Hospitality Trends Jay Naatz Kassidy Lemminger Baillye Durkin Hospitality Marketing and Sales 001

Trends powerpoint

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Social Seating and how it is affecting the Hospitality Industry

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Page 1: Trends powerpoint

Hospitality Trends

Jay NaatzKassidy LemmingerBaillye Durkin

Hospitality Marketing and Sales 001

Page 2: Trends powerpoint

Outline of Seat ID

• Historical overview• Reported Impacts• Reach and Scope

• Hospitality Industry Examples• Outside our Industry• Professional Interview• Potential Impacts

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• Founders: Sani Sanilevich and Eran Savir

• “The Spark”o 2011o 2012

• Spreading out to other companies:o Satisflyo KLM Meet and Seato Facebelto Planelyo MHbuddy

• Aerosvit: first company to partner with

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Reported Impacts

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• Communication: faster• Cuts on cost• Revenue Generator• Marketing Enhancer • Qualities of Social Seating

o Mathematical Algorithms o People choseno Suggestions

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Reach and Scope

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• Online Dating• Foursquare and Loopt

o Appo Keeping tabs on Peopleo Things to do/People to see

• Hospitality Industryo Railroad Transportationo Sporting eventso Hotelso Music events

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Hospitality Industry Examples

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• Aerosvito Nov 13th 2012-Contracto Minimal to Expansiono Impressions

• Ticketmastero Competition-Copying ideao Worldwide connectiono Easy access and completely virtual

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Outside our Industry

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• Foursquare o “Checked-In” featureo Helpful hints, coupon, special offers

• Loopedo GPS featureso Shop aroundo Reservations and helpful hints

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Professional Interview

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• Eran Saviro Future Impactso Privacy Issues• Stalking• Information Sharing

o How it’s being reached out to Public