Campaign Captain’s Youth Network “RISE UP” Campaign

Rise Up Campaign Book

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Campaign Captain’sYouth Network

“RISE UP” Campaign

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Executive Summary

First and foremost, Campaign Captains would like to thank Pamela

Palmer and all of Youth Network for the opportunity to work together.

Campaign Captains consisted of five group members, overseen by Dr.

Sojung Kim.

The group members of Campaign Captains were Jon Riley, Leanna

Bigelow, Sterling Lung, Gabrielle Hunter, and Holly Bullock. In the

beginning of our campaign process we distributed roles between our group

members based on our previous experiences. Leanna was selected to be our

contact person and financial specialist. Sterling was the research director

and brand manager. Jonathan was the creative director for the campaign.

Holly was being the public relations and promotions director. Gabby was

the media and interactive director.

The Youth Network is still in the beginning stages of their growth.

This presents them with the opportunity to raise awareness as a leading

non-profit organization for youth in the Piedmont Triad. The problem

presented was that Youth Network needed ways to fundraise money to

support their activities.

We began our campaign conducting research to discover how well

Youth Network is known on the campus of High Point University. In our

research we found relevant information to help guide us in our campaign

development process. We discovered that underclassmen would be a better

audience to target because they were not as involved in activities, so they

would have more time to dedicate to new involvement in an organization.

Our next step in finding a solution was to organize our goals and

objectives. Our priority was to create an event that could be used year after

year, raise funds, and raise awareness. Our third step in the solution

process was to choose our target publics. Our target public depended on


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the goal or objective that we were trying to address. We primarily focused

our attention on targeting high-income households in the triad since they

would be more likely to donate funds to support Youth Network. As far as

raising awareness and getting students involved with the annual event, we

focused on attracting freshmen. We felt this was best based on the

information we found in our preliminary research.

Next, we had to address our key messages. Through our key

messages our goal was to brainstorm the multitude of audiences that the

Youth Network would serve with their new campaigns. We found that the

campaign would serve not only the children but also HPU students

specifically education and business majors; potential donors that would

donate money towards the Youth Network and lastly business sponsors that

would assist with providing an opportunity to promote and be associated

with a positive cause. Our key messages are imperative for our campaign to

help regulate and monitor the success of the campaign for each target


Following evaluating and establishing the target audiences for the

campaign we had to brainstorm creative messages for the campaign and

organization not only to attract more sponsors and donators but also be

appealing for the High Point University students as well. Along with the big

annual event we also created other creative events that would occur

throughout the school year to help Youth Network remain relevant even

after the annual event. Also, through strategies and tactics we established

all of the media outlets that would not only benefit Youth Network but also

help High Point University students stay involved with their community.

With several recommendations for the use of earned media, owned media

and social media we utilized all facets of the media in order to spread the

Youth Network message; help stay relevant and also up to date on current

events and news for the organization. Lastly through strategies and tactics

we utilized media lists and social media calendars to help the organization


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stay organization each month, but with the use of the media list it will help

spread news of the organization to multiple outlets such as radio,

newspapers and magazines in the Guilford/Triad area.

The last step of this process was creating a system for the

organization to monitor its success throughout the campaign and be able to

evaluate its tactics and strategies. By being able to evaluate the

recommendations for tactics and messages of the campaign, the campaign

will become easily replicable. For each goal and objective we created a

monitoring and evaluation tactic that would best fit for the best results.

Youth Network will utilize Google Analytics and alerts to track traffic from

social media networks and the organizations website but also spread sheets.

We have recommended cost-effective methods the client can use to assess

the effectiveness of specific tactics, specifically measuring ROI (return of

investment) to track profits from sponsorships and donations. Lastly, to

track actual attendance for each event we recommended Youth Network

Excel use spreadsheets that tracks, which media sources mention, or

feature Youth Network in their stories and news.

Executive Bios

Campaign Captains is a well-respected advertising agency looking for their next big challenge! The Captains are a hardworking, detail-oriented team that take pride in their work. This team values a creative environment to spark ideas that stand out from the rest.

Leanna Bigelow is a talented marketing professional with experience in public relations and advertising. As a marketing intern for EQUI-KIDS Therapeutic Riding Program, she gained experience in the non-profit sector. Her expertise in the field stems from her undergraduate career at High Point University where she received degrees in both strategic communication and marketing.


