The Long Distance Runners Amy Aldenderfer County Extension Agent for Horticulture

The long distance runners (MG)

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Master Gardener presentation on perennial care and maintenence

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Page 1: The long distance runners (MG)

The Long Distance Runners

Amy AldenderferCounty Extension Agent for


Page 2: The long distance runners (MG)

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Page 3: The long distance runners (MG)

What is a Perennial?

A plant that lives for three or more yearsUsually herbaceousFlower for a shorter period than annualsWhether it’s a perennial, wildflower or weed depends on usTops generally die backAverage a three week bloom

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Perennials v. Annuals

Pros– Variety of plants, blooms and foliage– Don’t plant every year= less expensive– Ability to specialize in plant groups– More challenging to combine well

Cons– Divide every 3-5 years– Short bloom period– Less striking blooms– Too many choices=design over time

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Things to think about when choosing perennials:



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groundcoversunder trees





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plant type



model train




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Plant Habitats


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Now that the plants are home, then what?


PinchingStakingDividingPest management

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Examples of Perennial Flowers

Part 1. Sunny Locations

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Achillea filipendula- Yarrow

Many colors, flower in late spring to summer

2-3 feet tallFew pestsBorders, cut

flowers, driedCuttings or

division in spring or fall, some by seed

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Achillea millifolium- yarrow

Wider range of colors than previous speciesSpreads faster, can become aggressivePerforms well in dry areas

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Alcea rosea- hollyhock

Technically a biennial, often behaves as a short-lived perennialNumerous pest problemsEasily grown, great for vertical interest

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Amsonia tabernaemontana- bluestar

Native perennialEasily grown in average soilsHas beautiful fall color Few pest problems

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Amsonia hubrictii- bluestar

Similar to previous speciesPrimary distiction lies in very finely texture foliageSame excellent golden fall color

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Anemone x hybrida – Japanese Anemone

Flowers white, pink, violet, in late summer and fall

3-4 feet tallFew pestsUsed in bordersDivision or root

cuttings made in spring, seed

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Anthemis tinctoria- margueriteTends to be short livedOften re-seeds in good conditionsCut back after flowering to improve appearance and encourage repeat bloom

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Aquilegia x hybrida - Hybrid Columbine

Flower colors, many and bicolors, in spring and early summer

1½ to 3 feet tallLeaf miners may

make foliage unattractive

Used in borders, will also do well in part shade

Division in late summer, seed

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Armeria maritima- sea pinks

Needs well drained soilsGreat for rock gardens, raised bedsLooks best planted in large groups

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Artemisia schmidtiana ‘Silver Mound’- Silver Mound Artemisia

Yellow flowers in summer that are not noteworthy. Grown for gray-green foliage.

6-8 inches tall, keep compact by shearing

Few pestsUsed in borders and

rock gardensPropagate by cutting

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Artemesia ludoviciana- spreading forms

Considered invasive in good soilsMakes a nice filler for dried arrangementsTolerates poor, dry soils

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Artemesia- powis castle

Forms a large woody sub-shrubDo not prune in fall or winterLooks best when pruned in late spring to maintain shapeTolerant of poor soils

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Asclepias tuberosa – Butterfly weed

Flowers orange in summer

1-2 feet tallMajor pest – aphidsUsed as a border plant

and for cut flowers, attractive to butterflies.

Propagate by seed or root cuttings, does not transplant well.

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Aster spp. - Asters

Flowers in blues, violets, whites in summer and fall

1-6 feet tall, taller varieties must be staked

Powdery mildew is the major pest

Used for borders and cut flowers

Propagate by division in spring

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Baptisia australis – False indigoBlue flowers in

late spring3-5 feet tallFew pestsUsed in

borders, dried seed pods

Division in late fall or early spring, seed

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Belamcanda chinensis – Blackberry lily

Yellow, orange flowers in summer, seed heads look like blackberries

3-4 feet tallIris borer is a

major pestUsed in bordersPropagate by

seed or division

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Bergenia cordifolia- pigsqueak

Evergreen foliage turns maroon in fallBest in good soilsFlowers in very early springTolerates some shade

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Boltonia asteroides- boltoniaVery tall fall blooming perennialCut back in summer to shorten and promote branchingGrows vigorously, may require staking

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Campanula- bellflowerMany different species with varying plant habitsSome may be invasiveSome may struggle in our summer heat

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Centaurea montana- cornflower

Prefers well drained soilsRelatively short bloom periodUnusual blue-purple flowers in late spring

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Centranthus ruber- Jupiter’s beard Vigorous

perennial for well-drained soilsTolerates poor soils if draiinage is goodDead head to extend bloom season

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Ceratostigma plumbaginoides –leadwort

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Chrysanthemum x morifolium (Dendranthema grandiflora) – Garden mum

