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Small Company Big Business Workshop Cairns

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Small Company Big Business - SME Development Workshop Cairns Hilton - September 1, 2014 This Small Company - Big Business TM workshop is designed to help small businesses that are looking to grow by winning contracts with larger buyers - including corporates, local councils and other government organisations. Huge opportunities – for those who are prepared Getting contracts with large organisations can be a very effective strategy for growing your business - but it isn’t always easy. The Cairns Regional Council is currently the largest buyer in our region and we have huge upcoming business opportunities right at our doorstep - the AQUIS Resort and Casino is just one of them. You can take advantage of these types of opportunities if you know what to do and how to do it.

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  • 1. Raise your profileAttract opportunitiesBecome a preferred supplierA big thanks to youFor watching us

2. About me Founder of Influential Digital We help our clients get found online,build their brand and become anauthority in their industry Web Design Branding Marketing Social Media Digital Strategy Our clients want to grow 3. How I came to love the web Graduated as a veterinarian in 2000 14 years in veterinary practice 10 Years as a partner of Cairns Vet Clinic 3 Clinics, 20 Staff Lots of vets in Cairns! Needed to stand out online Website is only part of the equation Branding, Marketing and Business need toall work together to get results. 4. Presence, Know, Like, Trust, PreferKnowLike TrustPreferProfessionalPresence(EssentialElements) 5. How do weget there?5. Prefer4. Trust3. Like2. Know1. Present 6. Offline Online Business Name & Entity Address/Office Branding: Signage etc Phone, fax, mail Receptionist Bank Accounts Payment Gateways Domain Website Consistent Branding Email, contact details Email for departments Invoicing Systems Online Payments1. Present 7. Know, Like and Trust Need to start with a professional presence,otherwise you are just amplifying weakness Takes time. Works best when you use offline and online tosupport and reinforce each other Requires consistent, long term effort Built on relationships withcustomers, market 8. Offline Online Get active in community Attend networking2. Knowevents Work on visibility Build brand Advertise Help Others Be active on social media Join online groups,forums Comment on posts etc Connect with others SEO, adwords, FB ads Be helpful online 9. Offline Online3. Like Show shared value Support communityevents Build relationships Host parties etc Be positive Share helpful info Blogging Social Media Focus on shared values Be a connector Be fun and positive 10. Offline Online Add value Share Insights Build credibility Professional associations4. Trustetc Participate on executive,organising committeesetc Customer referrals,testimonials PR, Media etc Give free value Downloads, ebooks etc Social Proof fromreviews etc Thought leadership Organise industry events Be consistent 11. 5. PreferOffline Online Think like a partner Look for opportunitiesto save money, worktogether more etc Hold special events forA-list clients Sack underperformingclients Become indispensable Personal touch its thethought that counts Case studies,testimonials showcasingpartnerships Sponsorship or largeevents Members only areas Tighten focus ofmarketing 12. People have changed how theyresearch, choose and buy Trends toward online, mobile, social New buying process 13. Word of mouthstill matters 14. But now this takes place in an online, socialenvironment 15. Opportunities for new clients and referrals are now globalInfluential Digitalwww.influential.com.au 16. Technology is constantly changing 17. How do people find stuff now? Google photo here 18. Is this still relevant to tenders? Absolutely! Tender is based on capability evident in market When assessing your tender the procurement is still checking your: Google Website About Capability Case Studies Team Linkedin Reviews Social Media Facebook etc etc Consistency and congruency 19. Becoming a preferred supplier Goal is to transcend the commoditymarketplace Invite to quote vs tender Tenders Written Just for you Aim to look the part and look better thanalternative. 20. Professional Presence components Domain: Need to Own your own real estate Website: Build your castle Email and communications: Consistent Branding 21. Domains: Focus on .com.au 22. Domain What is a domain: www.YourDomain.com Business Name Consider Authority domains Focus on .com.au (+.com if available) Memorable, easy to spell, easy to say 23. Website 24. What your website must do: Mobile phone and tablet friendly Make your website WORK 24/7 Duplicate or improve on business systems. Website must convey: products services, Capability Team partners 25. Email Address 26. Email and communications Separate Business and personal email No Bigpond or hotmail! Separate emails for accounts, sales etc Email signature Picture**********branding and clickable contactdetails (phone, email, website etc) Dont use business email for mass mail-outs 27. Clear and Consistent Branding 28. How to get a Professional Presence Get help from designprofessionals: Branding Graphic design Web design Find a professional whounderstands you 29. Building preferred status Dont pay someone else to go to the party foryou. Who regularly updates their own website? Best not to totally outsource Building Visibility, Likeability and Credibility Must involve the people in the business 30. Combine Online and Offline formaximum ROI 31. Take home points Must be mobile friendly and user friendly Must convey your brand personality andcapability and vision You need to be able to add, edit and expand. You should have control of your brand! (But rely on professional guidance) 32. Action steps **** Write Top 3 things to do now Take stock of current situation Identify priorities to fix now Plan to build and consolidate your presence tobuild toward preferred provider status Self