The Decline of the Market

The decline of the market

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Page 1: The decline of the market

The Decline of the Market

Page 2: The decline of the market

The Changing way by which Media is Consumed?

The way in which media is consumed has changed rapidly over the last few years. This is mainly because of the digitalisation of media products and the way an audience would consume a media product. This is significant in the youth market however proliferation of tablets and hand held devices amongst the older market is changing the way they consume media.This changed has led to the decline in the music market for print products specifically and because the interest for music and the record sales are still high and music is still popular this leads me to believe that the only reason that the market is declining is because magazines aren’t as popular and audiences are accessing their information digitally.

Page 3: The decline of the market

The changing way by which Media is Consumed?

The internet has played a significant role in the decline of the magazine industry this is because media is available abundantly on the internet and it is free. Online Articles can often provide the same experience that the magazine provides. This may result in my acoustic music magazine struggling to break into the market; it may also causes hesitations with my chosen distributor BAUER.

Page 4: The decline of the market

The changing way by which Media is Consumed?

Bauer may see that the acoustic music and in fact all of the magazine market is on the decrease and this could put off the distributors from distributing and backing my product. The state of the market may make them, believe that my product would not benefit them and would be more of a hindrance than a benefit to them. They also have other products within the market that are a competitor for my magazine e.g. Mojo and as the market is decreasing in size they may not wish to out another competitor in that may take away from the already ever decreasing sales from their initial products that are already established. In addition the digitalisation of media has led

to it being available more readily and on more platforms than conventional print media. For example, the Mojo website and its articles available in app form, on a mobile phone, on a computer, tablet etc. which has led to the popularity of the print product to be on the decrease.

Page 5: The decline of the market

The changing way by which Media is Consumed?

The fact that the market is morphing and the print side is declining may result in Bauer only distributing my product as an online

media and not entering the print market with it, this could minimise the risks for them as a


Page 6: The decline of the market

The changing way by which Media is Consumed?

Digital technology can be personalised, whereas print media cannot. E.g. when someone buys music through as download instead of having to download the whole album they can pick and choose tracks and form playlists. This makes it a personal experience something that magazines cannot offer. The nature of the size and direction in which magazines are distributed means that they have to be generic, meaning that there maybe bits of it that you like but there will also be pieces that you do not like. This makes reading a music magazine not a personal experience something that the digital market as I said could offer possibly helping to explain the decline in magazine sales.