Many colors, yellow, bronze, lavender, white, in fall

1-2 feet tall, must be continually pinched until July to keep short

Major pests – aphids, leaf hoppers

Used in borders and cut flowers

Propagate by cuttings in summer, division in spring, seed

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Chrysanthemum x superbum (Lucanthemum x superbum)– Shasta Daisy

White flowers in early spring

1-3 feet tallMajor pest –

aphidsUsed in borders,

cut flowersPropagate by

division in fall, seed

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Cimicifuga racemosa – Black cohosh, Snakeroot

White flowers in late summer

5-8 feet tallFew pestsUsed in borders, will

tolerate some shadePropagate by

division, seed, deep root system

Growing popularity as medicinal herb

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Coreopsis -tickseedMany species with varying plant habitsMost have yellow flowers and bloom for an extended periodDead head to extend bloom seasonBest divided regularly to maintain vigor

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Crocosmia - montbretiaIris-like foliage provides vertical elementGrown from a cormInteresting flowers in summerMites can be a problem in dry conditionsSome forms are not hardy here

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Delphinium elatum - larkspurPefers rich well-drained soils and cooler climatesTends to be short lived and performs poorly hereMonkshood can provide a similar effect in gardens

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Dianthus - pinksMany species and formsMost are easily grownRange in height from 4”-3’Many form spreading groundcoversAttractive spiky silver foliage

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Digitalis purpurea - foxgloveTechnically biennial, generally short lived hereMay require stakingMay reseed in good conditionsD. ambigua and D. mertonensis are true perennials

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Echinacea purpurea – Purple ConeflowerFlowers purple,

white in summer to fall

3-5 feet tallMajor pest is

powdery mildewUsed as border

or cut flowersDivide clumps in

spring or by seed

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Geranium sanguineum - Cranesbill Geranium

Flowers in white, violet, red in late spring

1 - 1½ feet tallFew pestsUsed as a border

or edge plant, protect from afternoon sun

Propagate by seed, some by cutting

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Eryngium amethystinum – blue sea holly

Tolerates poor dry soils if drainage is excellentSpreads very slowly Division seldom necessaryStrikingly unusual blue flower heads

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Eupatorium coelestinum – hardy ageratum

Very vigorous plant, particularly in moist soilsCut back in summer to shorten and increase floweringDivide regularly

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Eupatorium purpureum – Joe pye weed Stately perennial

‘monster’ growing up to 10’Native plant attracts butterfliesSmaller dwarf versions are availableMay reseed around the garden

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Euphorbia - spurgeMany different forms, some evergreenVery tolerant of poor dry soilsMilky sap may be an irritant to skin or eyesOften self seeds

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Gaillardia x grandiflora – blanket flower

Very long bloom period in summerTends to be short livedExcellent for dry areasOften seeds itself in good soils

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Gypsophila paniculata – Baby’s Breath

White or pink flowers in summer

2-3 feet tallFew pests but tends

to be short lived in KyUsed as border or

cut flowersPropagate by seed

or cuttings, does not like to be divided once established

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Helenium autumnale- sneezeweed

Tall perennial valued for its fall blooms in yellow orange and redPrune in summer or stake to supportAdaptable plant tolerates many soil typesNative

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Heliopsis helianthoides scabra ‘Summer Sun’ - Heliopsis

Yellow flowers in summer and early fall

3-4 feet tallFew pestsUsed as a border

or cut flowerPropagate by


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Hemerocallis hybrids - Daylily

Many colors, bloom in early summer

8 inches to 3 feet tall

Major pests are aphids and leaf spot

Used as border plants or in mass plantings

Propagate by division in late summer

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Heuchera sanguinea – Coral bellsPink and red

flowers in late spring

8-18 inches tallFew pestsUsed as border

plants, mass plantings, also does well in part shade

Propagate by division or seed

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Hibiscus moscheutos – Rose Mallow

White, red, pink and bicolors in summer

3-8 feet tall, taller ones require staking

Major pests are Japanese beetles and caterpillars

Used as border plantsPropagate by division

or seed

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Bearded Iris- German Iris

Various colors and bicolors in late spring

2-4 feet tallMain pest is

iris borerUsed in

bordersPropagate by

division in fall

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Iris siberica – siberian iris

Tough as nails perennialTolerates moist soils wellFoliage provides interest when not in flowerMostly shades of blue, purple and whiteRelatively short bloom period

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Liatris spicata - Gayfeather

Native prairie perennialExcellent cut flowerAttracts butterfliesTolerates wet areasDivide regularly as needed

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Monarda - beebalmVery vigorous plant is invasive in good soilsLoved by hummingbirds and butterfliesTolerates moist areasPowdery mildew is a huge problem prune hard to control or select mildew resisitant varieties

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Oenothera fruticosa - sundropsRapidly spreading plant with yellow flowers in springOften short livedReddish stemsTolerates dry soils

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Oenothera speciosa – showy primrose Aggressive-

leaning toward invasiveLarge pink flowers over a long period in spring and summerCut back after bloom to encourage repeat

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Paeonia hybrids – Chinese PeonyPink, white, red flowers

in late spring, attractive foliage

3-4 feet tallSeveral pests, botrytis,

thrips, leaf spots, root rots, Japanese beetles

Used as a border or cut flower

Propagate by division in late summer, don’t plant too deeply

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Papaver orientalis - Oriental PoppyFlowers of red,

pink, and white in late spring.

