Unit 4 (Production Planning)

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UNIT 4:Planning and Production

Page 2: Unit 4 (Production Planning)

Name: Phelele Mmbo

Production Title:

Beyoncé – Bow Down ‘I’ve Been On’ (Music Video)

Submission of Production:

Monday 24th June

Length of production:

The length of my production will be the length of the song (3:35)

Crew names:

Phele Mmbo

Rayanna ‘Rose’ Robinson

Sarah Ntahira

Actors names:

Misharlie Valentino

Christina Nadin

Rayanna ‘Rose’ Robinson

Production roles for crew

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Name Role

Phele Mmbo

Rayanna Rose Robinson

Sarah Ntahira

Director, Producer, Production Manager, editor,

In charge of Continuity



Crew responsibility Deadline for completion

Sarah Ntahira (Camera Work)

Phele Mmbo (final and draft cut)

17th June 2013

24th June 2013

Agreed content

The content of this project consist of, a music video to the song ‘Bow Down’ by international superstar ‘Beyoncé’, This music video is a contrast to the original idea of what the song was promoted to be, instead of the serious and literally taken lyrics, I would make a lighter hearted and cool music video for the younger teenage audience. During the video there will be scenes of three girls wondering around different locations in London city, and misguidedly acting like they own it, dancing around and causing mayhem

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Final Proposal / detailed outline of production

My chosen final project is a music video,

For this music video I have chosen the song ‘Bow Down’ by Beyoncé Knowles as this song intrigues me, due to the fact that it’s so different to her other songs as the lyrics are aggressive and fairly vulgar. I would like to create a music video that supports this trend, I feel that the song is taken far too seriously in the media, and I would like to create a music video that is more light, fun and unique. I would want this music video have hip hop themes like graffiti, wild dance moves, eccentric, over-the-top outfits and colourful scenery. I would want this music video to be quirky, fun and fast pace.

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Team meetings, meetings with actors and crew

Date Location Attendees outcome



High Wycombe


Phele MmboRayanna RobinsonSarah Ntahira

Phele MmboRayanna RobinsonSarah NtahiraChristina Nadin

Talking about who will have which role and responsibility, and discussing and going over the idea and plan for the music video

Learning all the choreography/dance routines, figuring out and fitting outfits.

Equipment required

Equipment Date needed



Sunshade Reflector

Premier Pro

Editing Suit (Bucks New University)






Locations used

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Locations Date To film

London, Buckingham Palace

London, London Bridge

London, Brick Lane

Sunday 16th June 2013

Monday 17th June 2013

Filming the scene were my actress is dancing outside the Buckingham Palace

Filming the scene where my actress is walking along the London bridge

Filming the dance scene with the full choreography behind graffiti wall

Contingency / back up plans

All of my filming is done outdoors, the main problem I might be faced with is bad weather (rain), as this will be an uncontrollable factor, the only other option I have is too persist with the filming and incorporate the rain within parts of my music video, I will set up back up locations such as tunnel alleyways with graffiti (for shots I would originally shoot in brick lane), for graffiti.

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Programme Title: Beyoncé- Bow down ‘I’ve Been On’ (Music Video)

Client: Vibe Production

Writer: Phele Mmbo

Producer: Phele Mmbo

Director: Phele Mmbo

Date: 04/06/13

Major Issues:

During the filming process of my production I am not facing any major issues, Me and my actors however face minor dangerous such as tripping or slipping on the floor, as the filming location is outside, we do face the risk of being hit by cars or passing individuals, and filming equipment being damaged.


Make sure some is consistently responsible for looking after equipment, and if it’s raining make sure equipment is protected and covered. Also being aware and avoiding filming anywhere near the street


Phele Mmbo – 07--------------

Sarah Ntahira – 07-------------

Rayanna Robinson – 07------------

Emergency Services/Contact:

Police, Fire and ambulance- 999

London city hospital services - 020 7601 2222

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Risk assessment

Managing the pre-production roles

The pre-production of this project is a key factor to the success of the filming process, as the pre-production materials such as the storyboard and location list, allowed me to figure out exactly what I need and where I need to be, which is extremely helpful when filming in a city as big and as busy as London. I conducted all the pre-production and research myself including the storyboards, shooting scripts and location list etc.

