TripShow.com - New Chinese Travel Website

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As China's newest travel website, Tripshow.com serves the new and socially engaged Chinese tourists. With Tripshow.com, travel brands have the ability to engage visually with Chinese travelers to build brand awareness, while travelers can engage with brands to get inspired about destinations and experiences and plan their trips. - Inspirational Trip Planning Tool - Engagement & Communication Platform - Online Campaigns & Contests - Social CRM & Consumer Insights - Call to action integration - SinaWeibo Visual Marketing Application - Compatible with PC, Mac & Mobile Devices - Social & Inspirational - Viral marketing platform www. DragonTrail.com / www.TripShow.com / www.ChinaTravelTrends.com

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What  is  Tripshow.com  

As  China's  newest  travel  website,  Tripshow.com  serves  the  new  and  socially  engaged  Chinese  tourists.  With  Tripshow.com,  travel  brands  have   the   ability   to   engage   visually   with   Chinese   travelers   to   build  brand   awareness,   while   travelers   can   engage   with   brands   to   get  inspired  about  des=na=ons  and  experiences  and  plan  their  trips.  

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The new and sophisticated

Chinese Tourists want to get inspired by

destinations, and share their

experiences via social media.

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Source:  Digital  Influence  Index  2010  –  Fleichman  Hillard  &  Harris  InteracCve    

Sina  Weibo:      

Most  acCve  social  media  plaGorm  in  China  (2nd  globally  aKer  Facebook).    27  million  (9%)  of  the  320  million  users  checking  in  every  day,  and  more  than  100  million  posts  

every  24  hours.  (Sept.  2012)  

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Tripshow.com helps brands aggregate inspiring images captured by Chinese travelers on social media (Sina Weio) to visually market a brand, and identify their most valuable fans.   It is a visual marketing platform and social media application for travel organizations looking to market to Chinese consumers. It helps them to automatically aggregate beautiful and relevant pictures from various social media platforms, organize by theme or itinerary, and display with rich media to inspire travelers. It is also a perfect platform for organizations to identify their most active followers, manage social CRM and run digital campaigns.

Imagine… a Chinese consumer

visits your hotel or destination, takes a

photo, and posts it on his or her Chinese

social media profile to share the experience.

Unfortunately you would never know!

Lost Opportunity!


aggregates the visual content posted by

travelers on Weibo.com to inspire

future Chinese travelers.

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China  Travel  Social  Media  PlaGorm:  Tripshow.com  

•  Inspirational Trip Planning Tool

•  Engagement & Communication Platform

• Online Campaigns & Contests

•  Social CRM & Consumer Insights

•  Call to action integration

•  SinaWeibo Visual Marketing Application

•  Compatible with PC, Mac & Mobile Devices

•  Social & Inspirational

•  Viral marketing platform

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Weibo  Users  

Des=na=on  Profile  

Des=na=on  Web  Site  

User  Pictures  

Aggregated  Pictures    (from  users  &  professionals)  

Content  Management  (Albums  &  I=neraries)  

User  Engagement  

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Tripshow  –  Showcases  the  Photos  and  Videos    •   Integrates  social  Media  content  into  one  place      •   Showcases  des=na=on’s  photos,  user’s  comment  ,  i=neraries  •   Showcases  user’s  preference  and  informa=on  


Businesses  –  Collect  Content  &    Use  for  MarkeCng  AcCviCes    •   Create  a  company  album  •   Customize  the  display  of  photos  and  content  which  is  automa=cally  generated  by  the  users  •   Par=cipate  in  the  user’s  conversa=on  and  hos=ng  reward  campaigns  to  the  content  contributors  

Sina  Weibo  Users  –  Share,  contribute    content      •   Seeking  about  the  trip  •   Sharing    travel  experience  through  weibo  and  other  media  with  thousands  of  travel  lovers  •   Making  comments  about  other’s    trip  •   Winning  rewards  from  the  company     CommunicaCng  and  Engaging,  

building  long  term  relaConships  

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Tripshow.com  for  Travel  Businesses    Social  Media  content  CuraCon  •  A  plaQorm  that  aggregate  pictures,  content  and  feedback  from  various  social  

media  websites  and  organizes  them  by  themes  or  i=neraries  to  inspire  travelers    

Social  CRM  CombinaCon    •  Brand’s  fans  are  mo=vated  to  contribute  content.  On  the  other  side,  

companies  can  manage    the  rela=onship    with  the  current/poten=al  customers  via  conversa=on  and  campaigns  

Engagement  &  CommunicaCon  plaGorm  •  Communicate  with  followers,  recognize  fans  with  the  most    contribu=ons  with  

badges  and  incen=ves,  and  engage  with  past  guests  and  visitors  

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Note: TripShow.com is only in Chinese language – English translation for illustration purposes by Google Translate.

