Social Media An alternate media for communication

Social Media - An alternate communication channel

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A statistical insight into how ‘social’ the world is and case-studies of brands that have gone beyond customer interaction and successfully leveraged social media for making business processes a lot more efficient.

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Social MediaAn alternate media for communication

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•Stats on the market & adoption

•What are some of the popular platforms

•Strategy framework for using social media

•What role can social media play for companies

•Case studies & ROI

•The coming trends in social media

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The current market size and potential reach for digital marketing

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The opportunity for Social Media marketing

In 2011, internet users worldwide spent nearly 18 billion hours per month on social networking

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A simple definition:

Do what you do best and link to the rest – Jeff Jarvis

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Characteristics of Social Media

•Not a one-way communication channel.•Requires brands to decentralize their control over branded content.•Content needs to be customized to suit varied customer profiles like creators, critics, collectors, joiners, spectators, inactives.•Social Media is always accessible and available whenever the customer wants or needs it.

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What do your customers do with Social Media?

Customers interact with brands and participate in conversations by playing one or more of the above roles using a variety of social networking platforms.

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Why should companies use Social Media?

The numbers are too large to ignore!

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There were 3.1 billion email accounts in 2011 and this

number is expected to rise to over 4 billion by 2015

Email marketing is set to grow from $1.3 billion in 2010 to $2

billion by 2014

90% of consumers across the world go online to send and

receive emails everyday

There were 3.1 billion email accounts in 2011 and this

number is expected to rise to over 4 billion by 2015

Email lets you personalize communication and reach out to regular customers directly, with offers or products that specifically suit their

needs and requirements.

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FacebookFacebook has more than

800 billion active users and 50 percent of them log on


More than one million entrepreneurs and developers from over 180 countries have

a presence on Facebook

People spend more than 500 billion minutes on Facebook every month

Facebook allows to interact with current and potential customers by engaging in an informal, conversational manner through pictures, videos, questions,

discussions and polls.

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BlogBloggers use an average of

five different social networking sites to drive

traffic to their blogs

71 percent bloggers write about the brands they think

are reputable

There are 450 million English blogs and including the non-

English blogs this number might cross one billion

77 percent of internet users read blogs

Blogs are an ideal way to keep readers updated on the company events and happenings and generate conversations about various

matters that are of relevance to the company by inviting comments and opinions from experts or guest-bloggers.

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The record for the highest number of tweets per second

is 25088 (January 2012)

There are more than 600 billion searches on Twitter


Twitter gets more than 300 thousand new users


$ 400 billion in ad revenue is projected for Twitter by


Twitter lets you share short engaging posts with your followers. It can be used to share important news or drive traffic to the blog, Facebook or other social

media pages.

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You would need to live for around 1,000 years to watch all the videos

currently on YouTube

The number of advertisers using display ads on YouTube increased

tenfold in the one year

YouTube Gets over three billion views every single day

Currently, YouTube uses the same amount of bandwidth as the entire Internet used

in 2000

YouTube is an ideal channel to share video ads, how-to videos, demonstrations, videos of important company events, etc.

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80 percent of companies around the world use LinkedIn as a recruitment


7,432,307 job changes have been tracked by LinkedIn

since 2009

More than two million companies have pages on


LinkedIn has more than 135 million users

LinkedIn is a professional network that you can use for networking with clients, vendors, etc. and for recruitment.

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•There are 6 billion mobile phone connections in the world

•More than one third of users access Twitter via their mobile phone

•There are more than 100 million active users who access Facebookthrough their mobile devices

•YouTube Mobile gets more than 100 million views per day

•India is the world’s second largest mobile phone market with 893.84 million subscribers expected to increase to one billion by 2014.

•The number of 3G enabled mobile connections in India is expected to reach 400 million by 2015.

Opportunities in the Mobile Market

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Social Media opportunities in India

•India has over 121 million internet users

•70 percent of the internet users access social networking sites.

•Indians spend more time on social media than they do checking personal email

•Over the next six months 45,000 online Indians intend to join social networking sites each day

•Nearly 40 million Indians use online reviews while taking purchase decisions

•60 percent Indians who are social media users are open to being approached by brands

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How can Social Media help business?

