Top 10 Tips from Millionaires

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These are the best tips from millionaires to use in your business. These are important! How many are you actually setting aside time for?Millionaires became millionaires because they took action. Beside each tip I created a checklist with ideas on how you can accomplish them. Enjoy!!

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Page 1: Top 10 Tips from Millionaires

The Next Step Is Yours To Take, But Never Alone...Check Out The Academy. www.EventualMillionaireAcademy.com/join

I’m Jaime, a business coach with a goal to become a millionaire. I interview millionaires weekly for their stories, tips and advice. For more information on how I quit a six figure corporate job and paid off $70,000 in debt and for millionaire interviews go to www.EventualMillionaire.com

I interview millionaires and my final question is always:

“What is one action that listeners can take this week to move them forward towards their goal of making a million dollars?”

Here are the results. These are the best tips from millionaires to use in your business. These are important! How many are you currently doing? How many are you actually setting aside time for?

MillionaireMillionaires became millionaires because they took action. Beside each tip I created a checklist with ideas on how you can accomplish them. Enjoy!!

Tip #1 - Love and Inspiration

Tip #2 - Goals and Work

Tip #3 - Action and Fail Small

Tip #4 - Accountability

Tip #5 - Differentiate Yourself

Tip #6 - Sales, Sales, Sales

TTip #7 - Stop Negativity

Tip #8 - Save Money

Tip #9 - Grow

Tip #10 - Don’t Overthink

Page 2: Top 10 Tips from Millionaires

The Next Step Is Yours To Take, But Never Alone...Check Out The Academy. www.EventualMillionaireAcademy.com/join

First and foremost, find what you love. Feel what it is that turns you on, that really inspires you, that really just gets you, opens up your heart in any field. Don’t set any limitations on what it is or how to make a business out of it. Just find out what you love.

TheThen once you find out what really turns you on, see if there’s a way that you can incorporate it into your practical life, your business life, and your personal life. Let’s say you’re an entrepreneur already, and you think “I’ve been doing this but come to think of it, I’m not really emotionally connected to what I’m doing”.

HoHow can I change my business so that it’s something I can connect to emotionally? What could make it different, more fun, more whimsical, more enjoyable, more giving? What could I put have more heart into so that when I wake up in the morning it’s more fun for me? If it's fun for me, it means that it will be more fun for other people who come into contact with it.

-Craig Wolfe, CEO of CelebriDucks, www.celebriducks.com

While love isn't always necessary, it REALLY helps you have a better life and business. Set aside about 30 minutes to ask yourself these questions to help get you started.

1. What magazines and blogs are you subscribed to? What books do you enjoy reading?

2. What work or business sounds fun?2. What work or business sounds fun?

3. What are you really good at? (Try the Strengths Finder 2.0 on Amazon)

4. How can you incorporate that into your current business? (it's not always about starting over, it might be about changing course a bit!)

Page 3: Top 10 Tips from Millionaires

The Next Step Is Yours To Take, But Never Alone...Check Out The Academy. www.EventualMillionaireAcademy.com/join

It’s nice to make being a multi-millionaire a goal, but there are a thousand goals before that to get to that place. My recommendation is to set those goals, be realistic and work tirelessly until you accomplish something: this is a goal all on its own.

YYou don’t even have to do it this week; you can do it in the next hour. Don’t stop working until you accomplish that goal, and once you accomplish it, set the next one and just keep going. It’s not easy getting there, and it requires a lot of diligence and work with force put into it. Goals are critical, and if you don’t have them, you probably aren’t going to get there.

-Nolan Watson, CEO of Sandstorm Gold, www.sandstormresources.com

1. If you don't already have (3 month and 1 year) goals written down, mark about an hour in your calendar to work on setting new goals.

22. Are these goals achievable? If they aren't you won't attempt them full force. Don't make them too big at first.

3. Ask yourself, are you working tirelessly? Are you really working as hard or as smart as you could be?

Page 4: Top 10 Tips from Millionaires

Take action and fail small. Procrastination is the biggest wealth killer out there. So if you’re taking action and moving forward and failing forward, then you’re on the right path.