Brands can develop albums based on business line, interest, and partners.

Photos or videos will give more information and can link to a call-to-action.

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Note: TripShow.com is only in Chinese language – English translation for illustration purposes by Google Translate.

•  Brands can create a call-to-action by creating itineraries, promotions, packages, and offers

•  Integration of booking and trip planning

•  Integration of itineraries or packages – build by companies, and contributed by consumers

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Note: TripShow.com is only in Chinese language – English translation for illustration purposes by Google Translate.

Chinese consumers can “wear” brands badges, while organizations can give out premium badges for consumers to show their brand affiliation. It is a great way for companies to connect with Chinese consumers, run campaigns, and engage in Social CRM. Companies can connect and rank active consumers by various attributes.

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Social CRM: Ranking of Fans based on Activity, Influence, and Interest.

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Powerful  TesCmonial  to  influence  consumer  decision  making  


User’s  posi=ve  feedback  is  a  big  asset  for  the  company,  providing  another  perspec=ve  of  informa=on  to  the  company.  

“Going  through  mountains  and  mountains…  That’s  the  fun  part  of  cycling”  

“Can  I  keep  cycling?”  

“As  for  the  cycling  lovers,  steep  mountains  and  liYle  tracks  is  the  adventure  playground.  In  Banff,  you  won't  experience  a  lack  of  this  ac=vity.  There’s  not  only  exci=ng  tracks  but  also  the  breathtaking  scenery  @  Tripshow  “  

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Number  of  photos  uploaded  

Number  of  photos  the  user  has  uploaded  to  your  company  

User’s  I=neraries  

Past  Posts   Places  Wish  List  Visited  Places  

Insight:  Data  shows  the  preference  of  the  user  

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Engage  directly  with  users  who  have  been  to  your  desCnaCon    or  have  a  real  urge  to  go  

•  Provides  a  plaQorm  for  the  company  to  par=cipate  and  influence  the  conversa=on  

•  Special  campaign  can  be  launched  to  reward  fans  and  ac=ve  content  producers  

•  Create  loyal  and  long  term  rela=onships    Understand  the  preferences  of  users  to  be_er  target  your  market  •  Social  media  repor=ng  –  see  who  your  fans  are  and  what  they  are  

interested  in  (i.e.  spa,  restaurant,  ac=vi=es,  etc.)  •  Find  out  who  is  spreading  the  posts  and  who  is  the  customer  with  the  

most  profitable  poten=al  •  Track  the  loyal  fans  across  a  =meline  

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•  Acts as Travel Social Network for consumers •  Organizes photos posted on social media in albums •  Personal Homepage to connect with friends, and share photos •  Store trip plans and itineraries •  Show off badges collected from brands (similar to Foursquare badge)

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Tripshow.com  has  beauCful  photos  I  can  get  inspired  by  beauCful  photos  that  other  users  have  taken  

Food   Local  scene   Hidden  scene  

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Tripshow.com  helps  with  trip  planning  

Mei’s  18  days  in  Canada  

Details  explana=on  about  the  places  Mei  went  in  Canada  

I  can  plan  my  trip  by  checking  photos  and  i=neraries  of  other  travelers  

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Tripshow.com  connects  to  various  social  media    During  my  trip,  I  can  upload  my  pictures  to  tripshow.com  by  using  my  Sina  Weibo  account  

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Funny  pose  but  must  have  an  awesome  view!        I  would  buy  shares  if  I  wanted  to  go  downwards      

MrWan’sBungy  jump,  Canada  

I  can’t  lie,  I  would  get  a  heart  aYack  if  I  jump  

Tripshow.com  showcases  pictures    I  can  show  my  trip  to  people  who  are  also  interested  in  the  same  des=na=on  

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Tripshow.com  has  contests  I  can  collect  badges  and  get  special  offers  from  different  travel  companies  

 Become  a  Canada  tourism  VIP  and  enjoying  the  privileges      

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Sina  Weibo  Profile  

TripShow  Contest  

Fans  on  TripShow  

Banyan  Tree  Shanghai    Opening  Campaign  

Preliminary  Result:  150,000  Fans  in  10  days  

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TripShow.com Gold Level Offers the ability to develop a separate branded site powered by the open TripShow API, as well as a fully customized brand page on Tripshow.com with custom URL, which can function as a Chinese website alternative.