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Holly Bullock is a well-rounded event planner with experience in radio event coordinating and sorority event coordinating.  Holly has previously planned and operated the 2012 Texaco Country Showdown in upstate New York as an intern for Big Dog Country 103.5. She was responsible for working on all aspects of the showdown from participants to location. Holly has also been an active coordinator within Phi Mu Gamma Zeta Sorority.  She has worked to plan new member education as well as sisterhood events.

Gabrielle Hunter is a graduating senior, majoring in Strategic Communication with a minor in Graphic Design at High Point University. Gabrielle has previously worked as a marketing and public relations consultant for The Queen’s Foundation Inc. With a background in graphic design, Gabrielle used her skills to create unique and inspiring media messages for underserved yet high achieving young women in North Carolina.

Sterling Lund has been active in the communications field for over two years. She is experienced with research methods and strategic message development in advertising.  Sterling has worked on several advertising projects for her major and has also worked as a marketing consultant for Direct Insite, a software development company in Fort Lauderdale.

Jon Riley has extensive knowledge in graphic design and creative efforts. As an intern at Premier Productions, he was in charge of creating all web banners and grass roots marketing. Premier Productions is the number one promoter of Christian concerts in the world. He has also done freelance work which has allowed him to expand his skills of Adobe Photoshop. As a volunteer at Renaissance Road church, he helped plan and execute an awareness campaign. He helped produce a T.V. commercial, which aired on Good Morning America.

Situation AnalysisTHE YOUTH NETWORK


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Information/History of the Client: The client is the Youth Network of the Guilford County Resource and Referral Center. They have four programs that operate underneath the GCRRC umbrella, including Sisters Helping Sisters, Capacity Builders, Outpatient Therapy for Children, and Youth Network. Youth Network is a program that supports the physical, social-emotion and cognitive development of youth by emphasizing important steps in gaining self-awareness. The Youth Network began as a way to combat the epidemic of children being misdiagnosed with mental or learning disorders. These kids were in need of help and the only way people felt they could provide the necessary tools to do so was through diagnosing them with specific conditions that they may or may not have actually had. The Guilford County Resource and Referral Center recognized the need for children to have a place where they could benefit from an enriching experience that could provide them with the necessary resources for self- esteem and self-growth. They started this program this year and are hoping to continue and expand from their current state. The Youth Network program currently supports 10 African American boys in grades kindergarten to 2nd grade. The boys meet for a few hours on Saturdays and meet for 3 hours for 10 weeks to complete the program (Guilford Country Resource and Referral Center)

Industry Trends: Since High Point is a demanding market for non-profit organizations seeking to better the community; many organizations have been formed in order to help the citizens of High Point. The illiteracy rate of High Point is around 65%, so helping students with their education has been a common trend among the organizations in High Point. There is a great need for help in High Point, and groups like Big Brothers Big Sisters, United Way, and Youth Network have been working to contribute in positive ways. These programs have helped the youth by keeping them out of trouble, educating them outside of the classroom and preparing them for the “real world”.

Benefactors have made donations to non-profit organizations that have helped increase their ability to make a difference in the community. According to the National Center for Charitable Statistics, there are 44,290 non-profit organizations in North Carolina. With such a high number of organizations benefactors have to choose from, it is important for the Guilford County Resource and Referral Center to make themselves known in the community so more donations can be made and, in turn, the organization will have more money to make their programs better.

Competitive Field: The competitive field the client operates in is the group of non-profit organizations in the Piedmont Triad that target the same group of people. Youth Network does not want to take a competitive approach,


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instead they want to be considered partnering with the other organizations to reach the same goal and help the greater good.

Audience Analysis: The participants are non-paid staff and volunteers. Pamela Palmer is head of volunteer at the Youth Network. She has been actively serving the community for many years. She has extensive knowledge of running Nonprofit organizations.  Some of the other volunteers consist of HPU students; who must fulfill their class participation requirements by serving the Youth Network. Our primary target audiences are the HPU students who are unaware about Youth Network, who may be interested in volunteering. This may be an incoming student who is less likely to be involved in activities already. Our secondary target audience may be the local citizens of High Point, who also would be potential volunteers. Especially, during the summer when there are a lack of students. 

Program/Brand Analysis: The Youth Network aims to help children grow and develop a healthy self-esteem and strong self –motivation. They want to focus on providing children an inspiring experience that allows them to learn and develop. Their current brand emphasizes important steps to gaining self-awareness, emotional and cognitive development. While this identity is clear through research, there is no set slogan that allows people to understand their mission. Through our campaign we would like to propose a potential slogan that may enhance the effectiveness of the name.

