Social media executive training

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2. SOCIAL MEDIA LANDSCAPE 3. INTRODUCTION Were Unhappy with What they did. Enjoyed Writing Enjoyed Talking to People Wanted to Manage their Own Time Wanted Own Business Wanted to be Masters of Their Own Destinies So they are now Social Media Executives 4. SO WHAT IS SOCIAL MEDIA? Social Media refers to the use of web-based andmobile phone communication to turncommunication into an interactive page. 5. SOCIAL MEDIA VIDEO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6a_KF7TYKVc&feature=relmfu 6. SO WHAT IS SOCIAL MEDIA? Social Media refers to the use of web-based andmobile phone communication to turncommunication into an interactive page. Videos Podcasting Customer reviews Twitter LinkedIn Myspace etc 7. SOCIAL MEDIA EXECUTIVE The PARTY PLANNER! If you are thinking of going into the social mediaindustry you must be able to connect with yourguest, clients. You must be able to get importantinformation out such as your company info, keepingyour followers updated That keeps them on yourpage. You must always try to be invisible but makesure your host looks good making sure everythingruns to plan. 8. SO WHAT DO YOU DO IF YOU ARE SOCIALMEDIA ASSISTING? You must be able keep your profile up to date allthe time If you come across any problems you must alwayspass it on to the relevant person and not taking it upon yourself. (remember you are invisible) Make sure you can get information out at the righttime to the right people You got to be able to build an active following And good customer service skills is needed at alltimes. 9. WHY SOCIAL MEDIA Local Businesses are Jumping Onto Social Mediaas a Cost Effective Way to Get Started MarketingOnline You Know and Buy from these BusinessesEveryday They Need Your Help! 10. WHY SOCIAL MEDIA IMPORTANT ? It is a Cost Effective Media Its Free, quick results if people are accepting yourrequest, its also the future for socialising. Remember social accounts is part of peopleseveryday life so its a great way to advertise yourcompany. If Facebook was a country it would be the largestcountry in the world to this is the best time to jumpon social media just by looking at the attractionfigures. 11. FACEBOOK STATS 12. BARACK OBAMA 13. SO HOW DO YOU GET STARTED ONLINE? First you must create a solid & positive presenceonline for yourself which means building a attractingwebsite and bringing traffic to your site. Set up a social blog such as facebook etc and startbuilding up your followers from there. This all takes time but results we will show you how. 14. YOUR NETWORK Your network is your foundation! Need a Network slide! Family, Friends, Colleagues Past and Present Anyone you know! 15. WARNING BEFORE YOU GET INTO SOCIALMEDIA!!!!!! YOU MUST ENJOY BEING SOCIAL AND LOVEMEETING NEW PEOPLE If you dont this job isnt for you! 16. NOW TO GET STARTED YOUR FIRST STEPS Set up your Website and Blog with Word press All you have to do is set up your accounts (most arefree of charge) Twitter Facebook LinkinIn YouTube Paypal Ensure you know what you are doing with theseaccounts inside out. Thats your Start to a Career in Social Media 17. END Your Introduction to social media! 18. SOCIAL MEDIA MODULE 2BRANDING YOUBaggy Tiwana 19. YOU MUST KNOW YOUR GAME PLAN Create Game Plan, Your brand: Business name Logo Your Sales Proposition After you figured out your game plan set up yourwebsite, set up your profiles with consistent aprofessional look. 20. CREATING YOUR BRAND FROM SCRATCH You need a business name and a tagline Brainstorm before your decide your name. Ideally 4or 5 Develop your website Create a profile consistent voice and colour choiceon. Develop your Stationery. Make sure you have agood attractive logo, website, business cards. 21. YOU AND YOUR SERVICE Decide on a Corporate or Personal Brand E.G PROPERTY BUYERS OR Baggy @ PROPERTY BUYERS Decide which is better for you and if it doesnt worku can always change the name. 22. DARE TO BE DIFFERENT 23. NAME, USERNAME & URL Brainstorm 4 or 5 Profile names Ensure that you have the same profiles for Facebook Twitter YouTube LinkedIn Other SM Profiles www.namechk.com 24. BLOG AND WEBSITESOWN YOUR WEBSITE! Buy your domain and own your site. Create Your Website ensure you have:1) About You2) Your Services3) Contact us After designing the basics on your website start displaying the link on your social pages which bring easy access to your website! 