Jack Kimbell, CCM, CHE Certified Club Manager & Hospitality Educator Some material adapted from ClubCorp & Quaker Steak & Lube presentations LEADERSHIP 101 - Seven SuperVison Skills to Success

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Leadership presentation on Seven Performance Management Skills

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Jack Kimbell, CCM, CHE

Certified Club Manager & Hospitality Educator Some material adapted from ClubCorp & Quaker Steak & Lube presentations


Seven SuperVison

Skills to Success

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“You are hired by the people you report to;

you are fired by the people who report to


- Japanese proverb

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But…here are a few “Styles” from the

movies to to avoid...

Not all leaders are alike - diverse &

different styles are a good thing!

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The “My way or the highway” Manager…

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The “In your face” Manager…

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The “It’s all about me” Manager…

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The “Less than great

communicator” Manager...

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The “ I like you so I won’t hold you

accountable” Manager…

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Objective today…

Know the characteristics of each skill

Understand why each one is important

Identify your greatest Strength & Opportunity

Understand your role as a Leader

Know how you will be evaluated (-i.e. skills)

Know how to evaluate (motivate) your Club Leaders, Marketeers & others…

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Leadership Responsibilities…

• Clear communication

• Member, Guest & Employee Satisfaction

• Coach your TEAM to work together

• Grow talent

• Solve problems (with others)

• Be Adaptable

• Drive Results…

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What is a great leader…

*Think of one adjective to describe someone

you admire or has been your mentor...


90% of life is ATTITUDE! Or, maybe it’s more...

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Let’s add it up…

A = 1

T = 20

T = 20

I = 9

T = 20

U = 21

D = 4

E = 5

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ATTITUDE is everything...

It equals…

100% Your Attitude, plus your aptitude

determines your Altitude in life...

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Seven SuperVision

Skills for Success

Back to Rt. 7…

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1. Drive for Results

(both financial & standards of excellence)

*Driven to achieve both financial &

standards of excellence results

* Focuses on constant improvement

* Does the right thing

* Takes responsibility for results

(buck stops here…)

*Sets high standards & goals

(for self & their TEAM)

*Perseveres despite obstacles…

* Question – are you revenue driven?

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Results do matter...

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Goal Setting…

(ex. weekly Marketing meetings)

*Use a set format for your Marketing & Revenue


*Review / Preview Performance

*Define what we want to accomplish…

*What are the specific outcomes we want?

*What are some ways we can measure success?

*What part does everyone play in achieving the goal?

*Reward good performance…

*Make goals SMART…

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Making it S.M.A.R.T…

“Increase usage”

“Increase revenues”

“Increase sponsor dollars”

“Increase weddings/golf outings”

“Increase school banquet dollars”

“Improve Member/Guest Satisfaction”

“Recognize my TEAM Members”

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Goal setting & Delegation…

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2. Adaptability

(Self Management)

*Handles multiple priorities

*Excels at his/her job

*Responds well to change…

(with flexibility & optimism)

*Receives positive & negative

feedback well

*Assumes responsibility for


*Fyi – critical skills for a


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3. Problem Solving/

Decision Making…

*Identifies problems

*Makes good decisions, doesn’t


*Develops creative solutions

*Influences others for acceptance (with

persuasion, not demands)

*Works until problems are solved

*Again, since Sales people are independent

– these skills are very important…

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4. Impact & Influence

(& Growing Talent)

*Reputation as "go-to"


*Has influential contacts in

& out of company.

*Has image that establishes

& maintains credibility.

*Helps grow talent.


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Britain's Got Talent singing sensation Susan Boyle has

been named the seventh most influential person in the


Learn to recognize & covet talent

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5. TEAMwork

*Is a TEAM player on all levels

*Where appropriate – delegates well

*Drives performance with coaching

*Inspires by rewarding & recognizing

*Builds a culture of quality & service

*Instills personal & TEAM accountability

(allows no non-team players on the TEAM)

*Balance individualism & TEAM

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TEAMbuilding –


*Groups Vs TEAMs

*Think about when the lack of teamwork caused a

Guest issue at your club/restaurant…

*Think again about when TEAMwork was the reason

for a efficacious Member/Guest interaction?

*So… What can you do to promote TEAMwork &

keep TEAM Members motivated?

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6. Guest Focus

*Understands & anticipates Member/Guests needs

*Leads by example

*Service mistakes = recovery opportunities

*Builds relationships with internal & external

“Guests” (Members, Guests, area businesses,


*Constant focus on a great Member/Guest

experience (uses the “Service Bell” to do so)

*Ensures Members & Guests have an enriching

experience every time…

*Have to build relationships & community…

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7. Communication

*Creates & sells (verbally & in writing)

shared vision of values & goals

*Negotiates Win/Win outcomes with others

*Does timely, proactive communication

*Communicates & promotes ideas well

*Actively listens & hears others messages

*Critical skill for Marketeers as they have

to be able to sell IQ…

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Four Types of


*Vocal Communication

*Visual Communication

*Verbal Communication

*Written Communication

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It’s not easy…

So let’s practice…

*First, a few listening tests…

*And now let’s build an airplane…


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Openness: conflict is natural. Recognize, respect and

embrace it. Conflict resolution is NOT about putting out

fires, it is about controlling burns and moving people into a

TEAM work frame of mind.

