Taking Care of Business

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IFS Applications

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Page 1: Taking Care of Business

Ifs APPlIcAtIons

tAKInG cAre of BusInesstAKInG cAre of BusInesstAKInG cAre of BusInesstAKInG cAre of BusInesstAKInG cAre of BusIness

Page 2: Taking Care of Business
Page 3: Taking Care of Business

Are You tAKInG cAre of BusIness……or taking care of your enterprise software? the tools we use to run our business are supposed to enhance our productivity. but too often, we wind up spending a lot of time struggling to use these very tools. that is why IFS, with our focus on user productivity, is taking simple and intuitive usability to new heights. So you can spend more time taking care of business, and less time struggling with your technology.

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IntuItIve. effIcIent. AttrActIve.When was the last time you read through the manual, or attended a course, before using a self-service check-in terminal in the airport? We have made IFS Applications™ a “walk up and use” enterprise application. While domain-specific knowledge in purchasing, manufacturing and other areas will always be necessary, we have made our technology as easy to use as surfing the web or using an iPhone. Simple and effective tools to navigate, search, and perform actions remove the biggest time wasters when using enterprise software. All this combined with an attractive design makes for an application that creates user excitement rather than user frustration.

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With an appealing design and familiar, intuitive tools, IFS Applications with the IFS Enterprise Explorer all but eliminates the need to learn how to move about and use the system.

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tAKe seArcHInG out of tHe dArK AGesone of the most frustrating things about using enterprise software is when you try to find anything in the vast array of screens and query boxes. It can feel like using the web before the days of google™, when in order to find anything, you paradoxically had to already know where it was! that is why IFS introduced the industry’s first integrated enterprise application search, making searching your enterprise data as easy as using google. this search capability comes integrated with IFS Applications at no additional cost, and delivers targeted and effective search results that a standalone tool cannot match.

With IFS Enterprise Application Search, searching in IFS Applications is as easy as using google. results are presented in order of relevance and can easily be categorized to help users when the number of hits is large. IFS security features guarantee that the search results only contain information the user is authorized to view.

tAKe seArcHInG out of tHe dArK AGesone of the most frustrating things about using enterprise software is when you try to find anything in the vast array of screens and query boxes. It can feel like using the web before the days of googlefind anything, you paradoxically had to already know where it was! that is why IFS introduced the industry’s first integrated enterprise application search, making searching your enterprise data as easy as using google. this search capability comes integrated with IFS Applications at no additional cost, and delivers targeted and effective search results that a standalone tool cannot match.

With IFS Enterprise Application Search, searching in IFS Applications is as easy as using google. results are presented in order of relevance and can easily be categorized to help users when the number of hits is large. IFS security features guarantee that the search results only contain information the user is authorized to view.

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Perfect for ‘stIcKY’ sItuAtIonsnew collaboration methods we call ‘Sticky’ notes make it easier for users to find, share and use both structured and unstructured information. Enterprise data is visible to all in the relevant business context, rather than getting lost in an individual’s mailbox. Seeing all relevant data—including documents attached to a record—is easier than ever before. Sharing thoughts and comments with colleagues is intuitive. IFS Applications has always handled structured processes, data and workflows, but now makes interaction more fluid and less formal.

to find, share and use both structured and unstructured information.

getting lost in an individual’s mailbox. Seeing all relevant data—including documents attached to a record—is easier than ever before. Sharing thoughts and comments with colleagues is intuitive. IFS Applications has always handled structured processes, data and workflows, but now makes

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Sharing unstructured data like web links, pictures and other files is now as easy as adding a sticky note to any record. Passing tasks back and forth is as easy as sending an email or adding a task to an associate’s “to-do” list.