25. COLOUR AND STYLE Find a Colour combination that fits your Brand 26. SETTING UP YOUR PROFILECompleted Website! You need to set up your Profiles:1)Twitter2)Facebook3)LinkedIn4)Youtube Be Consistent with your Social Media Profiles Voice Colour themes and Logo Ensure Brand is Cohesive 27. FACEBOOK PART ONE 28. FACEBOOK PART TWO 29. FACEBOOK PART THREE 30. TWITTER SETUP 31. MANAGE A TWITTER PROFILE 32. LINKEDIN 33. NOW YOU HAVE SET UP YOUR SOCIALPROFILE AND WEBSITE? On Establishing your Web Presence you need tofind people! 1) www.twellow.com 2) www.wefollow.com These sites will help you find people in your areawho are interested in what you are looking for soyou can sell your services to the right people. On Facebook & Linkedln - use suggestion button. 34. MARKETING YOURSELF Now you have people following you, you must talkand gain relationships with your followers. Start talking to your followers. The key is BEINTERESTING & BE INTERESTED! Talk about your business but also have fun withyour followers for example talk about whatsinteresting to people , share funny or inspirationalmessages and ask open ended questions.REMEMBER BE INTERESTING AND BE INTERESTED! 35. DO NOT BE A GURU!!! 36. DOING IT RIGHT! Always stick to what you know In social media if you pretend to be someone else itwill show. Be helpful!With twitter you can re-tweet other people status you dothat for others others will do it back for you. And most important is always check your socialnetwork site, never leave it alone to long. 37. NEVER STOP DEVELOPING RELATIONSHIPS Always to continue to develop relationship even ifyou have reached your targets. Keep talking topeople on your page to keep them 38. LEARN AND PRACTICE Keep up to date with new tools, tips and tricks andalways keep your page fresh and busy. If you discover new tricks share them with yourfollowers dont ever be selfish on social networksites. 39. SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER TRAININGMODULE 3Baggy Tiwana 40. TYPICAL SERVICE OFFERINGS Social media evaluations: Profile Set Up Daily Profile Management Content Creation and Distribution 41. SALES FUNNEL One Time Service Tech Help Training Full Consultancy 42. ONE TIME SERVICES Social Media Evaluation /Audit Facebook Fan Page Custom Tab Consulting and Training 43. TECHNICAL HELP Setup Profiles Network Profiles with Existing Websites Facebook Fan Page Setup Custom Graphics Package Wordpress Blog 44. TRAINING Training you can offer: 1) 1 hour web conference (this would be a Q&Ameeting) 2) 3 hour one to one training with clients 2x1.5 3) Onsite half a day training 4) 3 hour small group training. 45. DAILY MANAGEMENT3 LEVELS OF SERVICES.There are three levels of services you can offersbelow are examples 1) Basic package: 30min 1hr weekly. Your jobwould be to clean inbox up, reply to messages,keep the page functioning as like youre thehousekeeper. 2) Business package: 1-2hours weekday. In thispackage you offer more time posting status,promoting there company, controlling more than 3social sites and keeping the social pages up to datewith high customer service offered. 46. DAILY MANAGEMENT3 LEVELS OF SERVICES. Celebrity package: 3hour. In this package you dowhat is in the basic and business package alongwith you blog 5 times a day for your clients, youalso do contract creation being the social mediacontact for your client. 47. PACKAGE FEATURES.Basic profile management is featured in all packages that are offered..1. Blog management2. Customer services3. Engagement 48. DAILY MANAGEMENTBASIC PROFILE MANAGEMENT INCLUDE: 3 levels of service Basic Package 30 1 hour weekday Business Package 1-2 hours per day Celebrity Package 3 hours a day Accept/Decline request Following back. So you choose who you followback, this is a twitter feature. You also reply to inbox messages. Delete spam from profile walls that your companyhas been tagged into. Always try to keep your page tidy. 49. PACKAGE FEATURES. Basic Profile Management Content Distribution Audience Targeting Building Reputation Monitoring Customer Service Engagement Strategic Consulting Content Creation Facebook ad and Content Management Blog Management 50. DAILY MANAGEMENT Accept and Decline Requests Following Back Reply to Inbox Messages Delete Spam from Wall 51. DAILY MANAGEMENT Content Distribution Posting Status Updates to profiles Repost existing blog content, articles, audio, videos Cross Posting Setting up Auto-Status updates 52. AUDIENCE BUILDING Audience building is a huge part of social media, todo this you must grow followers. There are alwaysa recommendation tab on social network site.Connect with potential clients by using that tab. Influencer, Blogger Outreach Use the search, follow and connect way to connectwith potential customers in the target market. 