The  Shangri-­‐La  example  on  the  leK  is  not  a  TripShow  API  site,  and  serves  for  illustraCon  purposes  only.  

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Tripshow.com  Homepage  

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User  Login  

On  Tripshow.com,    users  click  on  the  Weibo  buYon  

And  enter  their  Weibo    account  informa=on  to  access  their  own  Tripshow.com  account  

(similar  to  Facebook  Connect)  

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User  Homepage  

From  his  homepage,  the  user  can  access:  

-­‐  His  Photos  

-­‐  His  Photo  Albums  

-­‐  His  I=neraries  

-­‐  What  he  has  posted  

-­‐  Updates  

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User  InteracCons  

Users  have  the  op=on  to  add  content  on  Tripshow.com  (via  Sina  Weibo)  

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Post  @tripshow  

Post  Photos  

Organize  Photos  in  Albums  

Create  own  I=neraries  

Day  1  

Day  2  

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Brand  Pages  

Users  can  access  Brands  pages    from  Tripshow.com  homepage  

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Brand  Homepage  

Brand’s  sta=s=cs  

Naviga=on  through  the  brand’s  page  

Fans  recently  rewarded  

Brand’s  Photo  Albums  

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NavigaCon  Through  Brand’s  Page  

With  great  ease,    users  can  access  the  brand’s:  -­‐  Photos  -­‐  Albums  -­‐  I=neraries  -­‐  Ac=ve  Users  

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Brand’s  Photos  

Users  can  comment  and  like  photos  

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Brand’s  Most  AcCve  Fans  

Showcase  of  the  most  ac=ve  and  most  rewarded  fans  of  the  brand  

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Search  &  Digital  MarkeCng  

Sina  Weibo  Profiles  

Social  Media  MarkeCng  

TripShow  Clients  

Li_le  markeCng  spend  required  to  drive  traffic  due  to  Weibo  integraCon    

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Li_le  MarkeCng  Spend    Great  Revenue  PotenCal  

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Plan  1—Bronze  RMB  5,000/year  Aggregate  content  (photos  with  text)  from  client’s  social  media  profile  onto  Tripshow  automa=cally.  Aggregate  relevant  content  contributed  by  social  media  users.  Brand  presence  on  Tripshow      Plan  2—Silver  RMB  50,000/year  Bronze  benefits,  plus:  Organize  photos  into  different  categories  based  on  themes,  des=na=ons,  etc  Aggregate  i=neraries  and  display  them  inspira=onally  on  Tripshow  Engage  users  with  incen=ves  and  increase  loyalty  Manage  basic  social  CRM  with  tools  of  tag  and  badge  3  custom  made  brand  badge  Personalized  URL      Plan  3—Gold  RMB  200,000/year  Silver  benefits,  plus:  Run  mini-­‐site  campaign    Enhanced  social  CRM  Mul=ple  custom  made  badges  Personalized  brand  page  Personalized  URL  Open  API    Data  and  stats  analysis  Repor=ng    

Management  on  Tripshow.com  is  not  included  in  the  packages  below,  but  is  included  in  Dragon  Trail’s  Social  Media  Management  Packages,  or  can  be  added  by  subscribing  to  Weibo  Management  at  RMB  15,000/month.  Companies  being  on  Tripshow  are  required  to  have  a  Sina  Weibo  profile.  Dragon  Trail  is  happy  to  assist  in  semng  up  an  account,  and  complete  the  necessary  procedures.    PLEASE  CONTACT  US  FOR  OUR  SPECIAL  LAUNCH  OFFER  FOR  QUALIFIED  ORGANIZATIONS  

Tripshow  Campaigns:  -­‐  Star=ng  at  RMB  100,000  

(based  on  scope)  

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The  Only  End-­‐to-­‐End  100%  Travel-­‐Focused    China  Digital  &  Social  Media  SoluCon:

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Select  Digital  MarkeCng  Clients  

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Advanced  Technology    SoluCons  

