The Best 150 Quotes On Leadership!!!

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LEADERSHIPLEADERSHIP25 25 Quotes That You Hardly Read AboutQuotes That You Hardly Read About

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"If you don't want any rules...

just follow the rules. Bejust follow the rules. Be

honest and hard working and

when you reach the top, thenchange the rules."

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"Leaders are the ones who keep faith with the

past, keep step with the present, and keep the promise to posterity."- Harold J. Seymour

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"We must be silent before we can

listen. We must listen before we can

learn. We must learn before we can

prepare. We must prepare before we

can serve. We must serve before wecan lead."- William Arthur Ward

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"A leader's role is to raise

people's aspirations for

what they can become and

to release their energies so

they will try to get there."- David R. Gergen

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"The only way to get people to like

working hard is to motivate them.

Today, people must understand why

they're working hard. Every individual

in an organization is motivated by something different."- Rick Pitino

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"A good manager doesn't try to eliminate

conflict; he tries to keep it from wasting the

energies of his people. If you're the boss and

your people fight you openly when they

think that you are wrong - that's healthy."- Robert Townsend

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"The opposite of talking is not listening. "The opposite of talking is not listening.

The opposite of talking is The opposite of talking is waitingwaiting."."-- Fran Fran LebowitzLebowitz

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"A great leader doesn't care about being

the leader, but instead cares about the

mission, the vision and the people they are leading."- Scott Williams

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"Leadership is more than telling people what

to do. Leadership is having a vision and asking

people to join you. Leadership is then havingthem believe it was their vision all along."

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"One of the biggest factors in

being a leader is the ability to

look rejection straight in the eye

and walk past it with passion... without looking back."

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"Leadership is not about changing the

mindset of the group, but in the cultivation

of an environment that brings out the best

and inspires the individuals in that group.“

- Arthur F. Carmazzi

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"The challenge of leadership

is to be strong, but not rude;

be kind, but not weak; be bold,

but not bully; be thoughtful,

but not lazy; be humble, but

not timid; be proud, but not

arrogant; have humor, but without folly."- Jim Rohn

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"I've always found that the speed of

the boss is the speed of the team."- Lee Iacocca

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"When you're interested

in something, you do it

only when it's convenient.

When you're committed

to something, you accept

no excuses, only results."-Ken Blanchard

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"Success & excuses do not talk

together. If you want excuses,

forget about success. If you wantto success, do not give excuses."

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"It is not the biggest, brightest or best

that will survive, but those who adaptthe quickest."- Charles Darwin

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"Honesty is the foundation for

trust; you can't have one without the other."

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"Not realizing what you want is a problem of knowledge. Not pursuing

what you want is a problem of motivation. Not achieving what you want is a problem of persistence."- John C. Maxwell

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"Create a vacuum for new ideas, techniques and

solutions by emptying your brain by sharing your

knowledge. In so doing, just in case you forget

something in the future, somebody will remindyou of what you have shared."

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"Time moves so fast - don't throw

away another day! Stop just talking

and dreaming about change. Decide

what you want, create a map, and getyour ass out there!"- Steve Maraboli

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"Leadership is not

about developing

people; it's about

guiding people todevelop themselves!"

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"Leadership rests not only upon ability, not only upon capacity; having the

capacity to lead is not enough. The leader must be willing to use it. His

leadership is then based on truth and character. There must be truth in the purpose and will power in the character."-Vince Lombardi

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"I have three precious things which I hold fast and prize. The first is gentleness; the

second is frugality; the third is humility, which keeps me from putting myself before

others. Be gentle and you can be bold; be frugal and you can be liberal; avoid puttingyourself before others and you can become a leader among men."-Lao Tzu

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"I teach my employees, on a daily basis, that

it's important to remain in control of your

feelings regardless of the situation. Life

happens and sometimes we are helpless

to do anything about it. We must allow

ourselves the opportunity to sit back and

evaluate the situation before we react. The

biggest mistake we can make would be to rush to judgment and live with regret!"

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"Don't believe everything you

hear or see. There are always

3 sides to every story: yours,theirs and the truth!"

