Use this title slide only with an image ‘Tears & Cheers’ SAP: The Recruitment Journey.....so far Matthew Jeffery June 2014

Tears & Cheers The Recruitment Journey!

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‘Tears & Cheers’ SAP: The Recruitment Journey.....so farMatthew JefferyJune 2014

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Aaaarrrrrggggghhhhh..........iRecruit....Stage Fright

My first public speaking since Oct 2012

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“SAP is on an exciting journey. As one of the largest employers in the hi tech sector, we are embarking on a transformational journey in our approach to Talent Acquisition. Here’s our journey so far”.

© 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 4Confidential

SAP: Who Are we?

The world's leading provider of enterprise application software

65,000 employees globally€16 bn revenue

© 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 5Confidential

Our solutions help the world run better

© 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 6Confidential

To achieve our ambitions: We have to hire & retain the ‘best talent’ and winners! Talent Acquisition is CRITICAL

© 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 7Confidential

Many of us stand at a Recruitment Crossroads

© 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 8Confidential

Tough decisions need to be taken: So many different solutions: what works? what doesn’t?

Fill reqs with



Social Media ROI?

How Assess Candidates? Building an EVP?



TA Marketing?

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‘Good’ Recruitment is not easy: We have to chart difficult & choppy waters

© 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 10Confidential

The challenges we ALL face….

- Highly competitive to attract & retain the ‘Top Talent’ / Global War for Talent

- Experienced Talent pool is shrinking

- Talent has become more demanding: compensation, career paths, training

- Talent is more mobile: Relocate for the best job

- Talent more fluid: Average time in a job 2 years

- How to get a true ROI on Social Media

- The art of Employment Branding and positioning

- External providers losing ground

© 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 11Confidential

Everyone in this room is in a race to attract the ‘top’ talent. We cannot all win!

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The key is understanding what makes us ‘unique’ and ‘differentiates’ us from the herd

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Why the need for change? A new direction?

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The baseline: Common problems every company faces

‘Too few Pipelines built’

‘Too little market mapping’

‘What does WGLL look like’?

‘Social media ‘Broadcasting’ not engaging’

‘Same old candidates applying’

‘Too many job boards’

‘Agencies too often a first resource’

‘No communities to source from’ ‘Old style recruitment marketing’

‘Data not measuring effectiveness/ROI’are

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SAP’s Key TA Strategic Imperatives 2014

© 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 16Confidential

TA’s priorities anchor from the SAP People & Organisational Strategy, (part of a radical people agenda)

build talent

simplify the organisation

develop leadership

make our business sustainable

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Powered by Design Thinking Workshops: Employees direct

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Building engaged Talent Communities with ROI

TA Strategic Priorities

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Diversity: Attracting more diverse candidates

TA Strategic Priorities

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Future talent: Attracting the ‘best Graduates’

TA Strategic Priorities

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Internal mobility: Growing from within

TA Strategic Priorities

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Strategic Hiring: ‘Mapping’ the Market

TA Strategic Priorities

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Spotting Quality: Define ‘WGLL’ per discipline

TA Strategic Priorities

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Streamlining & making global processes ‘consistent’

TA Strategic Priorities

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Big Data: Not a Buzzword.....its critical to what we do everyday. Ensuring accuracy of data to analyse….. then take informed decisions

TA Strategic Priorities

© 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 26Confidential

Making sure our EVP stands out from the crowdTA Strategic Priorities

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Let’s take a deeper dive……into our two highest priority areas

© 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 28Confidential

Sourcing & E-Branding traditionally off doing their own thing


Employment Branding

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A critical move was bringing them together into 1 team

© 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 30Confidential

Building the Employment Brand ‘Inside-Out’ Unite employees into ‘one’ happy team

© 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 31Confidential

Our goal is to ‘Humanise’ our brand…by….

© 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 32Confidential

Showcasing our best asset. Our Employees: They are the ‘true’ SAP Employment Brand

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By ‘Engaging’ with our communities, we can showcase employee stories & insights

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Engagement fuelled by ‘Gamification’

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Being candid we have areas to improve……

Uninspiring Corporate Careers site Jargonised Job Specs

How we build relationships with a large database

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And.......Candidate Experience: ‘Back to Basics’….don’t just rely on a bounceback email

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Candidate Experience: SAP Mapping the journey‘Putting ourselves in the candidates shoes’....

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Candidate Experience: and we ‘Listen’ by surveying

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SAP’s careers shop window to the world

SAP Careers Site Redesign

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Humanized approach - employees telling stories (Run with Purpose)

Friendly, approachable tone.


