If you want to find out how to build, engage & reward a Fabulous Team- this video is for you!

The People Plan™

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We believe that owners and employees deserve a workplace culture where everyone: Loves what they do and has the opportunity to fulfill their personal dreams Believes in and “lives” the common values and purpose of the organization Knows clearly what is expected, how they are doing and what they can do to improve Takes ownership and is accountable for results Is supported and encouraged to develop their skills and abilities Works together to achieve the goals of the organization Whether you need tips and strategies on topics like selecting A players, holding people accountable, or getting your team all working together to achieve the business goals- we want to guide you through the process of growing your business with a Fabulous Team, we are here to help you become a happy and successful business owner or manager. I have personally experienced the “People Pains” of a small business owner, so I focus on solutions that are the “right fit” for your organization. It simply means creating effective People systems that work for you, ensures that work gets done right, and guarantee a great experience for your customers. That’s what my team and I do for our clients. And that’s what we want to show you how to do too. So I’ve worked to put together a program that does exactly that… LEARN MORE ABOUT THE PEOPLE PLAN AND HOW IT CAN HELP YOUR BUSINESS

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  • 1. If you want to find out how to build, engage & reward a Fabulous Teamthis video is for you!
  • 2. Welcome Aboard! I am a 4th generation small business owner I Grew up in a family business I have personally experienced People Pains as small business owner and manager Diana Southall, Creator of the People Plan
  • 3. Are good people hard to find? Quirky Quinn Debbie Downer Angry Arthur Mediocre Mike Tuned-out Tanya
  • 4. Imagine your own Fabulous Team
  • 5. What if You went to an office each day full of passionate and engaged employees Because They work together to achieve the goals of your organization
  • 6. What if You consistently won new business Because Your customers are thrilled with the service they received from your staff
  • 7. What if You were able to take more time off without thinking twice Because Your organization is so well managed
  • 8. People Pains sinking the ship? Does this sound familiar
  • 9. Do you have Performance pains? One employees performance costs you time or money You seem to be solving the same problems over and over again for the same person When you try to discuss performance with an employee you are met with resistance or defensiveness This can be so unpleasant you avoid discussing poor performance You are secretly frustrated with a team member but dont know where to begin the People Plan
  • 10. Do you have Attitude pains? Some employees do not seem to care, they seem to be just punching the clock It is so tough to find great people who are enthusiastic so you allow Debbie Downers Employees act like you are nagging them when all you want is a status update Some employees dont share your values such as honesty, customer focus, respect the People Plan
  • 11. Do you have Hiring pains? The selection process is so time consuming that you rush to fill a job opening When you get ready to make a job offer you are not sure you have the best candidate, and worry this person may not work out You cant afford to pay a star employee what large companies offer (or how you can build an A team on your budget) the People Plan
  • 12. Do you have Coaching pains? Employees dont get along and you are spending time refereeing the deckhands squabbles You would love to give more recognition and training but you are too busy You hesitate to deliver constructive feedback because you dont want to hurt feelings You wonder how you be the leader you read about in business magazines the People Plan
  • 13. Do you have Growth pains? Everyone is stuck working on the day to day-no one is working on long-term improvement projects The more you grow your business, the more leaks in the hull that you seem to be fixing alone Everyone is overworked- but you need to know what skills to hire for and how to pay for new staff the People Plan
  • 14. Performance, attitude, hiring, coa ching, growth pains You are not alone, and there is a solution
  • 15. Once you learn the simple and proven techniques taught in the People Plan you can expect dramatic changes in your workplace
  • 16. Imagine feeling Confident your employees will do a great job, make great decisions, and represent your business well
  • 17. Imagine feeling You are not afraid to have the crucial conversations when someone is not performing to their potential
  • 18. Imagine feeling Like a trusted advisor and mentor, not the dreaded boss
  • 19. Imagine feeling You have a process and a rhythm to meet with your staff that focuses their efforts and is enjoyable for both of you
  • 20. Imagine feeling At ease delegating work and trusting it will be done and you will be kept in the loop
  • 21. Imagine feeling Comfortable leaving the office for a day or a week or a month..
  • 22. Introducing the People Plan
  • 23. Introducing the People Plan I want to show you how to coach your team members so that they care about doing a great job and about the companys success
  • 24. from People Pains to a Fabulous Team I've created an easy-to-start clear-to-implement step by step People Plan Toolkit for a successful but busy small business manager
  • 25. How do we do it I show you exactly how and where to begin so your team and business see immediate positive results From the People Plan
  • 26. How do we do it 7 system modules in People Plan Toolkit Training, templates, checklists, support 15-week project plan and weekly action items Training Toolkit Coaching Systems
  • 27. The result If you have a People Plan you can grow your team and business more quickly and easily with much less stress and effort
  • 28. The result A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say we did it ourselves -Lao Tzu
  • 29. Let us chart your People course Get your chart ready, grab the wheel, and set your sails towards the People Plan More time and freedom for you A Fabulous Team and more fun office Sail past your competition Achieve your ambitious business goals Earn records profits
  • 30. Ready to Get Started? Click Solutions to get the details of the People Plan toolkit and our levels of coaching support to help you Build Your Fabulous Team
  • 31. Learn more Click Resources to: Start your People Plan free membership Register for an upcoming webinar Get your free copy of our ebook9 Steps to Build a Fabulous Team