 •   Chinatravelbuzz.com  

•   Tripshow.com  •   Social  Media        Applica=ons  

Localized  Web  Presence  

 •   Chinese  web  site          Development  •   SEO/SEM  

•   Email  Marke=ng  

Social  Media  Management  

 •   Social  media  program  

     management  •   Social  media  campaign  

     development  &          execu=on  

Integrated  Digital  Campaigns  

 •   Media  Management

•   Campaign  Management •   Media  Ac=vity

Dragon  Trail  InteracCve  

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Overview  –  Content  is  re-­‐wriYen;  no  straight  transla=on  (adding  of  important  content  areas  not  part  of  the  English  website,  i.e.  Chinese  Restaurants,  etc.)  

–  Website  is  designed  for  Chinese  consumers  

–  Chinese  website  has  more  relevant  branding    

–  Chinese  site  is  hosted  in  China  –  Content  is  op=mized  for  Chinese  Search  Engines  

–  Incorporates  travel  suppliers  

Chinese  Website  2.0  -­‐  True  LocalizaCon  

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Chinese  Social  Apps  -­‐  True  Engagement  

Weibo  Rewards   Weibo  Loyalty  Weibo  Pages   Weibo  Concierge  Weibo  Booking  

With  Facebook  and  TwiYer  blocked  in  China,  Sina  Weibo  is  the  most  engaging  and  ac=ve  social  media  plaQorm  in  China.  While  many  companies  have  developed  social  apps  on  Facebook,  Dragon  Trail  Interac=ve  is  the  first  company  that  offers  a  suite  of  social  apps  exclusively  developed  for  the  travel  and  tourism  industry  on  Weibo.com.  

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1.   Weibo  Pages  

Overview  •  Showcase  products,  services  and  partners    •  HTML  FIVE,  and  mobile  friendly  design  •  Pre-­‐built  templates  for  various  travel  organiza=ons  –  

including  des=na=ons,  hotels,  tour  operators,  etc.  

 Client  Benefits  •  Enhance  brand  presence  on  Weibo  with  customized  

content  modules  and  call  to  ac=on  •  Content  modules  includes  banner,  video,  weibo  feeds,  

followers,  etc.  ;  call  to  ac=on  includes  re-­‐tweet,  sharing,  follow,  etc.    


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2.   Weibo  Concierge  

Overview  •  Extend  travel  concierge  service  to  weibo  plaQorm.  •  Enable  travel  organiza=ons  to  provide  trip  care.  •  Push  message  to    users  based  on  loca=on,  travel  

plan,  preference,  etc.    Client  Benefits  •  Service  quality  monitoring  •  Analy=cs  of  service  performance,  traffic,  amount  

of    work,  etc.  •  Analy=cs  of  fans  demographics,  social  data,  etc.  •  Provide  customers  with  high  service  levels,  

preferen=al  rates  

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3.   Weibo  Loyalty

Overview  •  Showcase  details  of  the  loyalty  program  and  benefits  for  members.  •  Incen=ves  can  be  built  into  the  APP,  choose  to  top-­‐up  (or  reduce)  the  loyalty  

points  count  for  any  par=cular  corporate  agent  at  any  =me.  •  Easy  to  sign  in  and  users  can  share  the  informa=on  aqer  each  booking  

Client  Benefits  •  Member  data  collec=on,  including  email  address  and    social  data  such  as  social  

influence,  followers,  etc.  •  Drive  membership  development  •  Provide  customers  with  high  service  levels,  preferen=al  rates

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4.   Weibo  Rewards  

Overview  •  Set  your  own  incen=ve-­‐based  campaigns  to  promote  the  brand  

–  Customized  rewards  (member  cards,  free-­‐night  vouchers,  etc.  )  –  Decide  how  many  loyalty  points  are  needed  to  redeem  rewards  

•  Monitor  campaign  performance  and  track  results.  •  Customized  call  to  ac=on,  including  sign-­‐up,  survey,  re-­‐tweet,  etc.  •  Fraud  detec=on  and  preven=on.  

