Trust Signals

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Best of #PRprochat

Carrie Morgan, author, chat moderator

TRUST SIGNALSBuilding Trust & Reputation

on Social Media

Page 2: Trust Signals

TRUST SIGNALS - Building Trust & Reputation on Social Media

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

What are trust signals? #PRprochat

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

Page 3: Trust Signals

TRUST SIGNALS - Building Trust & Reputation on Social Media

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

We’re becoming more sophisticated - trust signals guide us along our online journeys, showing who is trustworthy. #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

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Page 4: Trust Signals

TRUST SIGNALS - Building Trust & Reputation on Social Media

Tressa Robbins@tressalynne

Recommendations from friends is a strong trust signal for me. #PRprochat

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

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TRUST SIGNALS - Building Trust & Reputation on Social Media


Trust signals clue you in to someone’s authority and influence. Simply put: does this person know what they’re talking about? #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

Page 6: Trust Signals

TRUST SIGNALS - Building Trust & Reputation on Social Media

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

Who deserves our time? Our readership? Our loyalty? Those putting out positive trust signals. #PRprochat

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

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TRUST SIGNALS - Building Trust & Reputation on Social Media

Martin Waxman@martinwaxman

A big trust signal is whether or not a person or org does what they say they'll do. You know that fast #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

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TRUST SIGNALS - Building Trust & Reputation on Social Media

Melissa Laramie@MelissaJLaramie

Trust signals are social proof - real people, real stories, videos, photos #PRprochat

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

Page 9: Trust Signals

TRUST SIGNALS - Building Trust & Reputation on Social Media

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

How does social media impact trust? #PRprochat

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

Page 10: Trust Signals

TRUST SIGNALS - Building Trust & Reputation on Social Media

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

Social media OWNS trust signals. Our own, plus created by those engaging with us. #PRprochat

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

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TRUST SIGNALS - Building Trust & Reputation on Social Media

Melissa Laramie@MelissaJLaramie

Social media is a must for trust: be on it, be consistent, be authentic and it must be a two-way conversation #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

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TRUST SIGNALS - Building Trust & Reputation on Social Media

Martin Waxman@martinwaxman

Social media speeds up the pace but trust (and relationships) still take time. #PRprochat

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

Page 13: Trust Signals

TRUST SIGNALS - Building Trust & Reputation on Social Media

James Rubec@JamesRRubec

Being available immediately, being real and responsive speaks volumes to your character. #PRprochat

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

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TRUST SIGNALS - Building Trust & Reputation on Social Media


Social also means mixing online with offline media, so think about who your audience is and where they’re discovering you #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

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TRUST SIGNALS - Building Trust & Reputation on Social Media

Social Fly@socflyny

As an extension of the brand, #social must maintain credibility and consistency while adjusting to tone of channel. #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

Page 16: Trust Signals

TRUST SIGNALS - Building Trust & Reputation on Social Media

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

How can we build/influence the trust signals we send on social media? #PRprochat

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

Page 17: Trust Signals

TRUST SIGNALS - Building Trust & Reputation on Social Media

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

Do we make sure clients understand the importance of RESPONDING on social media? #PRprochat

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

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TRUST SIGNALS - Building Trust & Reputation on Social Media

Bonnie Riechert@BonnieRiechert

We build/influence our trust images through social media by consistency, availability #PRprochat

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

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TRUST SIGNALS - Building Trust & Reputation on Social Media

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

Engagement creates trust signals, original opinions/ideas do, too. #PRprochat

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

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TRUST SIGNALS - Building Trust & Reputation on Social Media

Social Fly@socflyny

Mistrust also arises when #social footprint doesn't match actions of senior leadership. Scandals, public statements, etc. #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

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TRUST SIGNALS - Building Trust & Reputation on Social Media

Melissa Laramie@MelissaJLaramie

Build trust on #socialmedia through good content aligned with your mission, being responsive, transparent & consistent #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

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TRUST SIGNALS - Building Trust & Reputation on Social Media

Dane Dellenbach@BBDaneDell

Can build trust on #SM by being open and transparent. Respond to questions & tell your story. Tell them why you do what you do! #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

Page 23: Trust Signals

TRUST SIGNALS - Building Trust & Reputation on Social Media

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

What social media actions send out NEGATIVE trust signals? #PRprochat

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

Page 24: Trust Signals

TRUST SIGNALS - Building Trust & Reputation on Social Media

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

Why in the HELL would you want to send out a "we don't care about you" vibe? But companies, brands do it? It's craziness!! #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

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TRUST SIGNALS - Building Trust & Reputation on Social Media

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

Not responding or engaging are negative trust signals. Not handling customer service = bad! #PRprochat

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

Page 26: Trust Signals

TRUST SIGNALS - Building Trust & Reputation on Social Media

James Rubec@JamesRRubec

Robot speak is terrible. Having multiple accounts parroting awful ugly Corpo statements. #PRprochat

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

Page 27: Trust Signals

TRUST SIGNALS - Building Trust & Reputation on Social Media

Bonnie Riechert@BonnieRiechert

Social media actions that send out negative trust signals include posts that are insensitive, offensive #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

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TRUST SIGNALS - Building Trust & Reputation on Social Media

Dane Dellenbach@BBDaneDell

Being defensive and justifying actions are negative. Either apologize or stand by your opinion, tell others who you are. #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

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TRUST SIGNALS - Building Trust & Reputation on Social Media

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

Lack of brand clarity hurts trust, too. If you don’t know, why should we? #PRprochat

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

Page 30: Trust Signals

TRUST SIGNALS - Building Trust & Reputation on Social Media

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

How do trust signals impact reputation? #PRprochat

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

Page 31: Trust Signals

TRUST SIGNALS - Building Trust & Reputation on Social Media

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

Trust and reputation are kissing cousins. They thrive on each other’s success (or lack thereof). #PRprochat

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

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TRUST SIGNALS - Building Trust & Reputation on Social Media

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

I believe you can build trust without having a reputation (yet), but you can't have a reputation without trust supporting it. #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

Page 33: Trust Signals

TRUST SIGNALS - Building Trust & Reputation on Social Media

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

Expertise, confidence and speaking up creates trust, grows reputation. Social media is IDEAL culturing place for growth. #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

Page 34: Trust Signals

TRUST SIGNALS - Building Trust & Reputation on Social Media

Martin Waxman@martinwaxman

Trust signals, like honesty, openness, helpfulness, admitting you're wrong open the door to trust. #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

Page 35: Trust Signals

TRUST SIGNALS - Building Trust & Reputation on Social Media

Dane Dellenbach@BBDaneDell

If you can't identify ways to build trust your reputation is a facade, be weary and look for ways to gain foundational followers #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

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TRUST SIGNALS - Building Trust & Reputation on Social Media

SoCali Donna@SoCaliGal

#SocialMedia Sloppiness hurts client trust. Our goals, intentions, brand clarity and planning — plus client needs — must rule. #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

Page 37: Trust Signals

a Twitter chat for PR pros


Carrie Morgan, author, chat moderator

First Thursdays @ 3pm EST