Sewage Treatment Plant (91)-9994266616/+(91)-9841908345

Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturers in Chennai,Bangalore,Hyderabad,Odisha

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Page 1: Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturers in Chennai,Bangalore,Hyderabad,Odisha

Sewage Treatment Plant


Page 2: Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturers in Chennai,Bangalore,Hyderabad,Odisha

Design, Operation And Analysis Of Waste Water 10The API separator is a gravity separation device designed by using Stokes Law to define therise velocity of oil droplets based on their density and size. The design is based on the specificgravity difference between the oil and the wastewater because that difference is muchsmaller than the specific gravity difference between the suspended solids and water.

Page 3: Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturers in Chennai,Bangalore,Hyderabad,Odisha

Sewage Treatment Plant is the process of removing contaminants from wastewater, primarily from household sewage. It includes physical, chemical, and biological processes to remove these contaminants and produce environmentally safe treated wastewater (or treated effluent).

A by-product of Sewage Treatment Plant is usually a semi-solid waste or slurry, called sewage sludge, that has to undergo further treatment before being suitable for disposal or land application.

Sewage Treatment Plant may also be referred to as wastewater treatment, although the latter is a broader term which can also be applied to purely industrial wastewater.

Page 4: Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturers in Chennai,Bangalore,Hyderabad,Odisha

The Sewage Treatment Plant process is similar to the way that a Septic Tank works but mechanical components provide a process to help break down solids to produce a cleaner, more environmentally friendly effluent.

Now a days the Sewage Treatment Plant became statutory requirement of all the State Pollution Control Boards, everybody, whether Hotelier or Industrialist were looking for economical, easy to install and operate compact type Sewage Treatment Plant.

Page 5: Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturers in Chennai,Bangalore,Hyderabad,Odisha


Page 6: Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturers in Chennai,Bangalore,Hyderabad,Odisha

How does a sewage treatment plant work?

The Sewage Treatment Plant process is similar to the way that a Septic Tank works but mechanical components provide a process to help break down solids to produce a cleaner, more environmentally friendly effluent.

Wastewater and sewage, usually from a number of properties, are fed into the primary settlement tank where solids and liquids separate and the liquor flows into the biozone chamber. In the chamber, a pump aerates the waste and encourages good bacteria to digest the organic matter, breaking it down and purifying it.

Page 7: Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturers in Chennai,Bangalore,Hyderabad,Odisha

Key Features

Treatment of Sewage waste water generated from residential complex / Hospital buildings/ factories/ Hotels & Resorts / companies etc and re-usage of the water for toilet flushing after meeting the Pollution Control Board standards.

Page 8: Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturers in Chennai,Bangalore,Hyderabad,Odisha

Tpyes of Industries: Automobile industries Manufacturing Industries Foundry Food Indutsries Pharma industries IT Industries Leather Industries Textile / dyeing Industries Chemical Industries

Page 9: Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturers in Chennai,Bangalore,Hyderabad,Odisha

The reagents used are: Distilled Water - pH must be greater than 6.0. In case the pH fallsbelow 6.0, it shall be boiled for 15 minutes and cooled to roomtemperature. Sulphuric Acid - 5.6 ml of concentrated sulphuric acid is diluted withone liter with distilled water. Standard Solution of Sulphuric Acid - 0.02 N.

Page 10: Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturers in Chennai,Bangalore,Hyderabad,Odisha

Contact Us Mr. DharmendarKumar (Operation Manager)

No. 1, Surya Prakasam street, Krishnapuram, Next to Corporation Bank, Ambattur, Chennai - 600053. Tamil Nadu, India

Mobile: (91)-9994266616/+(91)-9841908345 Telephone :+(91)-(44)-42043266 E-mail:[email protected] http://cryogenicprocesscontrol.com/Sewage-treat
