www.ThePersimmonGroup.com Real Solutions. Lasting Results. www.ThePersimmonGroup.com Staying Ahead of the Avalanch e Bill Fournet President & CEO, The Persimmon Group

Staying Ahead of the Avalanche - PMI Austin

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  • 1. Staying Ahead of the Avalanche Bill Fournet President & CEO, The Persimmon Group

2. www.ThePersimmonGroup.comPage 2 3. www.ThePersimmonGroup.comPage 3 THE VENDING MACHINE PRINCIPLE Part 1 People are hardwired to solve problems. 4. If people arent entrusted to solve meaningful problems, they will solve meaningless ones instead. Part 2 THE VENDING MACHINE PRINCIPLE 5. www.ThePersimmonGroup.comPage 5 Dont Let Vending Machine Problems EAT YOUR CHANGE 6. Fixing vs. Solving 7. FIXING SOLVING Resolving Todays Problems Reactive How can I quickly resolve the issue? Resolving Tomorrows Problems Proactive How can I effectively meet the challenge? 8. Hesitation Inflation 156 oz. Coke 1940 96 oz. Coke 1970 16 oz. Coke Today = Your Fix 9. Gamers can make choices and act on them up to 6 times a secondfour times faster than most peopleThe Wall Street Journal, 2012 10. SKILLS VS. EXPERIENCE Millennials value proven skill over experience. Experience is seen as one means to that end. 11. www.ThePersimmonGroup.comPage 11 A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be. 12. Todays Keys to High Performing Teams Adaptability Flexibility Agility Versatility Discipline 13. Delegation Collaborate and Attack Leaders Intent 14. Leaders Intent No plan of operations extends with certainty beyond the first encounter with the enemy's main strength. [no plan survives first contact] Field-Marshal Count Helmuth von Moltke 15. Elements of Leaders Intent The Leaders Intent is a concise statement in every order (plan) that communicates to the organization the operations/projects: Purpose: The why Method: A general scheme, framework, or approach; it is not a detailed how to End-state: What success looks like, feels like, acts like, and sounds like 16. SUCCESS to me looks like ________. 17. Example of Intent Statement 18. The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has occurred. -George Bernard Shaw 19. 5Cs: CONSISTENT, CONFIDENT, CONCISE, CLEAR, CONTEXTUAL 20. 20 Team Status Reporting INFORM DECIDE DO Should be simple, direct, and purpose-driven 21. Baby Boomers Gen X Gen Y 22. POWER TECHNIQUE: THE BLUF BOTTOM LINE, UP FRONT BLUF: Need your answer by Tuesday March 31st at 3 PM BLUF: We have 2 options for a meeting date: Friday March 5th at 3:00 PM or Monday March 7th at 10 AM. Please respond with your preference by Tuesday March 1st at 3 PM. 23. www.ThePersimmonGroup.comPage 23 TIME(Why Its Hard to Work at Work) 24. WHITE SPACE 25. Why do people multitask? People claiming to work 60 to 69 hours per week clocked an average of 52.6 hours. Those who believed they worked 70-80-hours or greater weeks totaled 58.8 hours. Prof. Robinson, 2006-2007 comparisons, American Time Use Survey, Bureau of Labor Statistics 26. The NEW Time Management: WHEN TO USE To stay both nimble and productive in a fast-paced work environment To periodically regain control of your time and refocus your priorities When you need to be ber- productive, but you cant check out completely from your team When you feel yourself losing steam on a GANTT (God-Awful, Never-Ending Terrible Task) When you lose your sense of how long tasks take to complete (leading to unrealistic deadlines and schedules) 27. The Pomodoro Method 1 Complete Project Charter IIIII II 2 Complete Project Charter III 3 Complete Project Charter IIII 4 Evaluate Resumes I 30 Minute Break (Email) 28. PARTING GLIMPSE 29. BECOME THE DEAN OF YOUR DIY EDUCATION 30. OWNING YOUR LIFE 31. www.ThePersimmonGroup.comPage 32 WORKAHOLICS ARENT HEROES. THE REAL HEROES ARE HOME BECAUSE THEY FIGURED OUT A FASTER WAY. 32. Bill Fournet [email protected] LinkedIn: Bill Fournet Twitter: @billfournet Phone: 918.592.4121 CONTACT