The Ingredients of Effective Feedback LUNCH N LEARN Series Dr Tim Baker

The Ingedients of Effective Feedback

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The Ingredients of Effective Feedback


Dr Tim Baker

Mod 1 – The Ingredients of Effective Feedback (Friday 17th of February, 2017 from 12pm to 1pm AEST)

Mod 2 – Enhancing Your Personal Influence (Friday 17th of March, 2017 from 12pm to 1pm AEST)

Mod 3 – Optimising Team Performance (Friday 7th of April, 2017 from 12pm to 1pm AEST)

Mod 4 – Getting the Very Best from People (Friday 28th of April, 2017 from 12pm to 1pm AEST)

Mod 5 – Understanding People and their Personalities (Friday 19th of May, 2017 from 12pm to 1pm AEST)

Mod 6 – Facilitating Effective Meetings (Friday 16th of June, 2017 from 12pm to 1pm)

Roughly by a three to one margin, employees believe that constructive feedback does more to

improve their performance than positive feedback

The secret to having employees listen to your feedback is whether or not they respect you.

Respect is earned, incredibly hard to get, and requires authenticity.

You could have the exact same thing said

by two different people with two

completely different effects.

Managing ExpectationsWhat are my expectations as the leader?

Have I communicated these expectations to my team?

Do my team understand my expectations?

Do my team members accept my expectations?

Are my team members omitted to meeting those expectations?

Do my team members know how they are performing against those expectations?

Am I supporting my team members to achieve those expectations?



Make your feedback specific

“Overall good job on the presentation at this morning’s meeting. But it could have been better.”

This is so vague. What was wrong with it. Plus, just because you didn’t like it, does it necessarily mean it is bad? How could it have been better?

“Great job on the presentation! I really like how you used statistics to back up your key points.

One small comment: Maybe for next time would be to invite more comments from the group to get them more involved.”




Critical Incidents

Focus on the future

Guidelines for Conversations on Poor Performance

Avoid confrontation & argument

Focus on

performance Focus on the future

Emphasis strengths as

well as weaknesses

Seek out the causes

Your homework

Make a commitment to give feedback three times a day for the next week

Mod 1 – The Ingredients of Effective Feedback (Friday 17th of February, 2017 from 12pm to 1pm AEST)

Mod 2 – Enhancing Your Personal Influence (Friday 17th of March, 2017 from 12pm to 1pm AEST)

Mod 3 – Optimising Team Performance (Friday 7th of April, 2017 from 12pm to 1pm AEST)

Mod 4 – Getting the Very Best from People (Friday 28th of April, 2017 from 12pm to 1pm AEST)

Mod 5 – Understanding People and their Personalities (Friday 19th of May, 2017 from 12pm to 1pm AEST)

Mod 6 – Facilitating Effective Meetings (Friday 16th of June, 2017 from 12pm to 1pm)