22 September 2011 New Technologies for Operation and Maintenance of Offshore Wind Farms 海海海海海海海海海海海海海海 Ian Irvine Technical Director and Founder, SgurrEnergy 海海海海海 海海海海

Sgurr energy pt1

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22 September 2011

New Technologies for Operation and Maintenance of Offshore Wind Farms 海上风电场运行与维护的新技术Ian IrvineTechnical Director and Founder, SgurrEnergy峰能创始人,技术总监

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Introduction 主要内容

• SgurrEnergy 峰能现状• Site Characterisation 海上场域特性• Performance Monitoring 海上风机运行表现监控• Condition Monitoring 海上风机运行状态监控• Access 海上风电场的进入• Total Asset Management 全面资产管理• O&M Delivery 运维交付• Conclusions 结论

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SgurrEnergy today 峰能发展现状

• Experienced 经验与能力– Over 125 responsive engineers and

consultants 公司拥有超过 125 名工程师及技术顾问– 65GW of projects in 45+ countries 遍布 45 个国家 65 吉瓦项目经验

• Leading independent engineering consultancy 全球领先的独立的工程咨询公司

•Global network of offices 全球范围的办公网点

•2002 - Glasgow (Head Office) 格拉斯哥总部

•2006 – Beijing (China) 北京分公司

•2007 – Pune (India) 印度普纳

•2008 – Wexford (Ireland), Vancouver

(Canada), 爱尔兰威克斯福特及加拿大温哥华

•2009 – Paris (France), Portland (USA) 法国巴黎,美国波特兰

•2010 – Joined Wood Group 加入伍德能源集团

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SgurrEnergy personnel hold unparalleled knowledge to ensure successful renewable project delivery


Bio-energy 生物能

Hydro 水力发电

Wave & Tidal 海浪与潮汐能

Solar 太阳能

Offshore Wind 海上风电

Wind 陆上风电

Products 峰能产品

What do we do? 我们的业务




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Understanding how turbines and site interact了解风机与风电场之间的相互作用• Historically, offshore data are rare and of poor quality because: 纵观历史,海洋数据稀缺且质量不高:

• Equipment is typically, unsupervised, remote and in a harsh environment

设备通常无人监管、或地处遥远,且较恶劣的海洋环境中• Equipment is dangerous and expensive to maintain 设备安全无保障、且维护费用昂贵• Consequently, offshore

wind farm operation is more risky than onshore, as the environment is generally less well understood

由于对海上环境知之甚少,相比 于陆上风电场,海上风电场运行 更具风险

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Prevention is Better than Cure 防患于未然• Site Characterisation, can we afford to take risks? 了解风电场特性,我们能够承担风险吗?

Turbine-killing wind shear event

风机杀手 - 风切变事件

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Power Performance Assessment Offshore 海上风电场风机功率表现评估• The need to verify the compliance of assets offshore using power

performance assessment is more urgent given the costs and risks, yet this is not being observed. 在评估海上风场的资产表现时如何应用功率表现评估方法,及考虑实施成本及风险至关重要,但截至目前为止,未有相关评价

• To comply with current IEC 61400-12 requirements based on mast mounted anemometry it is likely that the cost of a power performance assessment will outweigh the benefits. 根据国际电工委员会( IEC ) 61400-12 进行测风塔测量,其功率表现评估的成本很有可能超过评估的收益。

• The forthcoming 3rd edition of IEC 61400-12-1 will include detailed provision for remote sensing. 即将出版的 IEC 61400-12-1 第三版将包含有关遥感测量的详细规定。

• Remote sensing using 2nd generation LiDAR such as Galion can be used to produce IEC 61400-12 compliant power curves. 使用第二代激光雷达如Galion 进行遥感观测可测量符合 IEC 61400-12 要求的功率曲线。

• Remote sensing will also facilitate a better understanding of wind flow and wake behaviour generally in the offshore environment. 遥感技术也将为我们更好的认识海上环境风流及尾流提供便利条件。

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Power performance assessmentsoffshore for onshore costs using Galion

installed on transition pieces to conduct arc scans海上风电场功率表现评估

使用 Galion 可以陆上测量成本,进行弧扫描方式进行

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Agreement satisfies acceptance criteriaroutinely applied to the operation of devices

immediately adjacent to mast, e.g. NorseWind数据一致性满足验收标准


Performs as well as a 1st generation device, but from 500m away 同第一代产品一样操作,但是可从 500 米远来测量

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Performance MonitoringInspection of performance metrics enables rapid identification of anomalous performance in seconds or minutes. 检查发电量表现指标可以在几秒或几分钟内快速识别发电量异常现象。

SgurrTrend metric plot

Main sequence主序列


Performance Monitoring 运行表现监控

(Each point represents one turbine’s performance during one week ,每一个点代表单个风机一周时间内的性能表现 )

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Oil & Gas Sector Experience 石油和天然气行业经验

资本信息 风险管理



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Application to Offshore Wind 应用到海上风电