How hard can it be?? * Robotics

Rod willmot - Robotics How hard can it be??

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How hard can it be??Robotics

Is this your vision of Robotics and computers taking over ?Im Sorry Dave

1968 film 2001 A Space Odyssey


Ill worry about computers taking over when my computer becomes aware of my printer #TED 2013Andrew McAfee

Andrew McAfee on Future of jobs (TED)3

Collecting real knowledgeAcceleration of desktop tasksAutomation of desktop tasksLinks between systems Intelligent appsRobotic agentsRobotic advice

Whats your Robot?

Our view is that there are lots of approaches on different levels that can be achieved today , dont wait for the far flung future of self learning moving humanoid, get on with some simple stuff Today4

Collecting real knowledge is a first stepCollated and shared intelligence Real Intelligence

Has been possible forever Completely non-Invasive to Legacy appsCan accelerate customer journeys and reduce AHT47% reduction compared to expert operator

Simple Acceleration

The first time I implemented something that did this was in the mid 80s at Royal Insurance! This is a technique we have used in complex customer journeys, such as pensions new business, where operators are using multiple systems both internal and external to complete and validate an application . Removing such complexities is a long term objective, but if the mean time we can create helpers in the background to do all the re-keying we get speed, consistency and accuracy improvement. The trick is NOT to try to do all the processes or even all of a process, you can create help me out steps that take the data from one system to another and then stop for operator input and still get extensive savings.

We have used simple technology like open span which we have proven we can not only implement but transfer expansion of deployments to business departments for on-going management. The real challenge is getting people to accept the automation and the only downside is the need to maintain the automation scripts in line with any system changes.


Full Automation

Operator-less automation of existing tasksCombined front-end / mobile apps and back end automationTesting and Regression

Operator less automation throws in some different challenges, the main one being the general desire to do everything and dealing with exceptions / failures. This is an area where we have yet to find the right task but have proven in several cases that it could be done. Typically batch re-keying or temporary / test proxy for an API that does not exist / cant be created in a legacy system.Test regression automation is the one area where we have found great benefits , regression in particular because automation needs stability of system and that is where its more typically found. Start simple


Using simple automation to bridge new user experiences with back-ends that were otherwise inaccessible can change your optionsThe lack of APIs

Many of our corporate legacy systems and the lack of APIs , more specifically the lack of change space to create them prevents us often creating customer solutions that allow self-service. 8

Apps are no longer just formsReal time integration to platforms like IBM Watson and real time intelligence are now not the realm of research and speculationVoice, interpretation and learning in your handIntelligent Apps

We are currently looking at how platforms like Mendix 7 allow us to use the power of huge capabilities like Watson to deliver intelligent decision making to apps that can still be created without massive investment programmes9

Using automation to talk to people3 Alternative exit routes80% of test group resolved their query65% of test group said Goodbye and Thank you AlvinAlvin - Chat-Bots

We have conducted successful experiments with Natural Language interpretation of common queries, chatbots that can converse with the customer and resolve , refine or reduce the queries that come though to people10

True Robotic AdviceSupported and welcomed by regulators

Robotic Advice

Many fear or quote the regulators as being a hurdle for automated advice but we have found they are supportive. The initial trials of genuine advice have attracted 500 advised transactions 20,000 registered users and we are looking at different models of distribution and alternative applications where this kind of advice might also fit.11

Start SimpleMake something, not everything automatedBuild on your successNot everything will be acceptedYou Can do that Dave