AAs long as you’re correcting, adjusting, and constantly learning, then you’re constantly building in your base of knowledge and you’re improving. It’s also critical to manage your risk at every point then you will ultimately succeed. The only way you fail is by stopping at that point.

-Todd Tresidder, Money Coach at www.FinancialMentor.com

1. This week take one action or create one project that will really move your business forward and you might fail. Use it as a test.

22. Take the information and feedback you received from that test and ask these questions:

a. Was it worth the risk?

b. What did you learn?

c. How can you adjust to make it better next time?

The Next Step Is Yours To Take, But Never Alone...Check Out The Academy. www.EventualMillionaireAcademy.com/join

Page 5: Top 10 Tips from Millionaires

Commit to whatever you’ve been putting off. If you were to ask each one of your listeners what the thing is that you need to do, that you personally need to do, that you aren’t doing, do that.

So if it is to make that phone call, make it. If it is to hire someone fully or bring on an outsource, do it. If it is to create that next product that you’ve been putting off, do it. Do the very next thing that you’ve been putting off.

Then find an accountability partner— have someone ask you in two weeks whether or not you did the thing.

II talked to my coach twice a month; I used to hate having to meet and say, “ No, I didn’t get that done.” I used to hate that, and it showed me the power of accountability.

I don’t care who it is. Just find somebody. Say, okay, I’m going do this thing by this date, and be accountable to someone else for it. I guarantee you that if you’re a person of integrity, or if you’re really serious about being successful, you’re going to get tired of coming in and saying “I didn’t do it.”

-Robert Smith, Founder of Champion Media Worldwide, www.championmediaworldwide.com 11. Make a list of people you currently know who might make good accountability partners. Make sure they won't succumb to your excuse! And if no one you know seems to fit, go online into a forum or website with other business owners and start looking around to ask possible partners.

22. Prioritize that list of people and start at the top. Ask them if they would be willing to meet in person or over the phone each week or every other week to talk about your goals.

33. Once you find your partner make sure the rules are set so neither of you get behind in your goals! Whether it is making a bet with them, or telling them how they can help you if you get behind in your goals, you need to know ahead of time!

The Next Step Is Yours To Take, But Never Alone...Check Out The Academy. www.EventualMillionaireAcademy.com/join

Page 6: Top 10 Tips from Millionaires

The Next Step Is Yours To Take, But Never Alone...Check Out The Academy. www.EventualMillionaireAcademy.com/join

If you’re an entrepreneur, you need to figure out how to substantially differentiate yourself and do things better than your competition.

By “diBy “differentiate yourself,” I don’t mean: oh, we provide great client service, or we only sell quality products. I mean substantial differentiation, wherein someone who doesn’t know your industry would say that what you’re doing is different.

-Matthew Tuttle, Owner of Tuttle Wealth Management, www.matthewtuttle.com1. Write down what you do in a few sentences.

2. Ask yourself, “Could that be my competition too?”

3. Brainstorm 3 ways to REALLY separate yourself from your competition.

44. What is one action you can take to change the perception of your company in these ways?

Page 7: Top 10 Tips from Millionaires

The Next Step Is Yours To Take, But Never Alone...Check Out The Academy. www.EventualMillionaireAcademy.com/join

If you’re an entrepreneur and own your own business, focus on sales. What brings in money? That is the most important thing you can focus on: what can I do to increase my business financially that will make a difference?

TheThen you say, “Today is the first day of the rest of my life, and I’m going to make a difference with it, and I’m going to start pursing my goals and my dreams and taking risks,” that is the most important thing that you can do this week to change your life.

-Vonda White, CEO of Collegiate Risk Management, www.collegiaterisk.com

1. First, do you know your sales?

2. Second, do you know what it takes to get those sales?

In a product based business figure out your customer acquisition cost.

IIn a service business, figure out what your closing ratio is (how many people do you need to have a sales meeting with to in order to make one sale?).

You can also figure out how long it usually takes for a prospect to turn into a buyer so you can see how long each sale might take.

Page 8: Top 10 Tips from Millionaires

I would say get rid of anyone you’re connected to who is negative, who doesn’t think you can do it, who smiles, but you know they’re thinking that you can’t do it. Before I got on my rocket ride to success (and it did feel like a rocket ride, honestly; even though it was tortuous and painful at times, it was relatively fast for not having any capital), I literally went through my Rolodex.