53. REPUTATION MONITORING/MANAGEMENTGoogle Alerts & Search.Twitter.comName, Company Name, ProductsListening Software that Data MinesReputation ManagementDealing with results of monitoring Reputation monitoring involves dealing withnegative and positive results such as bad status.Do your best to keep the company reputation cleanand good. 54. REPUTATION MANAGEMENT 55. DAILY MANAGEMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE Responding to public and private inquiries Directing customer to help Interface with suppoort directly Creating a FAQ if needed. 56. DAILY MANAGEMENT ENGAGEMENT.There are different types of engaging depending on the type of package you client goes for.Engaging involves commenting to blogs, replying to emails and messages and also responding to basic questions on behalf of client.Basic engagement includes: RE-Tweeting blogs that are on other social media sites, thanking people in messages and post and maintaining good customer service skills.Advance engagement includes: Twitter & facebook chatting and also blog commenting but remember keep voice and way you communicate the same. 57. DAILY MANAGEMENT & CONTENT CREATION Guidance on Blog, Audio, Video Content Project Mange Outsourcers Assist in development Content creation is assisting your client in Blogging Video and Audio 58. EMS VIDEO 59. DAILY MANAGEMENT BLOG MANAGEMENT.Blog management includes replying to blogs and writing blogs on a day to day basis depending on type of package.In blog management you:1) Update your status2) Back up everything you say3) Reply to any comments or messages sent4) Tracking stats such as friend request etc. 60. DM FACEBOOK AD AND CONTESTMANAGEMENT. Very simple its all about creation all you need to dois: 1) create advert/page 2) Set it up with you clients details 3) Monitor the page 4) And if any change need to be made do it! 61. DM CONSULTINGAll Packages get consulting Weekly Celebrity Bi-Weekly Business Monthly BasicOn Call AssistanceGuidance on content, contests, promotionsUpdate client on new technologies/changes 62. PACKAGES DETAILS AND PRICING.Basic package350.00 monthThis includes no more that three profile controlContent distribution, 1-2 status blogged on eachprofile per daycustomer service response. 63. PACKAGES DETAILS AND PRICING.Business package 650 monthEverything that is included in the basic package plus:1) Additional 2 social pages2) Engagement is involved3) Reputation monitoring4) 5 status updates per day for each social pages your client has. 64. PACKAGES DETAILS AND PRICING.Celebrity package 950 monthThe celebrity package includes everything that basic and business package plus:1)Blog maintenance2)Content guidance3)Reputation management4)Day to day status updatesBut remember if you have got clients on thispackage no more than 2 3 clients as too muchwork results in bad consistency in your job. 65. TECHNICAL SET UP PRICES Evaluations = 125+ Technical set up = 175+ Facebook fan page set up = 125+ 66. CUSTOMIZATION Add or Remove services as they are needed Bundle services (ex Launch plan etc) For Up-sells partner with web designers, SEO,Mobile, Local, Blog Writers, Graphic Designers, etc 67. WHEN CREATING YOUR SERVICES! Set limits and stick to them for example customerservice help and status updates per day, use thepackage set out as a guideline. Focus on your strengths and do not try to do it all Listen to market, listen to your clients! 