Client  Benefits  •  Offer  higher  service  levels,  reward  loyalty    •  Build  repeat  business

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5.   Weibo  Booking

Overview  •  Showcase  products  and  services  (digital  shop)  with  customize  design  •  Photo  galleries  of  the  property  and  promo=on    •  Automa=c  Promo  Codes  so  your  Fans  can  get  special  prices  •  Private  and  secure;  with  mul=currency  and  mul=lingual  capability  

Client  Benefits  •  Bring  convenience  and  interac=ve  customer  support  of    the  booking  process  to  

Weibo  users  •  Boost  revenue:  Turn  the  purchase  inten=on  into  sales  at  the  moment  when  users  are  

inspired  in  Weibo  •  Social  CRM:  Increase  engagement  with  users  before  and  aqer  travel    •  Analysis  of  fans  demographics,  social  data,  etc

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Brands can now increase engagement on Sina Weibo (the most active social media platform in China, and the second most engaged social network in the world just behind Facebook) by developing Social Apps on Weibo.com. Dragon Trail was the first agency that developed social apps for travel companies.

Left is an example from Begium-Flanders Tourist Office (weibo.com/visitflanders) with 26,000 fans. Below is the Sina Weibo profile of the Canadian Tourism Commission (weibo.com/canadatravel) with 170,000 fans. (September 27, 2012).

Belgium-Flanders Tourist Office (above) does not have a social app (similar to a page on Facebook). Canadian Tourism Commission (right) has a social app and, which is pretty much like a mini-site on Weibo.com. Canada has the opportunity to run campaigns, promote itineraries, collaborate with partners and industry stakeholders, and integrate loyalty and booking. Weibo Apps are the perfect compliment to TripShow.com to execute a powerful China social media strategy for travel brands.

Weibo  Apps  


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Social  Media    2.0  –  Profile  →  Campaigns  

Drive  •  Brand  awareness  •  Call  to  Ac=on  

Constant  Engagement  

•  Encourage    travelers  to  contribute    •  And  learn  more  

Drive  Traffic   •  To  Chinese  website  from  mul=ple  media  channels  

Generate  Loyalty  

•  Convert  regular  travelers  to  loyal  fans  

CRM  •  Capture  valuable  traveler  data  

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Weibo  Campaign  Landing  Page  


Canadian    Tourism  Comm.    Case  Study  

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Weibo  Pages  



Canadian    Tourism  Comm.    Case  Study  

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Campaign  MicroSite  


Canadian    Tourism  Comm.    Case  Study  

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(Top  &  Bo_om)  Links  to  Corporate  Website  to  Drive  Traffic  

Canadian    Tourism  Comm.    Case  Study  

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Virtual  Game  

-­‐  Contest  

Canadian    Tourism  Comm.    Case  Study  

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Keep  Exploring  



Canadian    Tourism  Comm.    Case  Study  

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Tripshow.com  Visual,  Social  Media  MarkeCng  ApplicaCon  →  China’s  Pinterest  for  travel:      

–  Leverage  inspiring  images  via  social  media  to  market  brand,  and  iden=fy  most  valuable  fans.    

–  Fresh  Web  Content  -­‐  automa=cally  aggregate  beau=ful  and  relevant  pictures  from  various  social  media  plaQorms    

–  Engage  /Educate  Fans  -­‐  organize  photos  by  theme,  i=neraries,  and  display  with  rich  media  to  inspire    

–  Campaign  PlaGorm  -­‐  Iden=fy  most  ac=ve  followers,  manage  social  CRM  and  run  digital  campaign.    


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China  Social  Management  PlaGorm:  Chinatravelbuzz.com  

A  tool  for  travel  companies  to  manage  their  social  media  presence  in  China  more  effec=vely.    Core  Func4onality:  

•   Manage  mul=ple  social  media  profiles  with  the  same  user  log  in  

•   Allow  mul=ple  users  to  manage  the  same  social  media  account,  with  ac=on  tracking  

•   Scheduled  posts  &  workflow  management  

•   Social  CRM  &  VIF  

•   Compe==ve  intelligence  

•   Travel  company  social  media    directory  

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www.chinatraveltrends.com            |            www.chinatraveltrendsbook.com    

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Get  insights  &  trends:    

www.DragonTrail.com  www.ChinaTravelTrends.com  

Twi_er:  @CnTravelTrends  /  @DragonTrail  Join  our  Community:  

www.Community.ChinaTravelTrends.com  PresentaCons:    www.slideshare.net/dragontrail  

Contact  me:    

LinkedIn:  Thraenhart  Twi_er:  @JensThraenhart  Facebook:  JensThraenhart  

E-­‐Mail:  [email protected]  

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