machine

Isaac Singer

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Changing Life at Home• Other improvements:

– Iceboxes

– Iron cookstove

– Mass production of old items

– Public water systems & indoor plumbing

– Matches

– Safety pin