68. DOING THE WORKMODULE 4By Baggy Tiwana 69. FIRST THINGS FIRST - CLEANING UP THEMESS Filter Out Spam from Twitter and Facebook Find The Important Messages Do the Same For Comments on Blogs Keep Things Tidy for Easy Maintenance 70. A LITTLE MARKET RESEARCHBrainstorm with your client what they do and alsowhat they want. You can be their social manager ifyou dont understand what they do and what theywant.Discuss with your client their current customer soyou have an idea what type of customers you clientwants.Use researching tools use the researching tools tofind your customers for example on Facebook 71. SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGIESMake sure you have a set plan with you client withthe type of customers you want and also thecontent your clients wants on the social networksiteAnother strategy is post relevant content for exampleon the property buyers page you would postsomething on the lines of properties not aboutselling carsDiscuss what social network sites your client wantsyou to useAnd last is monitor the buzz of you page. Use pageslike socialoomph.com to find necessary customersfor your client. 72. IMAGE MANAGEMENTSustaining a good image for your client is VERYimportant.Address negative comments right away. Be helpful,not critical. (notes)Be willing to engage in conversations wherever it is.NEVER limit yourself.Link to positive comments this brings a good imagefor your client. When praise is said reply back witha thanks. 73. IMAGE MANAGEMENTCreate a page of approved responses so people canreview your company. This brings a good image foryour client. REMEMBER PEOPLE TRUST WORD OF MOUTHRemember you are representing your client.. Do itwith class and always ask for permission from yourclient. 74. FINDING CLIENTSMODULE 5Baggy Tiwana 75. FINDING CLIENTSThere are different types of clients available and here are some examples below:1) Totally digital clients for e.g. EBay2) Offline business for e.g. local business, retail, restaurants3) Info Marketers Online Easiest Clients4) Bands, musicians, movies, event coordinators who needs there events promoting. 76. HOW TO FIND YOUR CLIENTS Use all Channels Make your blog your main hub Use your community start with who you know Become known in your local area online and offlineTo find your clients use all your channels, use all yourfriends and customers you already got on facebook thenstart building from there.Make your blog your MAIN hub link everything together.Also use your community, start with who you know byadding them then you start to add people they know.Become known in your local area first then you will startto grow. 77. FOLLOWING UP WITH POTENTIAL CLIENTSGet contact details from your potential clients andemail or phone them with them. Have a little chat byselling yourself, explain how you can help them.Then add and follow them on their social networkgroup immediately.Then you start to engage show interest, comment ontheir blogging and also talk to them about theirstatus they send. 78. MARKETING YOURSELF. By talking to your potential clients, follow up withthose who show interest quickly they could bepotential clients. Remember be consistent with your branding/voicealways be yourself and not anyone else. Develop relationships and look for leads, whentalking to potential clients look at distress signal thatmay show, someone who are trying to marketthemselves and is finding it hard. 79. MARKETING YOURSELF.Be friends communicate about fun topics and common interest. 80. GETTING STARTED QUICKLYTo get started you need to have potential clients.Search for social media assistant in Google alert oron twitter.Leverage your network off and online starting withwho you know, also ask friend if they know anyonewhop struggles with social networking sites.You must talk with other social media marketers- askif they need support staff, you will learn so muchmore.Connect with Virtual Assistants - ask if they needhelp 81. GETTING STARTED QUICKLY Connect with virtual assistants ask if they needhelp within social media.You can find people if you use these strategies. 82. FREELANCE SITESWebsites below show list of jobs for social media managers with independent clients.1.Guru.com2.Elance.com3.Odesk.com4.Craiglist.orgThese sites show people who may need help withsocial blogging, plus there are hundreds of jobsposted. 