This is information.

This is information

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This is information.

It reads: “Yellow”.

This is a yellow wall – and nothing but a yellow wall – if you or I have painted it.

This is not a blue wall: It is art because it’s been painted by the artist Yves Klein.

This is a traffic sign. It reads “Blue drivers turn right”.

This is another piece of information. It reads “Fair/partly cloudy”.

This is a reference for drivers. It means “Here is a car wash”.

This is the Japanese national flag…

…this traffic sign means “Passage for Japanese cars prohibited”…

… and this sign prohibits all kinds of traffic to an increasing number of participants.

Signs turn into information if we know their meaning...

… and the exchange of information is what we call “Communication”.

For which presentations are a perfect medium, by the way.

Now, this is a reference to a medium with which we would like to contact you.

Just send us an email. We’re going to help your presentation to be understood.