Rod Jao Passion Has Led to Success

Rod jao passion has led to success

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Rod Jao Passion Has Led to Success

Rod Jao is a truly remarkable success story. He rose up from humble beginnings to an extraordinary career in business, and today leads one of the world’s most exciting nootropics companies. Rod Jao’s passion has led to success.When we consider the notion of passion, do we think of this kind of human drive as something beneficial and positive? Some critics of passion decry it as a source of pain and suffering. Such people might make the claim that passion is not necessary to achieving a good and balanced lifestyle. Moreover, there are philosophical and religious traditions, particularly those rooted in Eastern cultures, such as many forms of yoga, and Buddhism, that seek to defuse and even eliminate passion in their adherents.

Rod Jao is a man who, by the extraordinary life he has led thus far, really exemplifies the powerful effect that a life led with passion can have on himself, on others around him, and ultimately on the world at large. Rod Jao’s passion has led to success, and in a big way. Rod Jao was born to a family of modest means in a remote village in a Southern Philippine islet. Who would ever have imagined he would rise up one day like a phoenix from the ashes to become a record breaking successful business leader? Jao’s family relocated to Vancouver, Canada, when Rod was a young boy, and this experience compelled him to learn how to make new friends, acquire a new first language, and adapt to the multitude of cultural and social novelties of his newfound home in the West.

Rod Jao never gave up; not in his youth, nor in his adult professional life. In fact, he went on to found a charitable organization for orphaned children called, Parent less Children of the World. He became Amway’s youngest top-seller and achieved the rare degree of Diamond Status, and now heads one of the world’s leading cognitive enhancing nutritional supplements companies on the planet. Rod Jao is a truly remarkable success story. He rose up from humble beginnings to an extraordinary career in business, and today leads one of the world’s most exciting nootropics companies. Rod Jao’s passion has led to success.