Thank You Very MuchSompong Yusoontorn

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Part IIPart II

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"Most people say their main fault is a lack of discipline. On deeper thought,

I believe this is not the case. The basic problem is that their priorities havenot become deeply planted in their hearts and minds." -Stephen Covey

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"There is no reward for doing

what's right. Doing what's right

should not be an option but

should be a priority. So become

selfish to yourself until you achieve your goals."

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"Leaders should be able to stand

alone, take the heat, bear the pain,

tell the truth, and do what's right."

- Max DePree

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"Before you decide to do that, if you

were the president of the universe

for one day, is that the best decisionfor one day, is that the best decision

to lead? Can we celebrate and hireyou for the next day?"

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"If you want to be creative in your company, your career, your life, all it takes

is one easy step... the extra one. When you encounter a familiar plan, youjust ask one question: What ELSE could we do?"

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"Leadership and success begins on the extra mile. Those among us who craft

extraordinary careers and spectacular lives are those who spend most of their

time giving their best out on the extra mile. Yes, ordinary people don't, but who ever said you were ordinary?"

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"In thinking there is creating, in

creating there is doing, in doing

there is learning, in learning there is success."

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"Leaders are those that bring out

the best out of followers and canbe described as life-molders."

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"A real leader is able to accept

that everyone is not always

going to follow them. A real

leader leads himself first

without concern of followers,

and gets followers whether he

wants them or not. Be the kindof leader you want to be!"

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"Everyone leads! Leadershipis action, not position."

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"As sharp as an arrow,

a leader is the tip; able to

penetrate any substance.

The followers are the body

of the arrow; it follows thetip wherever it goes."

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"A good follower is always a good

leader but great leaders did notfollow, they created good leaders."

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"You are not responsible for

what people think about

you. But you are responsible

for what YOU make themthink about you."

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"Always listen to the experts.

They'll tell you what can't bedone and why. Then do it."

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Three ways to be more successful:

1. Know more than others

2. Work more than others3. Expect more than others.

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"Effective managers

live in the present,

but concentrate on the future."

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"A good plan will not succeed if the

people who have to work the plandon't see any good in it."

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"People get hired for

their skills and firedfor their attitudes."

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"The real challenge of leaders is "The real challenge of leaders is not to lead but to not to lead but to drive effectivelydrive effectively."."

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"Ambition without directionleads to disappointment."

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"Success is not a noun; it's "Success is not a noun; it's

a verb. It isn't something you get.a verb. It isn't something you get.It's It's something you becomesomething you become."."

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"Leaders are visionaries with "Leaders are visionaries with a poorlya poorly

developed sense of feardeveloped sense of fear and no conceptand no conceptof the odds against them."of the odds against them."

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"The Fact is "We Don't" and not "We Can't." It does not matter how much we have,

but what really matters is what we do with what we have. We cannot do much to

change what we have, but we can certainly change the way we use what we have. In Chess, a pawn, if used well, will become the queen."

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"A leader must lead. Where others see obstacles, he must see opportunities. When

others see problems, he must see possibilities. Civilization is not built on a negation

but on an affirmation - an affirmation of the bright and promising possibilities thatthe future holds for those who are enterprising enough to pursue them."

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"A Leader is someone who nurtures others and

allows them to progress and perform to their best

ability. Whoever restricts others from growing, theyhave no faith in their own ability as a leader."

Thank You Very MuchSompong Yusoontorn

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Part IIIPart III

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"Read it slow: LIFEISNOWHERE. What

did you read? LIFE IS NO WHERE or LIFEIS NOW HERE? Life is as you read it."

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"A true master is not the one

with the most students, but onewho creates the most masters."

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"Lead without title and you will be the most admired leader!"

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"A true leader seeks the verybest for all of those he serves."

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"A leaf which falls from a tree

goes wherever the wind takes it.

Be the wind to drive others, notthe leaf to be driven by others."

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"People will only reach as

high as the standard is set. It

is the leader's duty to set the

standard high, and then to

come behind them to help

them reach that standard.

This is true motivation and true leadership!"

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"When ONE person does a great deal,

little is accomplished. However, when

EVERYONE does a little, great thingsare accomplished."

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"Be ready to PAY and then you PLAY. First you take PAIN then you make a GAIN. The

law of nature is that first you SOW and then you REAP. You SOW LESS and REAP MORE.

If one defies this law of nature and makes a GAIN before taking the PAIN, thenone passes through more PAIN than the GAIN made."

