Sustainable Development Principles & Project Management Seminar October 1 st , 2013, Ice Cairo Developed and Facilitated by: Mohammed Khalil, B.Sc., PMI-RMP, PMP Senior PM Consultant, Projacs International E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: WWW.PCSD-EGYPT.ORG Cell # +201227449229, +201024311162 1 WWW.PCSD-EGYPT.ORG

Sustainable development and project management

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Sustainable Development Principles & Project Management Seminar

October 1st, 2013, Ice Cairo

Developed and Facilitated by: Mohammed Khalil, B.Sc., PMI-RMP, PMPSenior PM Consultant, Projacs International

E-mail: [email protected] Site: WWW.PCSD-EGYPT.ORG

Cell # +201227449229, +201024311162

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Seminar Objective

• The seminar aims to highlight the principles of Sustainable Development and emphasize the importance of its correlation ship with the Project Management Process Groups Developed by the Project Management Institute, USA.

• The seminar aims also to enhance the awareness of the community about the Sustainable Development.

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• The application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities in order to meet stakeholder needs and expectations.

• Managing a project includes:– Identifying requirements– Establishing clear and achievable objectives – Balancing the competing demands for quality, Scope,

Time and Cost– Adapting the specifications, plans and approach to the

different concerns of the stakeholders.

What is Project Management?


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Triple Constraints cont.




Balanced Project as per PMBOK® Guide 5th Edition


PMBOK is a registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc.

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Project BoundariesThe limits of project management applicability


Ref: PMBOK® Guide 4th Edition

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Projects /Programs/ Portfolios/ Strategic Planning

Projects are a means of organizing activities that cannot be addressed within the organization’s normal operational limits. Projects are, therefore, often utilized as a means of achieving an organization’s strategic plan, whether the project team is employed by the organization or is a contracted service provider.






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PM Process Groups / Areas of KnowledgeTotal 4 7 processes

Initiation2 processes

Planning24 processes

Executing8 processes

Monitoring & Controlling11 processes

Closing2 processes

Project Integration Management6 processes

1. Develop Project Charter 1. Develop Project Management Plan

1. Direct & Manage Project Execution

1. Monitor & Control Project Work2. Perform Integrated Change Control

1. Close Project / Phase

Project Scope Management6 processes

None 1. Plan Scope Management. 2.Collect Requirements3. Define Scope4. Create WBS

None 1. Validate Scope2. Control Scope


Project Time Management7 processes

None 1. Plan Schedule Management2. Define Activities3. Sequence Activities4. Estimate Activity Resources5. Estimate Activity Durations6. Develop Schedule

None 1. Control Schedule None

Project Cost Management4 processes

None 1. Plan Cost Management2. Estimate Costs3. Determine Budget

None 1. Control Costs None

Project Quality Management3 processes

None 1. Plan Quality 1. Perform Quality Assurance 1. Control Quality None

Project Human Resource Management4 processes

None 1. Plan Human Resource Management

1. Acquire Project Team2. Develop Project Team3. Manage Project Team

None None

Project CommunicationsManagement3 processes

1. Plan Communications Management

1. Manage Communications 1. Control Communications None

Project Risk Management6 processes

None 1. Plan Risk Management2. Identify RisksPerform. 3.Qualitative Risk Analysis.4. Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis.5. Plan Risk Responses.

None 1. Control Risks None

Project Management Process Group and Knowledge Area Mapping as per the PMBOK Guide 5th Edition

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Project ProcurementManagement4 processes

None 1. Plan Procurement Management

1. Conduct Procurements 1. Control Procurements

1. Close Procurements

Project Stakeholder Management4 processes

1. Identify Stakeholders

1. Plan Stakeholder Management

1. Manage Stakeholder Engagement

1. Control Stakeholder Engagement

Project Management Process Group and Knowledge Area Mapping as per the PMBOK Guide 5th Edition “cont.”

PM Process Groups / Areas of KnowledgeTotal 4 7 processes

Initiation2 processes

Planning24 processes

Executing8 processes

Monitoring & Controlling11 processes

Closing2 processes

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Process Groups Interact in a Phase or Project


Ref: PMBOK® Guide 4th Edition

PMBOK is a registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc.

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Create WBS

• It is a deliverable-oriented hierarchy of decomposed project components that organizes and defines the total scope of the project. The WBS is a representation of the detailed project scope statement that specifies the work to be accomplished by the project. The elements comprising the WBS assist the stakeholders in viewing the end product of the project. The work at the lowest-level WBS component is estimated, scheduled, and tracked.


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Create WBS cont.

• Preparing a WBS: – The WBS evolves through an iterative

considerations of the project’s purpose and objectives, functional, performance design criteria, project scope, technical performance requirements, and other technical attributes. A higher level WBS can often be developed early in the conceptual stage of the project. Once the project is defined and specifications are prepared, a more detailed WBS can be developed.


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Create WBS cont.

• The WBS can assist the project manager and stakeholders in developing a clear vision of the end product (s) of the project and of the overall process by which it will be created. With this in mind, the following should stimulate through when developing a WBS to manage the project:– Think through the entire project (look at dividing high level

deliverables.)– Think deliverables (What is to be provided / what is required).– Think with the end in mind (How will this component contribute to be

the finished deliverable?)– Think through the production of the deliverables. (What methods?

What special processes? What quality requirements? What inspections?) to the finished deliverable?

• Have you formulated a vision of the final product in your mind?– What are its constituent parts?– How do the pieces work together?– What needs to be done?


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Create WBS cont.

