www.ovum.com © Copyright Ovum 2014. All rights reserved. The new digital workspace: An opportunity not to be squandered Richard Edwards, Principal Research Analyst, Ovum

The new digital workspace: An opportunity not to be squandered

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© Copyright Ovum 2014. All rights reserved.

The new digital workspace:

An opportunity not to be squandered

Richard Edwards, Principal Research Analyst, Ovum

The future is



Process Technology

Engaged Workforce + Good Process + Appropriate Technology = Business Success

Building the sustainable workforce

Employees: Balancing work

and life at different times in

the life cycle. Having a

fulfilling job with

opportunities for


Enterprise: Managing cost

pressures, e.g. office space.

The need to have teams

that work well together

and able to get the

job done.

Customers: Responding to

demand for customised

products and services,

when and wherever they

want them.

Source: Final report of the EOC’s investigation into the Transformation of Work

Source: Final report of the EOC’s investigation into the Transformation of Work

Source: Transforming work. The Work Foundation. Alexandra Jones et al.


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