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tAnGle free nAvIGAtIonWhen it comes to using software, two things are certainly true—it is easier to recognize than remember, and everyone knows how to use a web browser. unfortunately, enterprise software often requires users to remember a great deal about how to use the interface. IFS Applications

changes that by working just like a web browser. users will recognize navigating with hyperlinks, using “favorites” shortcuts, the “back arrow” and other tools to help you find the way.

tAnGle free nAvIGAtIonWhen it comes to using software, two things are certainly true—it is easier to recognize than remember, and everyone knows how to use a web browser. unfortunately, enterprise software often requires users to remember a great deal about how to use the interface. IFS Applications

changes that by working just like a web browser. users will recognize navigating with hyperlinks, using “favorites”

tAnGle free nAvIGAtIonWhen it comes to using software, two things are certainly true—it is easier to recognize than remember, and everyone knows how to use a web browser. unfortunately, enterprise software often requires users to remember a great deal about how to use the interface. IFS Applications

changes that by working just like a web browser. users will

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With IFS Applications, you surf your enterprise as easily as you surf the web. Innovative tools like the visual “recent Screens” let users stay orientated when multitasking or working with large amounts of information.

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PersonAl toucHno one works in exactly the same way, which is why IFS Applications allows the user experience to be adapted to the needs of the individual, as well as the environment where it is used. novice users can start with a simple, minimalist look and add more and more features and screen elements as their skill level advances.

IFS Applications can be used with a minimal set of tools visible, freeing up screen real estate on small laptops and ultra-mobile Pcs. users with bigger displays can take advantage of working with multiple windows and keeping more tools and related information visible simultaneously.

PersonAl toucHno one works in exactly the same way, which is why IFS Applications allows the user experience to be adapted to the needs of the individual, as well as the environment where it is used. novice users can start with a simple, minimalist look and add more and more features and screen elements as their skill level advances.

IFS Applications can be used with a minimal set of tools visible, freeing up screen real estate on small laptops and ultra-mobile Pcs. users with bigger displays can take advantage of working with multiple windows and keeping more tools and related information visible simultaneously.

PersonAl toucHno one works in exactly the same way, which is why IFS Applications allows the user experience to be adapted to the needs of the individual, as well as the environment where it is used. novice users can start with a simple, minimalist look and add more and more features and screen elements as their skill level advances.

IFS Applications can be used with a minimal set of tools visible, freeing up screen real estate on small laptops and ultra-mobile Pcs. users with bigger displays can take advantage of working with multiple windows and keeping more tools and related information visible simultaneously.

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by running from the web and using hyperlinks for all navigation, IFS Applications makes it easy to link external resources from anywhere right into the correct page and data in the application. IFS virtual map is an example of how web resources become a natural part of the IFS Applications experience.

sMootHInG tHe luMPs out of MAsH-uPsone thing that makes the web so successful is the ease with which content and applications from multiple sources can be linked together. IFS Applications extends this benefit to the enterprise application and features IFS virtual map™. It is a mash-up between IFS Applications and microsoft bing™ maps, where any location-based information in IFS Applications can be visualized. this is a particularly useful tool for companies that operate a mobile workforce and need to have an effective graphical visualization of business data.

by running from the web and using hyperlinks for all navigation, IFS Applications makes it easy to link external resources from anywhere right into the correct page and data in the application. IFS virtual map is an example of how web resources become a natural part of the IFS Applications experience.

sMootHInG tHe luMPs out of MAsH-uPsone thing that makes the web so successful is the ease with which content and applications from multiple sources can be linked together. IFS Applications extends this benefit to the enterprise application and features IFS virtual mapand microsoft bingIFS Applications can be visualized. this is a particularly useful tool for companies that operate a mobile workforce and need to have an effective graphical visualization of business data.

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tAKe cAre of Your BusIness …… not your enterprise software. As business becomes more complex, our software must become simpler. As we are all taking on more work and wearing multiple hats within our organizations, the software we use must allow us to learn new business functions with minimal training. our software must move us forward, not get in the way.

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IFS EntErPrISE ExPlorEr WIll bE IntroducEd In SElEctEd mArkEtS From thE SEcond hAlF oF 2009.thIS documEnt mAy contAIn StAtEmEntS oF PoSSIblE FuturE FunctIonAlIty For IFS’ SoFtWArE ProductS And tEchnology. Such StAtEmEntS oF FuturE FunctIonAlIty ArE For InFormAtIon PurPoSES only And Should not bE IntErPrEtEd AS Any commItmEnt or rEPrESEntAtIon. IFS And All IFS Product nAmES ArE trAdEmArkS oF IFS. thE nAmES oF ActuAl comPAnIES And ProductS mEntIonEd hErEIn mAy bE thE trAdEmArkS oF thEIr rESPEctIvE oWnErS.

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