Twitter Made Simple Generate bookings, raise your profile & develop relationships

Twitter made simple

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Twitter Made SimpleGenerate bookings, raise your profile & develop relationships

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What is Social Media?

Social media is simply a form of communicating with others online






An audience

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Mindset: Create (microblogging)

Demographic: 18-45

Ideal for: service industry, small business, news

Biggest Opportunity: customer service, consumer insight, sales and marketing

Biggest Challenge: platform limitations

Metrics: followers, @replies, retweets, direct messages, custom hashtags

Helpful tools: Twittelator, Seesmic, Tweetdeck, Twitalyzer

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Its All Gobbledegook To Me!

Twitter has its own simple ‘language’

There is a Twitter etiquette

There’s a little bit of Twitter terminology to learn

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Twitter Basics

You need to generate followers to get your message out

Be choosy and make the majority of your follows people whom you’d like to follow you back

Keep checking who is following you so that if you are interested in them – you can follow them too.

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Twitter Basics

You have two types of friends on Twitter:

People you Follow (because you’re interested in what they have to say)

And Followers (who are interested in what YOU have to say)

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You can only tweet 140 characters at a time which often makes it necessary to shorten links and urls: Try tiny.url and bit.ly

Opening a bit.ly account lets you monitor your links. Let lets you test and improve constantly. The aim of the game is clicks.

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You can mention someone else or have a conversation with another user by using @ before their twittername. This allows them to see you have mentioned them and respond

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If you see a tweet that you like and want to share with your followers you can Retweet (RT) the message.

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Hashtags are the most widely misunderstood tool within twitter. A hashtag lets people find conversations on topics that interest them. Good examples are #obem #TDF2014

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Be polite. If somebody gives you a mention or retweets your tweet, thank them publicly. Also look out for when you can return the favour

Interact with others and engage

Share good news

Comment on other peoples good news

Share your thoughts & express your views

Tell someone if they have done a great job

Be helpful and offer tips and advice

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Don’t tell lies, social media is transparent

Don’t use a robot or autosend messages – its the quickest way to lose followers

Make sure your tweets aren’t just sales messages

Never let somebody else run your account unless you trust them implicitly

Don’t assume that because you’ve received a lead through twitter that you should respond to them through Twitter.......social media will never replace real conversation!!

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Be Prepared

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Be Interesting

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It Works!