The Chemistry of Successful (?) Strategies Ron McIntyre Certified Leadership Coach, Teacher and Speaker Transformative Leadership Group Transformative Leadrship Group 1

The Chemistry of Successful Strategies

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This is a formula that I discuss with clients to help them develop critical success strategies. I find the process as easy to enable and encourage with teams worldwide.

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Transformative Leadrship Group 1

The Chemistry of Successful (?) Strategies

Ron McIntyreCertified Leadership Coach, Teacher and Speaker

Transformative Leadership Group

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A Very Practical Way to Look At Developing Strategy

A Very High Level View to Be Used as A Guide

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“Why divided by Why Not”

• Have you asked the why questions?• Why are we in business?• Why are we building this product or offering this

service?• Why do people want to buy or use our products or

service?• Why do customers buy from us, specifically

• Have you asked the Why NOT questions?• We can’t change that product or service, WHY NOT?• Our customers will not buy that from us, WHY NOT?• We can afford to do a new line right now, WHY NOT?• The economy is bad so we can’t expand, WHY NOT?

• The divide function implies that you should ask both questions, even is they seem redundant. The Why Not’s may stimulate Innovation in your organization.

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“What + What IF”

• “What” focuses on the item or service you will deliver!• What will it look like?• What function will it fulfill?• What problem or issue will it resolve?• What components & raw materials do we include?• What quality do we encode in the product or


• “What IF” focuses on pushing the envelope in terms of what you do.• What IF we made it do this?• What IF we added this feature of benefit?• What IF we change the components or raw

materials to improve the quality?

• By adding “What” to “What IF” you can expand the field of focus for your product line or services. Expand your memory.

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You have examined the “Why” and “Why NOT” then the “What” and “What IF” part of the formula, so now you have to look at “HOW" you will accomplish these tasks.

• How do we assemble a product or service to make a profit?

• How do we ensure we will have quality components or raw materials for the construction?

• How do we schedule the people to ensure we have consistent flow of product?

• How do we encourage our products reach the right people at the right time to create satisfied customers?

• How do we keep our company and products relevant in 1 year, 5 years, 10 years.

• How can we collaborate to share risk with others in the same market place.

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• “What”, “What IF” and “How” define your product or service but it also defines any dependencies that are required.

• If local components or raw materials are mandatory it will reduce the availability of areas one can locate the company.

• If there are no dependencies then the impact is neutral so you are able to locate the company anywhere you can find the people, resources and facilities to handle it.

• If it is a services company you may be able to run virtually, if your clients will allow for the remote nature of access.

• Where can also become an issue if your customer or clients have a negative impression of having the product or service originating somewhere else, particularly offshore. This is a key factor in developing the where in today’s world.

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• “Who” - This is the magic of the formula• People are the creator of

the processes.• People are the key to

maintaining quality.• People are critical to

creating culture that will drive Brand, Reputation and Quality Perception.

• People develop relationships, thereby trust with customers, partners and each other.

• People can make the difference between success and failure.

• Companies are allowed recognition as an entity in terms of some tax and social terminologies but it is still people who make the company work.

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• Risk cannot be ignored in any business situation but it cannot be a deterrent to growth either.

• If a product or service has a low risk factor then the door for success can be opened further, the comfort zone expanded.

• If a product or service has a high risk factor then the options for success must be limited until the factor can be reduced.

• Risk is a weighting factor so this component is really a multiplier. The higher the risk the more impact on investment, design and process development.

• The threshold for risk is dependent on the passion, values and potential good that can be provided by the product or service.

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Thanks for joining me today in discussing the topic of the Chemistry of Successful Strategies based on TLG’s Word Formula Series.

We can customize an “Engage & Motivate” Framework for your company or group which includes this formula plus knowledge from people such as John Maxwell and others.

We also have a number of other coaching frameworks we can bring to your staff and help them grow!

Please contact me at:

Website: http://transformativeleadership.usWebsite: http://rwme.com

Blog: http://leadershipnotes.us

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 630-935-3326