Strategy, Implementation, Monitoring

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Methodology followed

Forrester Research’s POST methodology

•Understand the profile of your target audience. Find out how they interact with social media, whom do they connect with and what they are looking for.


•Decide what you want to do. You can listen to your audience and find out their needs, talk about your product offerings, empower your enthusiastic customers, provide customer support or collaborate with customers to do business better.


•This will flow from the above two. The strategy should be in line with your brand and business. It should not focus on short-term gains like hits or click-throughs but work towards forging long-term relationships. You can partner with other companies that have an expertise in an area that is not one of your strong points.


•Adopt technologies that your target audience is likely to favour. Use multiple technologies in order to target a wider range of customers. Differentiate your content depending on the type of customer and your objective across different social media and technology platforms.


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Social Media Monitoring tools

What are the kind of tools available?

Free and Paid

How your customers use social media?Where your customers search for you?What keywords drive your customers to you?What your customers ay about you?What your customers say about your competitors?

What can you monitor using these tools?

Why should you monitor your Social Media?

To get maximum return on your investment

Increase engaging interactionsRespond to criticismRectify errorsEnsure that you get the right message across to the right audience

What else can you achieve by monitoring your Social Media?

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•You cannot just invest money in social media and expect it to work.

•Social Media is all about conversations.

•And conversations will happen…with or without you.

• So you have to take the efforts to engage your target audience in interactions that they consider valuable.

•Return on Engagement is as important as Return on Investment.

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Scope of Social Media

HR and Recruitment

Customer Service

Channel Management

Product Development

PR and Reputation Management

Personal Brand Building

Branding and Marketing

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Examples of brands/companies making the most of Social Media

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Adidas Group uses Twitter to share job

openings and connect with potential

employees. The URL of the particular listing is shared in order to help

candidates navigate easily to the desired page on the website.

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Dell effectively uses its Direct2Dell blog to attend to customer complaints and resolve them as soon as possible. The blog also

allows Dell to share its stories with its customers and always stay connected.

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Hippo, a brand of Parle Agro., effectively used Twitter to keep in touch with its retailers on a real time basis. This channel management initiative named plan-t (for Twitter), encouraged retailers to follow Hippo on Twitter and tweet their stock requirements. A core cell was set up to monitor the information and share it with the distributors in the area. It allowed Hippo to restock stored across 50 cities within a few hours and increase sales by 76 percent within few months of the launch.

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Madison Electric Products is a company that effectively uses a website to connect with the public and source ideas for New Product Development.

Anyone who has an innovative idea can post it on the website and the company responds after evaluating the commercialization feasibilities of

the submitted idea.

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Roop Kumar and Sunali Rathod, Indian playback singers, use YouTube to share their latest songs, videos of their performances and interact with their fans. YouTube is an effective medium for

them to display their talent and manage their reputation and online presence.

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Olympic Gold Quest effectively uses its Facebook

page to garner support for its

initiatives and also raise funds.

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MicroGraam uses Twitter to enlist the support of celebrities and allow them to share tweets about its initiatives. This helps

MicroGraam connect to a much wider base of followers and potential donors.

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Coca Cola has developed a

Gaming app which allows it to

increase brand communication

and build an engaging

relationship with its customers.

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Infosys Technologies uses a blog to share knowledge and get different perspectives on the management, new trends and

developments in the field of information technology.

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Social Media Trends for 2012

• Social gaming to spill into the real world

• Convergence of social media and television

• Most websites will go mobile

• Traditional advertising will give way to content creation

• Social media advertising will become more result oriented

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• Focus on programs, not tactics.• Shift budget to digital and social, but measure

the impact.• Understand audience and business outcomes

to make online tools work.– Develop a listening practice.– Monitor the impact of social

on awareness and pipeline.

• Create social programs with current customers in mind.


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Contact Details

Siddharth Hegde: Managing DirectorEmail: [email protected]

Mobile: +91 9820217252Twitter: @siddhegde

Facebook: facebook.com/EthinosDigitalWebsite:www. ethinos.com

Slideshare: slideshare.net/Ethinos

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