Assessment Free web presence appraisal 33. Building your online profile1. Identity2. Strategy3. Brand4. Platform5. Media6. Channels7. Networks 34. IdentityWho does Google say you are? 35. Strategy 36. Platform 37. MMeeddiaia 38. Channels 39. NMetewdoiarks 40. PromoteYour Business withThe web 41. Using the webto grow yourbusiness1 Build a ProfessionalJoin the digitalPresenceYour online Journey starts witha professional presence2 Build relationshipsconversationThen you are ready toreach out to customerson the world wide web3 Generate leads andwith yourcustomersAdding value, listeningand talking to yourcustomers helps buildyour brand profilerepeat businessTie your online strategy to yourbusiness goals, and keepconnecting back to existingclients to deepen therelationship4 42. What isSocialMediaSocial Media is a new way totalk to, and listen to yourcustomers 43. SocialMediaYOURBIZSocial Media is about sharing andrelationshipsPeople are more likely to trust and take advice from a friend or someonejust like them than from a brand or an advertisment 44. SocialMediaYOURBIZWho is on FB, Twitter, Linkedin etcEmerald Buy Swap and Sell 45. What is SocialMediaAnyway?The Media in Social Media refers todocuments, photos, videos and otherstuff that can be shared sociallyDifferent Social Networks specialise in differentmedia.Many networks and platforms such as blogs offer afull multimedia experienceTextTweets, blogposts, quotes etcDataContact info,maps, fitness infoand much morecan be sharedPhotoPhotos, designs,and other imageswhether usergenerated orsharedAudioMusic, podcasts,ringtones,audiobooks etcVideoVideo from tinyVines to full lengthmovies and videoclipsDocumentWhitepapers,Ebooks, Reports,Manuals 46. Social MediaUsing DevicesFactsPeople now connect witheach other online using arange of different devicesMobile and tablet use are eclipsingdesktop and laptop useDesktopLorem ispum dolor sitamet This is an exap.LaptopLorem ispum dolor sitamet This is an exap.PadLorem ispum dolor sitamet This is an exap.Smart PhoneLorem ispum dolor sitamet This is an exap. 47. Digital Media bothreplaces andsupportsPrint MediaDigital media like websites,social channels and apps areincreasingly replacing oraugmenting traditional printmedia and marketingchannelsNewsPaper NewsLetter Magazine Billboard BrochurePeople are increasingly turning to their mobiles, social media and websites for the sort of informationthey used to find on traditional media. News sites have replaced newspapers, and people consumeonline magazines via apps and websites rather than picking up a physical magazine. 48. Why does social matter? 49. The MajorSocial MediaChannels 50. Linkedin is thepremier businesssocial networkThink of Linkedin as anonline businessnetworking lunch. It hasa more serious tone andis a great opportunity toposition yourself as aprofessional.Linkedin is the business network. Use it to connect tocolleagues, customers and suppliers. Build your profile byfeaturing your expertise and projects. 51. Facebook is aboutfriends and family its a social spacefor sharing stuffyou love withpeople you knowThis means that Facebookisnt so good for sales oreducation, but rather is aboutlighter, fun or personallymeaningful thingsUse Facebook to build connection on a community level stuff that connects you to the people you know and yourcommunity will work best here. 52. Twitter is a socialmessaging service.Think of it like SMSon a world-widepublic stageTwitter has become the worldslive news feed, gossip station andthought leadership platform. Itsvery democratic and open andlets you follow and connect withglobal leaders in your fieldUse twitter to share ideas, links and inspiration. Its greatfor short-form chats. A great test of whether you havecondensed your idea or pitch to its simplest form iswhether you can tweet it. 53. Google Plus willsucceed becauseits Google andits backed by theAndroid andYoutube ecosystemGoogle plus is especiallypowerful because it canimpact search results tailoring your search toyour interests and socialnetworksIntroduceyourselfConnect withfriends andfamily, andlikemindedpeopleFollowinterestingpeopleChoose whoyou sharewithSay hi!Google Plus is more open and global than facebook itsa great place to grow your brand and position yourself asa leader in your industry, and connect with other earlyadopters 54. Think of Youtube likeShareable TV andhome videosYoutube is the websleading video sharingnetwork, though otherslike Vimeo and Metacafeare also important.GettingStartedYouTubeEssentialsCommunityGuidelinesContact UsUse Youtube to share videos like video blogging,webinars, customer testimonials, training videos,reviews, and moreCareersMerchandise 55. .com vs .orgWordpress provides botha managed bloggingplatform, or software tobuild your own website.Showcase Themes Plugins MobileSupport Get Involved Blog HostingThe most popular blogging platform - also worlds mostpopular CMS/website software 56. Owned by GoogleEasy to use, basic introduction tobloggingCustomize Free expression Easily interface Free Website Photos & VideosMake money community Feedback Notifications Simple IDWorld's languages Pages Posting on go Group blogging ApplicationsA popular way to start blogging 57. Dont get confusedby the myriad ofsocial channelsMost social platforms aretiny in terms of marketshare and your B2Bcustomers just wont beusing them. Pick just twoor three social channelsto work with start withthose where your friendsand customers are thiswill make it more quicklymeaningful andAndHundredsMoreSocial Media sitesThe top channels for most businesses will be: enjoyable.Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Google Plus.Remember this is a long term game, so dont take onmore than you can keep up with. 58. Influential Digital14 Spence StCairnsQLD 4870www.influential.com.auPhone: +074032 [email protected] officeLocationWe are located in downtown Cairns and service clientsacross Australia. 59. Connectwith UsFacebook.com/influential.digitalTwitter.com/dallasmcmillan_au.linkedin.com/in/dallasmcmillanGoogle.com/+influentialAUwww.influential.com.au 60. A big thanks to youFor watching us