Media Usage Analysis: Because the client is so new they do not have any major prior communication practices to expand from. However, The Youth Network is steadily developing through their connection and support from classes and departments at High Point University. Most recently, Pamela Palmer, a non-profit professor at the university has made it a requirement for her current students to volunteer and contribute to Youth Network’s programs and development. The client has also received a grant from the English department to help financially and further develop this new organization.

Category Creative Analysis:

We have compiled a list of proposed creative ideas, for our campaign. They are as followed…

Direct Mail to HPU students. Specifically targeting freshmen, since they are less likely to be involved in volunteer services already.


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Contact the Campus Chronicle, and have them write a feature story about Youth Network. This would help raise awareness through “earned media”.

Host a Krispy Kreme social at the UC philanthropy tables. We would offer free donuts to students and in return they would listen to us talk about Youth Network. We would also have sign-up sheets for interested students.

We would set up a booth at the activities fair at HPU.

Pitch to school the idea of sponsoring lunch at the Youth Network. Possibly have campus Subway donates some foot long subs to the children and helpers. 

SWOT Analysis: Strengths:

They have a strong relationship with the local Methodist Church. They have a strong relationship with High Point University. They have free rent at their location. The Guildford County Resource and Referral Center provides funds

and support. The kids don’t have to pay for admittance. Acceptance is not based on financial needs.

Weaknesses The “need” is bigger than everyone being accommodated. They don’t provide transportation, possibly leaving some kids out. The quality of the house could use upgrades. There are limited funds.

Threats There are a lot of other local nonprofit organizations. There may be a lack of interest from High Point Students. Lack of student volunteers in the summer.

Opportunities They are planning on having some type of abbreviated summer

program. They have a possibility of planning field trips for the kids. Recruiting High Point University students. They have plans to remodel the house, with the help of the HPU

interior design school.


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Key Issues & Implications: Some of the key issues that have been addressed include a lack of awareness on the campus of High Point University and a costly program without support from HPU students. When thinking about the issue of a lack of awareness on the campus of HPU, the major implications would be that Youth Network will not have as strong of a relationship with the HPU community as they would if more students were involved. Another implication of the issue is that Youth Network could struggle finding more volunteers since they are currently using volunteers from non-profit classes. As a result, Youth Network should consider hosting a table at the HPU Activities fair at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters in order to raise awareness of the volunteer opportunities they have for students. Youth Network should also consider working with the Volunteer Center on campus to give students more of an idea of what opportunities are available.

Another key issue that Youth Network has is dealing with the costs of their program without receiving any help from HPU students. The implication of this problem is the fact that Youth Network is not able to function without money, therefore they should consider raising awareness on the campus of High Point University in order to potentially receive donations in addition to volunteers.

The Youth Network has a lack of funding for a great community need. They greatly rely on the ability to provide an overall experience for the children. Without volunteers or money The Youth Network will not be able to function. However, this program has an opportunity that most don't. High


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Point University is a strong tool that will help the program succeed and grow. This partnership will greatly benefit The Youth Network.

ResearchResearch Questions What methods used by other non-profit organizations can Youth Network

implement into their program and organization?

Are freshmen and unaffiliated students less involved off campus with volunteering opportunities?

Primary Research After our first client input meeting with Dr. Palmer, we found that her

vision of a successful campaign was rather simplistic. Her vision for a prosperous campaign was having a consistent and reoccurring event that brings not only volunteers and mentors from High Point University together, but also produces the necessary funds to keep the organization running. Along with an annual event, we made several suggestions to Dr. Palmer about re-creating the organization’s website to allow for more traffic; designing a logo for the Youth Network, to enhance credibility and awareness and lastly begin a social media campaign which would result in more advocates, mentors and volunteers from High Point University.


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Survey Research Method: In addition to interviewing Dr. Palmer, we also conducted a survey among High Point University students. The survey was developed by the students in our class and edited by our professor, Dr. Kim. Over a course of four days, surveys were handed out to a total of 28 students who took the survey by hand. Being that the majority of students at High Point University are white, the participants were predominantly Caucasian, however there were a few participants who listed themselves as African American. The results of the survey were then entered into a Microsoft Excel worksheet and analyzed by Software Package Statistics Analysis Software (SPSS).


