Six Rows of Flowers Scrapbook by Adriana González Sancho

Six rows of flowers

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Six Rows of Flowers

Scrapbook by Adriana González Sancho


Uncle Hiroshi wants to teach to Tatsuo by experience.


Uncle Hiroshi

Father of Tatsuo

Learning and Teaching

Get responsibility about something

Six rows of flowers

Father didn’t believe that Tatsuo can learn anything

Pompons need water



Affecting the flowers

Flowers were suffering

Summer And Fall

He needs to still take care of the flowers

He wants to make something with the flowers

he need to Wait and cut the flowers, be patient


Market of flowers

Finally sold the Rows of Flowers

He bought things and enjoyed the money

Resolution He enjoys praiseFamily talked about

what Tatsuo will do in the future

In the future the family will know if Tatsuo learned something , and if learn how to take care flowers and won money