PROJECT PROPOSAL FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE CONSULTING &TRAINING. Prepared by: Eileen Ryan Thank you for affording me the opportunity to prepare this proposal.

Team National: Project proposal for Customer Service Consulting & Training

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Page 1: Team National: Project proposal for Customer Service Consulting & Training


Prepared  by:  Eileen  Ryan  

Thank  you  for  affording  me  the  opportunity  to  prepare  this  proposal.  

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In  today’s  Global  and  Virtual  marketplace  where  customer  options  are  practically  infinite,  the  customer  service  team  has  fast  become  the  frontline  Brand  Ambassador’s  of  an  organization.  






Customer  service  representatives  drive  brand  adoption  through  connection  and  engagement.  Their  relationship  with  your  customers  effects  the  way  your  products  and  services  are  received.    

Values  drive  a  brand..  


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Why  consider  a  Customer  Service  Consulting  &  Training  project?  

•  Industry  leaders  and  Ambassadors  of  the  Direct  Selling  industry.  

•  2013:  Ranked  (37)  of  the  top  100  Direct  Selling  companies  in  America.    

•  2013:  332  M  in  sales  •  Recognized  for  commitment  to  building  community  

driven  by  core  value  and  passion  for  “giving  back”  by  consistently  contributing  time,  money  and  services  to  local  and  national  charitable  organizations.  

Team  National  

The  proposed  project  connects  to  why  and  how  Team  National  conducts  its  


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The  Team  National  Mission:  “We  enrich  families  and  businesses  by  providing  vehicles  for  growth  And  everyday  savings  while  unleashing  the  entrepreneurial  spirit    

With  honor,  integrity  and  character.”  

Core  values  Commitment  to:  •  Families  •  Service  

•  Employees  •  Customers  of  the  products  &  opportunity  

•  The  community  •  The  Direct  Selling  Industry  

To  grow  &  inspire…  

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Connecting the core values and mission of Team National to the proposed project goals.

Observations  from  Gallup’s  2013  report:  Employee  Engagement  Insights  for  U.S.  Businesses.    

•  Only  41%  employees  felt  they  knew  what  their  company  stands  for.  

•  Customer  Service  Representatives  were  the  most  dis-­‐engaged  of  all  employee  groups.  

   What’s  the  connection?  Connect  the  employee  and  customer  to  the  core  values  of  the  brand.  Provide  training  for  creating  experiences  that  

convert  the  customer  to  a  brand  fan.  

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Employee  engagement  and  the  customer  service  experience…    

In  the  age  of  multi  channels  of  communication,  rapid  changes  in  technology  and  the  rise  of  the  virtual  office,  

every  opportunity  to  engage,  connect  and  build  relationships  with  customers  “makes  a  difference”  to  


•  Engaged  employees  connected  to  the  core  values  of  a  brand  create  the  difference.  

Why dedicate time and resources to customer service?

Building  relationships  and  creating  opportunities  for  developing  process  that  improve  the  reputation  of  the  Direct  Selling  Industry,  are  core  values  of  the  Team  National  mission  and  vision.  

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•  Utilize  analytics,  consultation  &  collaboration  to  map  the  “story”  of  the  Team  National  customer  experience.  

•  Identify  (3)  major  target  areas  of  opportunity  for  growth.  

•  Review  and  compare  customer  service  policies  to  customer  service  procedures.    

•  Identify  procedural  areas  of  opportunity  for  growth.  

•  Collaborate  with  team  to  create  a  process  map  identifying  where  along  the  “road  map”  processes  get  missed.  

•  Create  solutions  for  closing  the  gap  on  procedural  process  stop  gaps.  


Proposed project: Weeks 1&2 Analyze – collaborate-create

Inspire  growth  &  learning  

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Collaborate  with  management  &  the  Customer  Service  team.  

 •  Enlist  team  in  a  shared  vision  of  the  future.  •  Develop  with  each,  a  clearly  defined  personal  vision  aligned  with  the  company  

vision  and  values.  •  Develop  S.M.A.R.T  goals  with  the  customer  

service  and  management  team.            

Proposed Project: Weeks 3&4 Collaborate & Set Goals

Gain  alignment  every  step  of  the  way  and  at  every  level.  

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                 People  may  hear  your  words,  but  they  will  feel  

your  attitude..”  John  Maxwell  

Proposed project: Weeks 5 & 6 Training and Implementation

Experiential  training  designed  to:  

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Value & compensation

 Proposed  timeline  for  services:  (6)  weeks,  counted  as  (30)  business  days.  

This  proposal  presented  an  overview  of  services  for  increasing  engagement  between  the  customer  service  representatives  and  the  customer.    

 The  Value:  

 Inspire,  develop  and  train  a  team  of  brand  ambassadors  committed  to  creating  brand  fans  out  of  every  customer  relationship.    

Proposed  compensation:  $5,400  

Proposed  payment  breakdown:  $1,600  at  the  close  of  each  two  week  period  of  contract  

services  provided.  

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Smartsheet  is  the  preferred  Project  Management  tool  of  the  contractor  of  this  

proposal  for  services.    

Smartsheet  offers:    

•  Collaboration  &  communication  between    project  participants.  

•  A  virtual  platform  for  communication,  the  assignment  of  specific  tasks  and  the  ability  to  create  forms  and  share  documents.  

•  May  be  accessed  from  any  location  allowing  for  management  to  have  access  to  real  time  project  completion  of  tasks  and  goals.  

Project Management

*  Realizing  project  participants  may  prefer  other  tools  or  platforms,  the  contractor  remains  open  to  recommendations  of  the  team.  

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 The  goal  of  this  proposal  was  to  provide  an  overview  of  the  value  of  services  proposed.  

The  result  of  preparing  this  proposal  was  the  value  received  from  researching  Team  


Thank you!

I  was  inspired,  smiled  and  uplifted  by  “connecting”  with  people  with  a  passion  for  providing  an  opportunity  that  allows  other  people  to  create  the  “life  they  

imagine”  .  

What’s  the  next  step?  I’m  eager  to  discuss  the  contributions  I  can  make.  I  will    contact  your  office  Friday  to  schedule  an  appointment  to  meet.