1) Resources for volunteering

Based on the findings from the surveys, there appears to be a lack of communication between the volunteer center and High Point students. Almost 40% of the participants were unaware that there was a volunteer center that was available to students. However, the ones


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that do know about it are not utilizing it. People were very willing to provide other tangible resources for the organizations, specifically food.

Students appear to be unaware of opportunities for volunteering outside of their organization. Therefore it is important that we raise awareness of the volunteer center and its importance to helping the community. According to the responses, more than half of the students claimed that they find out information about clubs or organizations on campus through word of mouth, followed by campus email and social media. In order to reach students we must be aware of these channels and arouse interest by creating fun events, social media, e-notifications and others.

2) Fundraising Events About 49% said that they would want to participate in a sporting

event fundraiser. We may want to consider ideas to make our event active, however with a lack of strong sports teams in the surrounding area it may be difficult. They also listed a concert as a second choice to a sporting event. There is a possibility of doing a field day or some sort of

playful event followed by music and dinner. This may be an idea that could satisfy both needs. In terms of on-campus fundraising, more than 50% said that the best way to raise funds would be through an event such as the Big Man on Campus. The second highest picked response was possibly hosting an event at a local restaurant such as Feeney’s yogurt or Giannos.

3) Willingness to volunteer for non-profits Nearly everyone seemed to be involved in some kind of non-profit

volunteering. Their


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motivation to do so was noted to be mostly because of an organization’s requirements, such as a fraternity or sorority. However, many also indicated a strong personal motivation to volunteer. This means that they are willing to volunteer outside of their required schedule. Everyone indicated that they would be willing to work at least three hours, which is the amount of time allotted for the Youth Network anyway.

4) Volunteering for Youth Network While no one had really heard

ofthe organization, many of the respondents believed that their organization would be interested in helping provide food the Youth Network. We will want to contact some of the sororities listed and other organizations to coordinate donations or food drive. It is important that we target groups of people, because many of the respondents said that they would be more likely to volunteer with friends.

With all of this information, we know that we must target people by generating a positive stream of conversation. We can do this by actively reaching students via campus emails, social media and campus events. People say that they are very willing to volunteer, so there is no lack of resources. It is merely a matter of raising awareness, generating an identity and gets people familiar with opportunities (volunteer center) off campus. People will respond. We just

have to give them the information they need to do so.


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Secondary ResearchAs a part of the secondary research for our campaign we established

that researching and investigating other non-profit organizations in North Carolina as well as global organizations would best suit our mission in establishing a good campaign. As a group we recognized that a “good” campaign’s goal is to raise awareness of the organization, generate more people to support the organization by means of the campaign but also attracting more volunteers, advocates, stakeholders and possibly mentors if needed. As each of us researched a different non-profit organization we found different areas in which helped their organization strive and become successful.

We looked at some of the prominent non-profit organizations that are nationally known such as the YWCA, Boys and Girls Club and the Children’s Miracle Network. Each of these non-profit organizations have had successful campaigns in raising awareness towards their goals and objectives of serving children but also they each have a unique campaign strategy in raising awareness that could benefit Youth Network.

1) The Queens Foundation The Queen’s Foundation (TQF) which is a statewide non-profit based in

Greensboro, North Carolina whose mission is to serve young women by “becoming queens in life” and servant leaders in their communities. Although they serve young women, their mission is still similar to Youth Network in targeting the youth in their pivotal development stages to be catalysts for their community and leaders. One strategy that could benefit Youth Network is working with philanthropic organizations such as sororities and fraternities. Though several investors sponsor TQF, the organization itself has made a name for itself on the campus by working with sororities, being active during activities fair and event incorporating students into their internship program.

The Queen’s Foundation currently serves only young women in four counties in North Carolina while Youth Network only serves boys, which in time might change to serving young women as well. Though both organizations only serve one sex as of now, the mission of serving these children are the same. Another similarity between Youth Network and The Queen’s Foundation is their mission in targeting underserved children in the area but more importantly targeting them at a pivotal time in their development. The Queen’s Foundation, like the Youth Network’s objective is to target young adults and


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lead them down paths that will help them socially, emotionally and mentally. During the time of young adolescence and development, children tend to be mislead and fall out of line of what is considered socially acceptable but with both of these organizations working towards the same mission; children are exposed to learning about self-image, self-esteem and becoming advocates in their communities.