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"It's not


right, it's


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"People who believe in

themselves believe in others

too because they always have

the ability to turn anything

done by others that may be bad into good."

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"Leading is not about putting a dog

on a leash and going on a journey; it's

about setting him free, throwing thebone, and letting him run with it."

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"People don't follow

uncommitted leaders.

Commitment can be

displayed in a full range

of matters to include the

work hours you choose

to maintain, how you

work to improve your

abilities, or what you do

for your fellow workersat a personal sacrifice."at a personal sacrifice."

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"Leadership Qualities: A leader

chooses a mission with a noble

purpose so that it can satisfy the

members & make them take aninterest in accomplishment."

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"Most of our mistakes are

made either because we act

without thinking or we keep on thinking and do not act."

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"When you travel down the roads of

life and you see someone going in

the wrong direction, do not give

them the motivation to speed upbut the education to turn around."

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"Success means winning the war, not every battle."

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"It is not a question of how well each

process works, the question is howwell they all work together."

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"The task of leadership is not to put

greatness into people, but to elicit it,for the greatness is there already."

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"If you don't have the

courage to walk alone,

others will not have thecourage to walk with you."

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"Be the man everyone wants,

then everyone remembers you;

Don't be the man everyone

wants to be, and on a fine day someone will replace you."

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The six most important words: I admit I made a mistake.

The five most important words: You did a good job.

The four most important words: What is YOUR opinion?

The three most important words: If you please.

The two most important words: Thank You.

The one most important word: We.The least important word: I.

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"Achievement always comes

to the person who is looking

for it but not to the person who is just waiting for it."

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"A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions,

and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. A true leader becomes one by the quality of their actions and the integrity of his or her intentions - compilation."

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"In motivating people, you've got to engage their minds and their hearts.

I motivate people, I hope, by example -- and perhaps by excitement, by having productive ideas to make others feel involved." - Rupert Murdoch

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"Leadership rests not only upon ability, not only upon capacity; having the

capacity to lead is not enough. The leader must be willing to use it. His

leadership is then based on truth and character. There must be truth in the purpose and will power in the character."-Vince Lombardi

Thank You Very Much

Sompong Yusoontorn

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"Everybody is a leader, but not everybody can

lead. Leaders grow towards perfection and

towards the betterment of others lives. Ask

yourself, are you a leader? Can you lead? Then begin the task with yourself first."

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"A leader struggles daily to

motivate, innovate and maximize performance."

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"Leadership is a combination of

strategy and character. If you must be

without one, be without the strategy."- Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf

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"Effective leadership is the only competitive advantage that will endure.

That's because leadership has two sides - what a person is (character) and what a person does (competence)."-Stephen Covey

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"Leadership is not"Leadership is not

a right; it's a greata right; it's a greatresponsibility.responsibility.""

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"Delegation is the"Delegation is the

passing on of actionspassing on of actions,,

not the passing on not the passing on

of responsibility."of responsibility."-- Eric Eric EdmeadesEdmeades

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"The reasonable man adapts himself"The reasonable man adapts himself

to the world; the unreasonable one to the world; the unreasonable one

persists in trying to adapt the worldpersists in trying to adapt the world

to himself. Therefore, to himself. Therefore, all progressall progress

depends on the unreasonable mandepends on the unreasonable man."."-- George Bernard ShawGeorge Bernard Shaw

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"There's a difference between "There's a difference between

a humble leader and an insecurea humble leader and an insecure

person. A humble leader says, person. A humble leader says,

'I'm not worthy of this'I'm not worthy of this,' while ,' while

an insecure person says, an insecure person says, 'I can't do this.'"'I can't do this.'"

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"Commitment is the difference

between people who have potentialand people who have results."

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"Outstanding leaders go out "Outstanding leaders go out

of their way to boost the selfof their way to boost the self--

esteem of their personnel. Ifesteem of their personnel. If

people people believe in themselvesbelieve in themselves,,

it's amazing what they it's amazing what they

can accomplish."can accomplish."-- Sam WaltonSam Walton

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"It is wise to direct your anger towards

problems -not people, to focus your

energies on answers -not excuses."- William Arthur Ward

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"Quality is "Quality is never an accidentnever an accident..

It is the result of planning, It is the result of planning,

teamwork and commitmentteamwork and commitmentto excellence."to excellence."