I I looked at each card, and I said, does this person make me feel better about myself, or worse? Do I feel like this person doesn’t really believe in me, like they’re not in my corner and thinking that I can’t do it? You say to somebody, “We’re going to make millions,” and even

iif they’re on your team, they’re kind of rolling their eyes behind your back. If that’s happening, you need to just remove those people from your life, because they are holding you back.

The Next Step Is Yours To Take, But Never Alone...Check Out The Academy. www.EventualMillionaireAcademy.com/join

-Joy Gendusa, Founder of www.PostCardMania.com1. Go through your Rolodex (or cell phone contacts, or Facebook friends) and ask the question, “Does this person make me feel better about myself, or worse?”

22. Start with one person who doesn't support you and decide how to remove them from your life. It might mean having a conversation with them about it, or just not initiating contact anymore.

Page 9: Top 10 Tips from Millionaires

The Next Step Is Yours To Take, But Never Alone...Check Out The Academy. www.EventualMillionaireAcademy.com/join

It’s one thing to make money, but you really start to amass wealth when you start to save.

I have a friend who is a comedian, and it is amazing. He has no money at all, lives hand-to-mouth, has no health insurance, and yet he bought his wife an $8,000.00 engagement ring.

JusJust figure out how you can save money. Don’t spend as much, don’t go to Best Buy and buy something there— instead, buy it from eBay or Craigslist, because it can be a tenth of the cost of retail. I use Craigslist and eBay a lot.

You can save a tremendous amount of money because there are people with items they don’t need anymore. It’s way

cheapecheaper than buying retail, and the environmental benefit is that you’re buying something from someone, so they’re not throwing it out. There are so many different ways you can save a lot of money and not consume a lot. It’s a win-win for everyone.

-Dan Nainan, Professional Comedian, www.danielnainan.com

1. Download the free Eventual Millionaire Starter Kit to take control of your spending and your money.


3. Check out blogs like GetRichSlowly.org and IWillTeachYoutobeRich.com.

44. Set some time aside to look at your finances. Most of us like to avoid this part, but this is critical. What are you spending your money on? What can you put aside?

Page 10: Top 10 Tips from Millionaires

The Next Step Is Yours To Take, But Never Alone...Check Out The Academy. www.EventualMillionaireAcademy.com/join

Go out to your local bookstore (Jaime: or a library!) and look through the personal growth section. As cheesy as that may sound, pick up a book. Pick up an audio by John Maxwell, or pick up a book by Anthony Robbins, and you’re going to start to hear the passion that they have for life and for what it is they do. Hopefully, they can convey that to you, in whatever field you’re in, and that will be the first investment that you makemake in yourself.

But over the rest of your lifetime, you have to balance how much time you spend working on your business and working in your business; you’ve also got to devote time to working on and developing yourself as a person, and working on your life so that you can have time to enjoy it, instead of spending all of your time and effort on the stresses of running a business.

-Trae Wieniewitz, Founder of Wieniewitz Financial, www.traew.com

1. You can download a book (highly recommended by millionaires) called “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill for FREE.


2. Other books recommended by millionaires:

The Richest Man in Babylon - George Samuel Clason George Samuel Clason

War of Art - Steven Pressfield

Tipping Point - Malcolm Gladwell.

Page 11: Top 10 Tips from Millionaires

Don’t overthink it. That is the easiest advice that anyone ever gave me that I could actually put into place. As entrepreneurs, we tend to analyze everything way too much.

Don’t over think it, just do it. If it’s not right, it’s not the end of the world. Especially if you have a product like CyberSynchs, it’s all about alpha and beta testing, and the market will tell you what it wants.

AsAs entrepreneurs, we decide what we want our solution to be. Honestly, the public decides what they want our solutions to be, and if we’re smart we’ll listen to them and we’ll actually give them what they want.

If You're Looking To Take The Next Step By Developing Both The Mindset And Skill Set Of A Millionaire...You Really Need To Check Out The Eventual Millionaire Academy. www.EventualMillionaireAcademy.com/join

-Amos Winbush, Founder of CyberSynchs, www.cybersynchs.com

1. This needs no explanation. JUST DO IT!