• The following steps describe the general process for developing a WBS:– Step 1: Identify the final product (s) of the project, what

must be delivered to achieve project success. A thorough review of high level project scope documents (inputs such as statement of work SOW, technical requirements documents, and so on) is recommended to ensure consistency between the WBS and the project requirements.

– Step 2: Define the project’s major deliverables, which are often predecessor deliverables necessary for the product, but that in themselves do not satisfy a business need (e.g., a design specifications)


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Create WBS cont.

– Step 3: Decompose major deliverables to a level of detail appropriate for management and integrated control. These WBS elements normally tie to clear and discrete identification of stand alone deliverable products.

– Step 4: Review and refine the WBS until project stakeholders agree that project planning can be successfully completed and that execution and control will successfully produce the desired outcome.


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Create WBS cont.

• Careful consideration must be given to the design and development of the WBS. The work breakdown structure can be used to provide the basis for:– The responsibility matrix.– Network scheduling.– Costing.– Risk analysis.– Organizational structure.– Coordination of objectives.– Control (including contract administration).


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Create WBS cont.

• Work Breakdown Structure and Dictionary: For each WBS element,

the WBS dictionary includes a statement of work, a list of

associated activities, and a list of milestones. Other information

can include the responsible organization, start and end dates,

resources required, an estimate of cost, charge number, contract

information, quality requirements, and technical references to

facilitate performance of work. Each WBS element should be cross-

referenced, as appropriate, to other WBS elements in the WBS



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Sustainable Development

• Sustainable Development is defined as per what is called Brundtland Report made by the World Commission for Environment and Development in 1987 as:

• The development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs.

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Sustainable Development cont.

• The international attention given to Brundtland report resulted in some initiatives taken care by the UN, European Union, USA and recently China that has been placing increasing importance on Sustainable Development issues.

• This is mainly due to its fast growing population and economy, which have placed an increasing amount of pressure on the environment as well as the prospect of becoming a leader in green technology.

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SD Principles

• Sustainable Development Principles go within the following dimensions:– Economical Dimension– Societal Dimension– Ecological “Environmental” Dimension

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SD Principles cont

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SD Applications


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Green Building Green building - also known as

sustainable or high performance building - is the practice of:

• Increasing the efficiency with which buildings and their sites use and harvest energy, water, and materials; and

• Protecting and restoring human health and the environment, throughout the building life-cycle: siting, design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation and deconstruction.

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Green Building Concept

The `Green Building' concept is gaining importance in various countries all over the world. These are buildings that ensure that waste is minimized at every stage during the construction and operation of the building, resulting in low costs, according to experts in the technology.

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• The techniques associated with the `Green Building' include measures to prevent erosion of soil, rainwater harvesting, preparation of landscapes to reduce heat, reduction in usage of potable water, recycling of waste water and use of world class energy efficient practices.

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What makes a building "green"?

A green building is a structure that is environmentally responsible and resource-efficient throughout its life-cycle. These objectives expand and complement the classical building design concerns of economy, utility, durability, and comfort.

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Green buildings are designed to reduce the overall impact of the built environment on human health and the natural environment by:

• Efficiently using energy, water, and other resources

• Protecting occupant health and improving employee productivity

• Reducing waste, pollution and environment degradation

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For example……….

Green buildings may incorporate sustainable materials in their construction (e.g., reused, recycled-content, or made from renewable resources);

Create healthy indoor environments with minimal pollutants (e.g., reduced product emissions);

And feature landscaping that reduces water usage (e.g., by using native plants that survive without extra watering).

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How Homes Become Green

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Building Types

• Homes• Schools • Commercial Buildings • Laboratories • Healthcare Facilities

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Benefits Of Green Building

Buildings have an enormous impact on the environment, human health, and the economy. The successful adoption of green building strategies can maximize both the economic and environmental performance of buildings.

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Environmental benefits

• Enhance and protect biodiversity and ecosystems

• Improve air and water quality

• Reduce waste streams • Conserve and restore

natural resources

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Economic benefits

• Reduce operating costs • Create, expand, and shape markets for green

product and services • Improve occupant productivity • Optimize life-cycle economic performance

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Social benefits

• Enhance occupant comfort and health • Heighten aesthetic qualities • Minimize strain on local infrastructure • Improve overall quality of life

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How do buildings affect natural resources?

• Buildings and development have significant environmental impacts on our natural resources, including:

• According to surveys conducted in 2002, 107.3 million acres of the 1.983 billion acres of total land area in the U.S. is developed, which represents an increase of 24 percent in developed land over the past 10 years.

• In terms of energy, buildings accounted for 39.4 percent of total U.S. energy consumption and 67.9 percent of total U.S. electricity consumption in 2002.

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Cont….• Building occupants use 12.2 percent of the total

water consumed in the U.S. per day. • Buildings, and the transportation infrastructure that

serves them, replace natural surfaces with impermeable materials, creating runoff that washes pollutants and sediments into surface waters. Urban runoff constitutes a major threat to water resources, as it has been identified as the fourth leading source of impairment in rivers, third in lakes, and second on estuaries.

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How do buildings affect climate change?

• The energy used to heat and power our buildings leads to the consumption of large amounts of energy, mainly from burning fossil fuels - oil, natural gas and coal - which generate significant amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2), the most widespread greenhouse gas. Buildings in the U.S. contribute 38.1 percent of the nation's total carbon dioxide emissions.

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Cont….• Reducing the energy use and greenhouse gas

emissions produced by buildings is therefore fundamental to the effort to slow the pace of global climate change. Buildings may be associated with the release of greenhouse gases in other ways, for example, construction and demolition debris that degrades in landfills may generate methane, and the extraction and manufacturing of building materials may also generate greenhouse gas emissions.

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