1-2 feet tallFew pestsUsed as a border

or cut flowerPropagation by

division, root cuttings or seed.

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Perovskia atriplicifolia - Russian Sage

Blue flowers in summer

4-6 feet tall, shrubby

Few pestsUsed as a borderPropagate by

cuttings, division, or seed

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Phlox paniculata - Summer Phlox

White, pink, blue, red flowers in summer

2-6 feet tallMajor pest is

powdery mildewUsed as a

border or cut flower

Propagate by division or seed

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Phlox subulata - Moss Pink

Blue, white, or pink flowers in early spring

3-6 inches tallFew pestsUsed as a

border, in rock gardens, edging, and ground cover

Propagation by division in fall

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Physostegia virginiana – obedient plant

Native plant in pink or whiteSpreads aggressively in good soilsTolerates moist areasGood cut flowerDivide frequently

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Platycodon grandiflorus – balloon flower

Durable plant prefers moist, well-drained soilsResents divisionBlooms most of the summerGrows 2-3’ in height

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Rudbeckia fulgida - Black-eyed Susan

Yellow flowers in summer to fall

2-3 feet tallPowdery

mildew is the main pest problem

Used as a border, cut or meadow flower

Propagation by division or seed

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Salvia x superba – meadow sageReliable plant with long bloom season in late springGood for drier areasAromatic foliageCut back after bloom for a second, smaller flush of bloom

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Sedum spp. - Stonecrop

Yellow, orange, red flowers in summer but generally grown more for foliage

3-8 inchesFew pestsUsed for edging,

ground covers, rock gardens

Propagation by division or seed

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Sedum spectabile - Showy SedumPink, red, white,

lilac flowers in late summer and early fall

12-18 inches tallFew pestsUsed as a

border, edging, cut flower or dried

Propagation by division or cuttings

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Examples of Perennial Flowers

Part 2. Shady Locations

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Aconitum napellus - Monkshood

Blue flowers in late summer

3-4 feet tallFew pestsUsed as border or cut

flower, may tolerate sunny conditions

Propagate by division in fall or from seed


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Arum italicum - Italian Arum

White flowers in late spring followed by spikes of red berries in fall, good foliage throughout year

12-20 inches tallFew pestsUsed as a border plantPropagate by division in

fall or by seed

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Astilbe x arendsii - Astilbe

Pink, white, red, lavender flowers in late spring and summer

2-3 feet tallMites are the major

pestUsed as a border, cut

flower, or driedPropagation by division

in spring

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Begonia grandis - Hardy Begonia

Pink flowers in summer

18-24 inches tallFew pestsUsed in bordersPropagate by

tubers (may not be hardy) or bulbils

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Ceratostigma plumbaginoides – Plumbago, Leadwort

Blue flowers in summer and fall

8-12 inches tallFew pestsUsed as a border

or ground coverPropagation by

division in spring, cuttings, or seed

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Dicentra spectabilis – Common Bleeding Heart

Pink or white flowers in summer

12-18 inches tallMajor pest – stem

rot and wiltUsed as a border or

cut flowerPropagation by

division in spring or fall, cuttings, or seed

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Epimedium grandiflorum - Barrenwort

Prefers moist, organic soilsSome species tolerate dry shade when establishedNice groundcoverSmall white, pink, or yellow flowers

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Helleborus orientalis – Lenten Rose

White or purple flowers in early spring

12-15 inches tallFew pestsUsed as a border

plantPropagate by

division or seed

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Hosta spp. and hybrids - Hosta, Plantain Lily

White and lavender flowers in spring and summer, grown more for the foliage

8-36 inches tallMajor pest -

slugsUsed as border

and cuttingPropagation by


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Polygonatum odoratum ‘Vari-gatum’ – Fragrant Solomon’s Seal

White to green flowers in spring, foliage is also attractive

18-24 inches tallFew pestsUsed in bordersPropagation by

roots divisions, seed

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Tricytis hirta - Toad LilyWhite flowers with

purple spots in late summer and fall

2-3 feet tallFew pestsUsed in bordersPropagation is by

division in spring or fall or by seed (needs stratification)

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Thanks to:Jamie Dockery– Fayette County Extension Agent for Horticulture

Dr. Leonard Perry– Extension Professor, UVM

Rosie Learner– Horticulture Specialist, Purdue University

Jane Martin– Extension Agent Horticulture, Ohio State University

Susan Grupp– Unit Educator, Horticulture, University of Illinois

Margaret Hudson – photo of Hosta garden

Michael Boer – UW herb garden