83. MARKETING YOURSELF (CONTINUE) Use your website address on all communications ALWAYS have a short pitch ready when somebodyask what you do Write 1-2 letter blog post you can direct people to itwould be a great reference as a follow up from yourpitch. Write about who you can help, how you canaccomplish their goals and understand what theyneed. Also when meeting people offline ask them whatthey do, and listen out for how you as a socialmedia manager can help them. 84. CONTINUE MARKETING YOURSELF Continue to grow your personal network throughtwitter, facebook, meet ups Then youll eventually have more clients andopportunities than you can handle Then it will lead to a full time income if you keep atit. 85. STEALTH MARKETING TRICKS Host an online chat ( very good on twitter) Host an offline chat promote events invite yourfriends to events by doing this you are promotingyourself Wear branding t-shirts for e.g. get a funny pictureon a top with your blogging for cash logo on it. Thiswill get people tagging you in photos which meansyou are being shared a lot within other networkingsites. 86. STAYING TOP OF MIND Keep people in mind Keeping talking to peopleAnd Your Business Will Explode! 87. NUTS & BOLTSMODULE 6Gary Charles 88. YOUR GAME PLAN.Important game plan that needs to be in place beforeyou start being a social media expert Contracts Billing Create their social media strategy Getting paidWe will get into all bullet points throughout thisslideshow! 89. CONSULTATIONTo get started sit down with you clients and get allexisting profiles, website and passwords needed.Keep all details safe in word document.Create a client folder keeping important details tidywith a checklist, forms and notes. 90. BEFORE SIGNING THE CONTRACT!Get into their network to access the clean up work needed, using the set up charges as a guideline. This will give you an idea how long it will take you to do the necessary clean up and set up work for you client. 91. BEFORE SIGNING THE CONTRACT!Discuss the current makeup of customers and web traffic they are getting at the moment.Then you move on to discussing goals and measurable targets, targets that are going to be set every month.Make clear goals in what they want you to do what is their social media intention? Do they want you to:1. Grow their reputation?2. Do they want you to be their face for customer service?3. Or do they just want you to go their social network numbers? 92. BEFORE SIGNING THE CONTRACT!Once you know what your client wants achieve, Then and only then can you start to provide they service they want.Most clients just want you to grow more followers, manage blog comments and promotions for their company. 93. EXPECTATIONS 94. ALWAYS CLARIFY EXPECTATIONSDo they want you to grow their friends list?Do they want you to blog more?Make sure everything mapped out so you understand!! 95. CREATE YOUR PLANPlan of attackAfter a client consultation and understanding theirgoals take a step back and plan your attack.Map out exactly what task needs to be completed.Some of them maybe daily, weekly or monthly. Thismay be as simple as cleaning out followers ordeleting somebody who doesnt engage with you.Create a check list! 96. COME TO AN AGREEMENTAlways get something in writing, have a basiccontract with your client.Agree a 90 day trial period, this gives you enoughtime to gain a relationship and show you are avalue to your client.Get important info on company for you to promote 97. COME TO AN AGREEMENT Agree on scheduled times to meet. Suggest once a week for 30min Does your client want an email or phone call Ensure clear communication with your client. 98. GETTING PAIDThink about how you are going to get paid beforeagreement is signed.Negotiate billing upfront be very clear in website.Ask for payment of set up fee and first month upfrontso payment isnt missed.ALWAYS invoice on time this makes you lookprofessional so people can pay you on time. 99. SHOW ME THE MONEYSet up how people can pay you either by paypal or through a dedicated bank account.Have a easy system for easy record keeping. You need to track how much money you make for tax purposes. 100. START SMALL, GROW BIGDemonstrate your results by getting activity reportfrom Facebook & Twitter, this is so you can showyour client how much your account is growing.With proof of how you have helped develop yourclient company grow then this justifies growingthem into a bigger package which means moremoney Try and get referrals this will prove invaluable to gainyour next potential client. 101. KEEP IT SIMPLEUse www.clearbooks.co.uk for easy billing and created invoices. This site will also help you do your tracking of expenses and income easier.Use tungle.me for easy scheduling (diary)