Top 10 Grossing Films of 2013 with reviews Information from IMDB & various film review websites

Top 10 Grossing Films of 2013

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Top 10 Grossing Films of 2013with reviews

Information from IMDB & various film review websites

10. The Heat

“The pace of the film is uneven, and the big plot-points are presented so casually that you can almost feel how bored everyone is by having to spend time on them, but Bullock and McCarthy make a phenomenal team.”-Sheila O’Malley, RodgerEbert.com

Photo: http://www.nerdspan.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/the-heat-ashburn.jpg

9. The Croods

“Though the plot is sort of thin (basically, get from A to B), the characters are rich and engaging.”-Sarah Gopaul, Digital Journal

Photo: http://www.empireonline.com/images/uploaded/The-Croods_1.jpg

8. World War Z

“The addictively exciting World War Z comes ready to rock. It grabs you hard – no mercy.”-Peter Travers, Rolling Stone Photo: http://spinoff.comicbookresources.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/world-war-


7. Star Trek Into Darkness

“A similar compilation approach has been taken with this sequel; but overall it feels far more cohesive than the previous entry, and it develops the main characters in important ways.”-Martyn Bamber,Critic’s Notebook

Photo: http://blog.zap2it.com/pop2it/benedict-cumberbatch-starfleet-uniform-star-trek-into-darkness.jpg

6. The Great & Powerful Oz

“There are times when Oz The Great And Powerful is gorgeous to look at. However, those moments are broken up by instances where the CG and the live action do not meld well in any way.”-Bill Thompson,Bill’s Movie Emporium

Photo: http://www.redeemedreader.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/hr_oz_the_great_and_powerful_12.jpg

5. Fast & Furious 6

“Nothing classic here, except the vehicles. But if you’re looking for revved-up cars, trucks, tanks and tunnel racing, F&F6 is King Kong on wheels.”-Peter Travers, Rolling Stone

Photo: http://www.sehartv.com/movies/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Fast-Furious-6-12.jpg

4. Monsters University

“The movie doesn't take the easy or predictable route to a happy ending. There's a sense of morality and ethics that isn't cloying.”-Jana J. Monji,Examiner.com

Photo: http://www.awn.com/files/imagepicker/5086/Monsters%20University_3.jpg

3. Man of Steel

“Ubiquitous product placement takes the viewer out of the movie, and Hans Zimmer's overpowering score further distances us.”-Claudia Puig, USA Today


2. Despicable Me 2

“While I remain disappointed that the sequel gives me a subdued Gru and an uneven pace, I keep remembering things about "Despicable Me 2" that make me smile.”-Odie Henderson, RogerEbert.com

Photo: http://escapepod.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/ea_dm2_kids.jpg

1. Iron Man 3

“The prologue is very good … the dialogue is funny and breakneck in its pacing, and it quickly sets up a number of plot threads which will come to fruition later in the film, but which don't seem that important in the moment.”-Edwin Davies, A Mighty Fine Blog