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"Bad is never better, until

worse takes place. Good

is not enough, whereexcellent is required."

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"Lead, do not manage, practice

what you preach, live the life

you are teaching about...it's

the only way others will truly

believe and true belief becomes reality."becomes reality."

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"Leadership, like coaching, is fighting

for the hearts and souls of men and

getting them to believe in you."- Eddie Robinson

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"No executive has ever suffered

because his subordinates were

strong and effective."- Peter F. Drucker

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"Exploration before

explanation. If you

cannot explore it, youcannot explain it."

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"Management without "Management without observanceobservance

is a threat to an organization.is a threat to an organization.

Observing is simple but a really Observing is simple but a really giant power of a good leader."giant power of a good leader."

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"A goal is created three times. First as a

mental picture. Second, when written

down to add clarity and dimension.

And third, when you take action towards its achievement."

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"Life is made up of Imagination,

Perception, Reality and Belief.

Validate your perception and

convert your imagination to

dreams and goals and believein the reality of possibility."

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""VisionVision dictates dictates MissionMission which determines which determines StrategyStrategy, which surfaces , which surfaces GoalsGoals that frame that frame

ObjectivesObjectives, which in turn drives , which in turn drives the Tactics the Tactics that tell an organization what that tell an organization what ResourcesResources, , InfrastructureInfrastructure and and Processes Processes are needed to support a certainty of are needed to support a certainty of ExecutionExecution."."

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"It is not the quantity of mistakes that matter in lifebut the quality of learning you derived from it."

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"Be a leader who is well respected "Be a leader who is well respected

rather than a leader who is well liked rather than a leader who is well liked

because because well respected leaders will well respected leaders will

do the right things for the peopledo the right things for the people, and , and

the people will love you for the things the people will love you for the things that you do for them."that you do for them."

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"The first and last task of a

leader is to keep hope alive."- John W. Gardner

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"Leaders aren't born they are made. And they are made just like

anything else, through hard work. And that's the price we'll have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal."- Vince Lombardi

Thank You Very Much

Sompong Yusoontorn

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Part Part 55

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"There are two kinds of people in the world. There are

people that complain about nothing ever changing and

there are those that notice a need and affect thechanges necessary! What do you want to be?"

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"Change is not your enemy;fear is your enemy."

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"Leadership is not about exercising authority over

people or by winning over people, but it is the ability

to bind a group together, persuading and motivatingthem to seek defined objectives enthusiastically."

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"Leaders learn by leading, and they learn best

by leading in the face of obstacles. As weather

shapes mountains, problems shape leaders."- Warren Bennis

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"Good leadership is about gaining respect. It is not chaotic; it is rational and guided with insightful decisions."

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"Right is always right. You can never

find any wrong in doing right. Today,

make the choice to do right; it's theright thing to do!"

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"A group becomes a team when each member is sure enough of himself

and his contribution to praise the skills of the others.“- Norman Shidle

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"Small men always talk about problems, great men always talk aboutsolutions and business geniuses find opportunities in these problems."

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"High achievement always takes place in the framework of

high expectation." - Charles Kettering

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"If you just set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise

on anything at any time, and you would achieve nothing."- Margaret Thatcher

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"My heroes are those who I don't know but would like to think exist, toinspire me to achieve more than what I think I am capable of doing."

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"In the end, all business operations can be reduced to three words; people, product

and profits. Unless you've got a good team, you can't do much with the other two."- Lee Iacocca

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"We "We should should not expect others to be like usnot expect others to be like us, because life becomes really , because life becomes really

boring when we have to live with our own shadows. We should learn boring when we have to live with our own shadows. We should learn to respect the uniqueness in every human."to respect the uniqueness in every human."

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"Commitment means

staying consistent ratherthan being fast."

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"When you point at others

with your index finger, the

rest of your fingers point

back at you. Always

analyze yourself before blaming others."

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"A leader is one who leads but also

listens. The individuals, who you are

leading, are in the front lines and

they sometimes know better than you what to do. Always listen!"

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"Be eager to listen,

but be careful howyou respond."

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"Quality questions create a quality life.

Successful people ask better questions,

and as a result, they get better answers."- Anthony Robbins

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" The best way to inspire people to superior performance is to convince them

by everything you do and by your everyday attitude that you are

wholeheartedly supporting them."Harold S. Geneen

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"Learning is a never-ending

process. It has no boundaries.

