The Digital Paradox: World Future 2015 July 26, 2015 San Francisco Karl Albrecht Finding the Balance

The Digital Paradox: Finding the Balance

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Page 1: The Digital Paradox: Finding the Balance

The Digital Paradox:

World Future 2015 July 26, 2015 San Francisco

Karl Albrecht  

Finding the Balance  

Page 2: The Digital Paradox: Finding the Balance

The “Oh-S***” Future

Whose “Future” Do You Believe?

The “Gee-Whiz” Future

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What is the Fate of the Individual In an All-Digital Society?

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Is Privacy Dead? (If so, does it matter?)

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The Digital Mantra:


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1: Preposterous; never gonna happen

2: Not in this century

3: Late this century (2075+)

4: Middle of this century (2050-2075)

5: Before mid-century (2050)

Where is Artificial Intelligence Going? By What Year Will Artificially Intelligent Entities (Robots) Displace Humans and Take Over Control of at Least One Modern Society?


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Is There Anything

That Can’t Be


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“Software  is  eating  the  world.”  

~ Marc Andreessen, Founder, Netscape; High-tech Venture Capitalist  

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“By  the  time  we  get  to  the  2040s,  we'll  be  able  to  multiply  human  intelligence  a  billionfold.  ”    “Computers  are  going  to  keep  getting  smaller  .  .  .  Ultimately,  they  will  go  inside  our  bodies  and  brains  and  make  us  healthier,  smarter.  ”  

~ Ray Kurzweil, Inventor, Futurist

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“The  development  of  artiEicial  intelligence  could  spell  the  end  of  the  human  race.”  

~ Stephen Hawking, Theoretical Physicist

Stephen  Hawking,  Theore2cal  Physicist  

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“With  artiEicial  intelligence,  we  are  summoning  the  demon.”    “AI  is  .  .  .  potentially  more  dangerous  than  nukes.”  

~ Elon Musk, Founder, PayPal,

Tesla Motors, SpaceX

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“Within  a  few  decades,  AI  will  be  strong  enough  to  be  a  concern.”    “I  agree  with  Elon  Musk  and  some  others  on  this  and  I  don't  understand  why  some  people  are  not  concerned.  ”  

~ Bill Gates, Founder, Microsoft; Philanthropist  

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“Computers  are  going  to  take  over  from  humans.  No  question.”   “If  we  build  these  devices  to  take  care  of  everything  for  us,  eventually  they'll  think  faster  than  us  .  .  .  Will  we  be  their  pets?”  

~ Steve Wozniak Co-founder, Apple Computer

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“.  .  .  ?”  

~ Steve Jobs Co-founder, Apple Computer

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The Turning Point?

“Civilization  is  more  and  more  a  race  between  education  and  catastrophe.”  

~ H.G. Wells, Novelist, Futurist

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The “Chucky” Effect

Ascribing “agency,” sentience, or intent to an inanimate object

“Technology is revolutionizing society.” “Robots are putting people out of work.” “Drones will change law enforcement forever.”

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Robots Do Not Put People Out of Jobs.

Business Owners Do.

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Three Scenarios for an All-Digital Future?

Robots Take Over

Cyborg Scenario

Humans Prevail

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We’ll  get  the  future  we  deserve.  

Our  challenge  is  to  deserve  the  future  we  want.