‘He’s coming to get you’ Relates to title and narrative Slightly too childish for our target audience- ‘His Past will torment your future’ Relates to title and narrative + Direct address+ ‘You can’t escape His Past’ Direct address+ Relates to ‘He remembers’ Links to title+ Links to narrative + Slightly ‘A tormented soul never forgets’ Relates to title + Relates to narrative+ Scary + ‘Blood is thicker than Water’ Relates to the narrative + However, gives too much away – Not scary enough - ‘Family isn’t forever’ Alliterative+ Relates to the narrative + Doesn’t relate to the title – Gives too much away, reduces the impact of the twist at the end- ‘Is He Watching You?’ Uses direct address + Rhetorical Question + Relates to the narrative + Chills audience on a personal level + Doesn’t relate to the title - Sleep With your Eyes Open’ Uses direct address + Doesn’t relate to the title – Links to the idea of danger and Mary-Anne’s fear + ‘If you sit quietly’ Too vague – Doesn’t relate to title or the narrative- This phrase is said in the trailer + ‘When the Past Comes to Haunt You’ This ties in with the narrative and the title + She isn’t aware she has a bad past but it’s in her blood +

Tag line ideas

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Page 1: Tag line ideas

‘He’s coming to get you’

Relates to title and narrative

Slightly too childish for our target audience-

‘His Past will torment your future’

Relates to title and narrative +

Direct address+

‘You can’t escape His Past’

Direct address+ Relates to


‘He remembers’

Links to title+ Links to

narrative + Slightly vague-

‘A tormented soul never forgets’

Relates to title + Relates to

narrative+ Scary +

‘If you sit quietly’

Too vague – Doesn’t relate to

title or the narrative- This phrase is said in

the trailer +

‘Blood is thicker than Water’

Relates to the narrative +

However, gives too much away –

Not scary enough -

‘Family isn’t forever’

Alliterative+ Relates to the narrative + Doesn’t relate to the title – Gives too much away,

reduces the impact of the twist at the end-

‘Is He Watching You?’

Uses direct address + Rhetorical Question + Relates to the

narrative + Chills audience on a

personal level + Doesn’t relate to the

title -

‘ Sleep With your Eyes Open’

Uses direct address + Doesn’t relate to the title

– Links to the idea of

danger and Mary-Anne’s fear +

Too Vague -

‘When the Past Comes to Haunt You’

This ties in with the narrative and the title +

She isn’t aware she has a bad past but it’s in her blood +