Follow your heart and pursue

learning & updating on all thatlearning & updating on all thatyou are interested in."

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"Success is not about being the

best and winning the race, but

about handling the worst andfinishing the race."

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"I don't care how much you know. I don't care

where you are from. I don't care about yourpast. I care about seeing your passion."

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Life may not always be what you wish but what you demand. Great men forge

ahead in spite of difficult circumstances. To be in great demand, you need toencounter great circumstances that will reveal your wish at the end.

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"If you say you're going to try to do something and you don't, then in your head it's

okay that you failed because you only said you'd try. Take the word "try" out of yourvocabulary. It's just an excuse that makes failure acceptable."

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"Do what you love to do and give it your very best. Whether it's business or baseball,

or the theater, or any field - if you don't love what you're doing and you can't give it

your best, get out of it. Life is too short. You'll be an old man before you know it."- Al Lopez

Thank You Very MuchThank You Very MuchSompongSompong YusoontornYusoontorn

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"I don't believe in team motivation. I

believe in getting a team prepared so

it knows it will have the necessary

confidence when it steps on a field

and be prepared to play a good game.“- Tom Landry

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"People don't care how much

you know, until they know how much you care!"

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Respect is the key determinant of high performance

leadership. How much people respect you

determines how well they perform.

- Brian Tracy

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F.A.C.T.S. of Leadership





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"Great ambition is the passion of

a great character. Those endowed

with it may perform very good or

very bad acts. All depends on the

principals which direct them."- Napoleon Bonaparte

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"Management is efficiency in climbing

the ladder of success; leadership

determines whether the ladder is

leaning against the right wall."- Stephen R. Covey

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To lead people, walk beside them … As for the best leaders, the people do not notice

their existence. The next best, the people honor and praise. The next, the people fear;

and the next, the people hate … When the best leader’s work is done the people say,‘We did it ourselves! - Lao-Tsu

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"The Conductor is

the only one in the

orchestra who doesn't

play a note but still heleads the team to success."

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"To lead a group, you mustinfluence, not demand."

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"When you are right,

you have no need to be

angry. When you are

wrong, you have no

right to be angry.“- Mahatma Gandhi

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"The quality of an organization

can never exceed the quality of

the minds that make it up.- Harold R. McAlindon

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The leaders who work most effectively, it seems to me, never say “I.” And that’s not because they

have trained themselves not to say “I.” They don’t think “I.” They think “we”; they think “team.” They

understand their job to be to make the team function. They accept responsibility and don’t sidestep

it, but “we” gets the credit…. This is what creates trust, what enables you to get the task done.- Peter Drucker

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"One reason we have resistance

to change is that we focus on

what we have to give up rather

than on what we have to gain."- Ken Blanchard

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Leadership is getting

someone to do what

they don't want to do,

to achieve what they

want to achieve.

- Tom Landry

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The task of leadership is not to put

greatness into people, but to elicit it,

for the greatness is there already.John Buchan

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Good leadership consists

of showing average people

how to do the work of

superior people.

- John D. Rockefeller

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If I have seen farther than others,

it is because I was standing on

the shoulder of giants.- Isaac Newton

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The very essence of leadership is that

you have to have vision. You can’t

blow an uncertain trumpet.- Theodore M. Hesburgh

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The final test of a leader is that he

leaves behind him in other men, the

conviction and the will to carry on.- Walter Lippman

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Example is not the main thing in

influencing others, it is the only thing.- Albert Schweitzer

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"Control is not leadership; management is not leadership;

leadership is leadership. If you seek to lead, invest at least 50%

of your time in leading yourself - your own purpose, ethics,

principles, motivation, conduct. Invest at least 20% leading

those with authority over you and 15% leading your peers."

- Dee Hock

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The key to successful leadership

today is influence, not authority.- Kenneth Blanchard

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"One of the greatest victories

you can gain over someone isto beat him at politeness."

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I cannot give you the formula

for success, but I can give you

the formula for failure: which

is: Try to please everybody.- Herbert B. Swope

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If your actions inspire others

to dream more, learn more,

do more and become more,

you are a leader.- John Quincy Adams

Thank You Very MuchSompong Yusoontorn