Transport of the EU Antonio Luis Morillo Cabello

Transport of the e uok

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Transport of the EU

Antonio Luis Morillo Cabello

Page 2: Transport of the e uok


● 1. the first step for connections● 2. Earth roads and connections● 3. Sea routes● 4. Air routes● 5. Modernization

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The first step for connections

● Transport is one of the first common policies of the European Union. It is governed by Title VI (Articles 90 to 100 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union). Since the entry into force of the Treaty of Rome in 1958, this policy has focused on the removal of barriers at the borders between Member States and, thus, contributed to the free movement of people and goods.

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Earths roads and connections

● European roads are made of the total roads in the countries that form the European Union. Within the total set of roads are marked with European routes E-XX enrollment. European road network is the responsibility of the UNECE. These numbers do not take into account the type of road and the presence of mountains or seas that can disrupt the route. It is based on a continental grid.

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The Orient Express

● The Orient Express is the name of the train service long distance at its peak, linking Paris to Constantinople. Since its opening in 1883 until today, the route was altered several times, either for logistical or political issues. He was considered one of the most luxurious trains in the world, including passengers from bourgeois millionaires to members of the European aristocracy.

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Sea routes (protection)

The European Union announced a new initiative to combat piracy and promote the safety of the sea lanes in the countries of the Gulf of Guinea. The project will have a budget of 4.5 million euros, will help governments of West and Central Africa to improve the main routes through the formation of Guard and creating an information network to facilitate communication between countries.

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● In order to preserve marine resources, the European Commission plans to establish an integrated maritime policy, horizontal and cross-sectoral, covering all aspects of our relationship with the oceans and seas. The management framework, objectives and instruments proposed by the Commission are set out in this Communication, based on the Lisbon and Gothenburg

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Beginning and intentions of the EU air transport

● In 1972, he inaugurated the Maastricht Control Center. For the first time air traffic control of a country took place in a school located in another country.

● In 1977, entered service on Control Center Karlsruhe. He got off the automatic data exchange.

● In the 80s, promoted the growth of Eurocontrol.●   In January 2002, we introduce the reduced

vertical separation between aircraft.

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Intentions● Consolidating Market● Third Package Review● Ending "bottlenecks" in the infrastructure● SES / SESAR● Airport package● Reduce costs for airlines● Fees for ATM● Ground Handling● Extend MI to third countries

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● In the EU, the railway has been losing market share steadily. Since 1970 have dropped an average of 600 miles of track each year, while the road network has grown by 12,000 km a year.

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Progress toward change

● RailNetEurope system, solves all the arrangements for carrying rail traffic between EU countries.

● The Trans-European Rail Freight Network, is the first step, within projected in the program of action adopted by the European Commission.