Responsive design - Scrolling & Interactive

Content Management System – fresh content

Capturing key metrics of visitors (RMK)

Embrace Social Media (‘Life at SAP’)

Brand compliant

Our Goals

© 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 41Confidential

A ‘customised’ and unique experience

Different entry points and experiences for :




© 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 42Confidential

Visually Impactful, Bold, Tailored ‘Home Page’

Responsive design ie screen scrolls down

Bold, visual approach with more ‘approachable’


‘Tailored’ entry points for High School, Graduates,


(This is a screen shot of the Graduates home screen)

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Responsive Design

Graduate home screen scrolling down

Note: Employee Videos

Social Media Interaction

Bright Imagery

Insights into the culture of SAP

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Accessible For Those On The Move

Fully Mobile enabled

(This is how our careers site will look on a mobile phone)

Responsive design (scrolls down)

‘Jobs on the go’

© 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 45Confidential

Our Employees. Our Greatest Asset Tells Their Stories

Our People are the focus. Stories. Blogs. Videos. Photographs.

Bringing SAP to life.

© 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 46Confidential

Building Communities...a necessity not a ‘buzzword’

‘A group of interacting people, that shares common values/interests and through these bond ‘social cohesion’ / ‘belongingness’

© 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 47Confidential

Our goal: A predictable Talent pipeline, built from self sustaining talent communities

© 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 48Confidential

Communities: Crowdsourcing’s engine

New Ideas

External Referrals

Employer Brand Engagement

49© 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

Why A Talent Community?

Career Site

Apply Process


Applicant Tracking System


Passives = Lost

Drop Offs = 50%

Non-Hired = Dead

Moved To HRIS

Talent Community

Passives Captured

Drop Off’s Captured(Sourced &


Non-Hired Are Recycled(Future Apply &


Employee Referral & Mobility

Passive Capture Rates Increased Viral Referrals Increase Re-Apply Rates

© 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 50Confidential

Sourcing Confusion & Lack of Integration


ATS System

© 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 51Confidential

SuccessFactors Globally Optimizes Recruitment Marketing Operations

52© 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

Measuring What’s Working: Big Data in Play

© 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 53Confidential

Recruiting Analytics – Full Line of Sight

Sourcing Mix

• Compare your front end sourcing mix with downstream hiring results

• What sources drive more traffic to your website and yield greater hires

• What sources have the best ROI

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The Importance of Sourcing

© 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 55Confidential

Why is Sourcing CRITICAL to SAP?

80% of Talent is Passive

i.e. not looking for a job

20% of Talent is Active

i.e. looking for a job e.g. registered on job boards, registered with recruitment agencies


The best talent is focused on their current job, is not looking and therefore needs to be approached

Question: Does SAP want to hire the BEST quality talent or continue to focus only on those actively looking for a job?

© 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 56Confidential

Challenges to Hiring ‘the best’

‘Good’ Recruitment is NOT easy:

- ‘The Best’ candidates expect to be approached. They are waiting to be ‘tempted’ away from their current job. Sourcing is a high skill role that requires sales, marketing & psychological profiling skills.

- Old recruitment methods, ie job boards, agencies, cater for minority. ‘Roulette Wheel’ recruiting, the ‘right person’, seeing the ‘right job’, at the ‘right time’, and deciding that SAP is ‘right for them’.

- Like many companies we have a developing Employment Brand in the tech industry. When we call candidates, we have to ‘work’ hard and get past ‘barriers of misconception’ (SAP a large Corporate, slow, ‘heavily Works Council run’, un-innovative, bureaucratic company). Means we need the Phone.

- Still a ‘war for talent’ in high tech sector between big brands like like Apple, Google, Microsoft & smaller brands like Workday, Salesforce.

- Therefore: SAP has to work to attract TOP QUALITY, (as do our competitors).

© 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 57Confidential

Hiring the best: ID’ing the DNA of WGLL!

© 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 58Confidential

Pioneering New Assessments

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Goal: Hire the best grads, open it to social media

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© 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 61Confidential

What Great Looks Like (WGLL)...defined by SAP

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What Great Looks Like (WGLL)

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© 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 64Confidential

Into the tool......

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Cultural test....takes 5-10 mins....Pass/Fail

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Situational Test....takes 15/20 mins....Pass/Fail

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Post assessment....engage....build relationships

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Creating a bootcamp........

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‘Wow’ Bootcamp..............

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Big Data drives WGLL. It allows a greater predictivity in hiring. Assessments critical

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Quality of hire

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Our challenges

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Fear of change

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‘Relax. Its always worked in the past’

© 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 75Confidential

Technology is an enabler but mindsets & capabilities are what drives change & success

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Moving ‘Recruitment’ to the Cloud and mobile

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Everything changes: Who knows what we will find at the end of the yellow brick road?.................

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Any Questions?

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Thank you for listening

Feel free to add me as a connection on LinkedIn or speak to me in a networking event

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Thank you