Managing the production phase

Filming in London and managing a team of 4 people could have been stressful and time consuming but due to a lot of preparation (we had two group meetings where we discussed exactly what we are going to do over the two day filming course, what we’re going to film and where), managing the group was very easy and fun, as a group we worked well as a team and as the floor manager I tried to give clear and concise direction for my team and my actors who worked very professionally.

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Post production phase

I had a very successful production stage in which I was able to get a lot of good footage, which made the editing process a lot easier. Having too much good footage to choose from was a great issue for me to have; I had more than enough scenes and camera angles to fit into three and a half minutes. The only issue I came across during the editing process was synchronizing the audio with the footage I had, this was time consuming but achievable as I made sure my actors new the lyrics to the song well and where singing in time with the song, during the filming process.

Detail how you solved problems

Before We started filming we had an issue in which one of our team members got lost and was one hour late to the shoot, but rather than wait and kill time, we decided to take extra footage of the other actors without her, and when she arrived we proceeded with the filming as planned

We also encountered an issue, where one of our tapes refused to work properly, but I had prepared for this situation by having extra money to buy more film tape for a camera store nearby.

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Prioritising (How and what did you prioritise during your producing)

During the filming processed we prioritised two major factors Getting shots of the actors singing the song Getting as many different camera shots and angles as possible Getting full body shots of the choreography

All these priorities were focused on because they would make the editing process a lot easier (as having a lot of shots to choose from is better than having too little) and the finished product as professional and interesting as possible


I didn’t make any major modifications when during the production of this music video. The only modifications I made during post production was the opening title, I originally wanted my music video to open with a title screen of the song name and artist and a definition of the song meaning, but this seemed far too clique and over used, and just didn’t fit in with the rest of the video.

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Title screen of the artist Close up shot of actress #1 shoe’s (shot taken from the side

1 9 sec 2 6 sec

3 4 sec

Close up of actress #2 hands sliding through barriers (shot taken from behind actress

4 7sec

Medium (tracking) shot of actress walking along alley-way

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5 4 sec

Long shot of actress #1 walking away from camera

6 4 sec

Title screen ‘title of song’

6 16 sec

Medium (tracking) shot of actress walking along alley-way

7 7sec

Medium-shot of (panning across billboard

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8 37 sec

Slow rotating shot of actress 1 and 2 (panning shot, at mid shot level)

Shot #6 repeated

9 11 sec

10 21 sec

Long shot (tracking shot of both actresses walking along the road)

13 12 sec

Extreme long shot (actress one dancing from a distance)

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Shot #6 repeated

14 39 sec

Shot #6 repeated

15 42 sec

16 12 sec

Long-shot (rotating panning shot and zoom)

17 3 sec

Close up shot (still camera movement)

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Long shot (rotating camera shot)

18 11 sec

Shot #6 repeated

19 13 sec

Long shot (camera slowing zooming further away)

Mid shot (worms eye view), camera tilt

22 11 sec20 18 sec

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Ext. Graffiti Tunnel

The Intro

In a slightly dark, wet big spacious tunnel covered in colourful graffiti, mysterious and faceless women walk among it in a slow, yet extremely fierce fashion, in this tension building opening sequence, the walk is filmed in many different shots (close-ups and long shots), the actresses faces are not shown in this entire opening sequence.

Graffiti Wall

This scene is filmed in a location full of graffiti. The actress playing Beyoncé is raping and sings towards the camera, as two back-up dances dance in the same position behind her. This shot is in certain areas throughout the music video

Causing Royal Mayhem in London

This is a tracking shot of both actresses walking down Embankment, London, doing a lot of different dance routines, interacting with people and just generally messing around.

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