The Role of Trade Union

The role of Trade Union

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Page 1: The role of Trade Union

The Role of Trade


Page 2: The role of Trade Union





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Outline The Role of Trade Union in Five

Core Countries•Background•Major trade unions•The role of trade union - Multi-dimension Analysis


Overall Forecast for Trade Union’s Future in Five Core Countries 2

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Role of Trade Union

Major Trade Unions in Japan• largely at the enterprise level • participation rate differs by the size of enterprise

Role of Trade Unions in Japan• Employers and trade unions can discuss all matters about the firm directly• Common understanding between unions and employees about over demand of management

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• Germany Economic Statistic 2004-2007 Source: Eurostat

Role of Trade Union

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• Germany Industrial Relations, Pay and working time 2004-2007 Source: EIRO and Eurostat

Role of Trade Union

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— Major trade union : Confederation of German Trade Unions (Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund, DGB)

— DGB has 16 industrial trade unions.

— Only three unions did not join DGB: Civil Servants (Deutscher Beamtenbund, DBB), White-collar Workers (Deutsche Angestelltengewerkschaft, DAG) Christian Trade Union Confederation ( Christlicher Gewerkschaftsbund Deutschlands, CGB)

Role of Trade Union

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• More than 80% members of DGB from trade union

Role of Trade Union

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Role of Trade Union

• Only 16% employees join DGB in 2003.

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Political Role• Be a partner with Germany Social Democratic Party(SPD) about 140 years• But Broke up with SPD in 2003

Economic Role• Participate in making economic policy• Restrict the downside of market economy• Stable the economy market

Social Role• Guardian of the law• Opponent of legal malpractice

Role of Trade Union

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Role of Trade Union

• French strike over pension age reform

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Role of Trade Union

• labor Movement organized by AFLCIO

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Role of Trade Union

Blue-collar workers, 14 affiliated organizations,1.7 million members.

White-collar workers, 16 affiliated organizations,1.2 million members.

Graduate-level workers, 23 affiliated organizations, 600,000 members.

In Sweden, nearly 70% of workers belong to a trade union.

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Role of Trade Union

Political Role• LO & the Swedish Social Democratic Party

Economic Role• Spokesman for workers• Industrial growth promoter

Social Role• social well fare promoter

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The Future of Trade Union• Changing in Economic Aspect

- Globalization - Feminization - Flexibilization - Shift from manufacturing sector to service sector

• Changing in Political Aspect - Country may be governed by a different political party

[Conclusion] Trade Unions have to adjust their strategies according to the new trend, so that they can continue to play their parts in economic and political management .

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|Qijun Liu | Boya Sun | Hanxi Cui | Caoxi He|