The Tyranny of the Urgent

Stuck and Struggling - The Tyranny of the Urgent

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The Tyranny of the Urgent

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5 Pieces of Practical Advice for Dealing With the Tyranny of the Urgent

Have a Long-Term Plan - Visible

It’s not only important to have a vision and goal, it’s vital to keep the

destination and the plan in front of your eyes. Constantly.

Out of sight, out of mind

Just Say “No” Regularly

People will give you as much responsibility as you are willing to take

on – even if it’s not your job.

Their emergency is not necessarily your problem

Have Clear Accountability

In a corporate structure, make sure it is abundantly clear to all stakeholders and

interest parties who is your real boss. That way it’s easier to resist the

impositions of others.

“You are not the boss of me”

Be Realistically Flexible

Conditions shift. Curveballs get thrown. Minds are changed. Plans morph. Just

be sure any altered priorities are clearly communicated and understood.

Stuff happens.

On What Will Your Success be Measured?

Ultimately, what will lead to a positive working relationship and review of your

performance? Is this “urgency” a component of that, or a distraction?

Ask: is this truly MY problem to solve?

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