Scan: constantly look for when and where conflict might

emerge. If you understand and are open to it, it is easy. Pay

attention to what is going on and sense it before it arises. If

you understand and are open to it & people know it, they

are more likely to approach you about it

Be Current & Complete: Once you identify conflict, act.

Listen to all sides involved, including listening to your own

internal voice and any biases you may have. This may

involve saying & hearing things that are uncomfortable. But

you HAVE to know the full picture to be able to resolve it..

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Achieve Agreement: listen to all sides, identify where

parties agree, where they differ, and how to reach a Win-

Win agreement, not easy. It requires compromise and

many people don’t understand it. In fact, it is as much

about giving as it is getting and helping people understand

it. Once you achieve agreement, work out the details.

Resolution: When you achieve agreement and the

conflict is resolved, parties can move forward. It is a

negotiated peace settlement and both sides must uphold

their part of the bargain. This is when you, as a

successful professional negotiator, WIN THE OSCAR!!!!*

*If either party breaks with the solution – follow-up to bring

them on track, including if necessary disciplinary measures.

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Contributing to a

Successful Club…

*Two factors to your Club’s financial success:

Grow revenues & control expenses.

*An important part of being a leader is driving

sales and managing expenses efficiently.

*Can’t expense your way to greatness…

*It is easier to KEEP existing Members & Guests

than it is to GET new ones. Keeping our current

Members (and Employees…) happy is the key to

your success!

* Think GEKE Squad (Get Em’ & Keep Em’)…

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Growing Revenue… *Think Four-Walls Marketing/Ops

*Get to know Members/Guests, call them by name & give them what they want…

*Work as a TEAM®

*Encourage everyone to share ideas & suggestions (coming soon – Idea Boards/Rewards)

*Recognize great Employee performance!

*In other words – LEAD your TEAM!

How can you

help your Club

grow revenue?

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Keeping Members/Guests

happy is good business!

Value of a Guest… *One visit Family of four = $80

*One visit a week = $4,000 / year

*Ten years of visits = $40,000

*One new Guest Referral/year = $4,000 / year


*Guest discussing their extraordinary treatment at The Club to others - invaluable!

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Keeping Members happy is

GREAT for business!

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Happy Employees are even


Value of a Great Employee…

PRICELESS! Why? Because they take care of

your Members…

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While these “Steps of Service” sounds simple –

it up to you to make sure we are executing it

every time with every Employee to every Member

& Guest...

Making it real to achieve GREAT


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We can learn from STARBUCKS…

5 Principles for Turning Ordinary into Extraordinary

Make It Your Own – we are not in the restaurant business - we are in the “people business”...

Everything Matters - our brand is the sum of everyone & everything

Surprise & Delight - do not be content to be liked, want to be loved

Embrace Resistance - use negative feedback to grow relationships

Leave Your Mark - make a difference...

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How do they do it?






SOUNDS A LOT LIKE our Lube Mission Card…

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THE STARBUCKS Membership Service Bell EXPERIENCE...

Creating an experience that will keep Members & Guests coming back relies on a magical combination of three things: our product, our place and our people.

They will come for Golf and Food & Beverage,

they will stay for the inviting warmth,

and return for the very human connection…

So... go ahead - welcome our next Member…

And make the club their HOME AWAY FROM HOME...

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The Membership Service Bell

* The Bell is a symbol for our passion for providing a GREAT

Member/Guest Experience and a terrific place to work for our

Employees. It is an ever present guidepost for us to truly be at our

best serving our Members/Guests and growing our business. It is our

soul and our conscience.

*The Service Bell guards us against taking actions that conflict with

our “Member First” philosophy. It warns us against employing

Employees who do not have a servant’s heart and implores us to take

care of those who do. Our business is simple - it is people serving

people. We must take care of our people for them to take care of

our Members & Guests.

* The Service Bell reminds us ATTITUDE = 100%, and to choose our

Attitude each day when we come to work as our Attitude, plus our

Aptitude, will determine our Altitude. Atmosphere also matters, so

pay attention to the details. When we are at work – we must be

here – as work is theatre & we are always on stage!


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The Membership Service Bell

* The Service Bell will be heard when we “walk our talk.” It begins at

our door with “Warm Welcomes,” continues with “WOW” Moments

and ends with “Great Good-byes.” When our Members & Guests are

happy and having FUN, the bell will chime. So, make work fun.

Create a BUZZ that people feel when they walk in the door & when

they leave and give em’ something to talk about.

*The true rich sound of the Bell will be heard when we are loved and

not just liked by our Members & Guests. We want to be great – with

Great food, Great service, Great facilities & Great events! The Bell

will ring when our Members have an enriching experience every

time. However, if all is quiet – beware…

* So let’s make our ENERGY contagious! Make every day an enriching

Experience for our Members & Guests and our Employees! In other

words – make their day!

*The Service Bell rings for those with a servant’s heart who work to

make a difference at work and in our community. So, listen well and

learn from the bell for it will serve you well!

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Make it magical…