2) Children’s Miracle Network The Children’s Miracle Network (CMN) is an organization that focuses on

providing children attention that they need. One strategy that could benefit Youth network is linking up with a specific organization on campus. CMN is linked with Phi Mu fraternity and that group brings in a lot of donations for the non-profit. CMN also has National Free Pancake day as a way to campaign for donations.

3) Young Women’s Christian AssociationWith over 2 million people participating each year and more that 1,300

locations across the United States, the YWCA acts a strong voice to those who are unfairly voiceless. The power of their united efforts has been the forefront of most of the social movements in the United States including: the abolition of slavery, voting rights, health initiatives…etc. Because they have been around for more than 150 years, they have been able to build a brand the holds strong name value. Their website utilizes research done in the United States about the statistics of inequality. This emphasizes the great need for their work. This may be something that the Youth Network might want to provide on their page so that people can have something to “validate” their donations of time or money.

The Youth Network is not nearly the size of the YWCA, however it has the potential to encourage an online community as the YWCA does. They provide people with the ability to connect through YWCA Blog, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Their presence on social media is held up by a strong dedication to continuous interaction that costs little to nothing. They have over 860 pins their Pinterest page, 3,267 followers on Twitter and 5,873 likes on Facebook. These methods cost little to nothing to implement have become one of the top ways to publicize an organization. People expect the ability to follow their favorite organizations and be involved. The Youth Network could greatly benefit by making their website more interactive as well as creating links to social network sites.


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Along with a strong online presence, the YWCA hosts an annual conference every year that provides people with workshops, awards and other various events. There is a price to attend the conference that can cost $375, $425 or $525, depending on when you purchase a ticket. This year it will be hosted on June 5-8 2013

On the website they provide you with ways you can choose to help. They can volunteer at a local YWCA, make a donation, become an advocate towards a certain initiative with the government or become a corporate partner that requires them to sponsor the annual conference and other events. This may be something that the Youth Network would want to consider because Dr. Palmer stated that she would like to host an annual conference but she would need to have the funds. This idea of partnership could be a great way for people to help donate specifically to events.


Go Out For A Run (GOFAR) is a 501©3 nonprofit organization. They are similar to the Youth Network because its focus is aimed for kids. The organization promotes a healthy lifestyle and character through its 10-week program. The kids spend the 10 weeks learning about proper nutrition, while training for a 5k. They celebrate the end of the 10 weeks with new friends and family, at the GOFAR 5k. There are over a 1,000 runners, and everyone is encouraged to participate. The GOFAR 5k embodies the concept of the program, and helps promote its self.

Similar to the Youth Network, they encourage parents to be a part of the program, and believe a nurturing environment is crucial to their development as kids. GOFAR utilizes an interactive website, which allows you to get involved and learn more. The website guides interested viewers


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in “starting a program”, “donating, or “sponsoring”. GOFAR has many sponsors. Subway, Primo, United Healthcare, the National After School Association, Guilford County Department of Public Health, and many more support them. The website also provides nutrition tips, videos, and testimonials. The organization is focused on teaching youth and parents the effects of childhood obesity.

The Youth Network can take a few of these strategies, and further their efforts as an organization. The Youth Network is still in its early stages as a program. However, they have a strong sense of what they stand for. They want to provide a nurturing environment for kids of all backgrounds. An environment that teaches them a healthy lifestyle. The program aims at boosting their self-esteem and exploring their futures. What differentiates the Youth Network is their strong belief in parent involvement. They believe that parents, who spend time with their kids, cater to proper development. They have different activities where they make it mandatory for the parents to attend.

Based off of the GOFAR organization, I believe Youth Network can increase volunteers by simply creating a website that models after GOFAR. There can be a section for volunteers to sign themselves up. It is an important tool for people who are interested in Youth Network to learn more and sign up to help. The website should also provide the option for a mailing list, and there should be more information for sponsor opportunities.

Another strategy that they could take from GOFAR, is hosting an event at the end of their program that embodies the concept of the program. This could be anything from a 5k to an HPU affiliated event. This would be good public relations tactic, and would help self-promote them. It would be a source of “earned media” which is cheap and would raise awareness.

Creating a Good Campaign


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The Youth Network can take a few of these strategies, and further their efforts as an organization. The Youth Network is still in its early stages as a program. However, they have a strong sense of what they stand for. They want to provide a nurturing environment for kids of all backgrounds, an environment that teaches them a healthy lifestyle.

The program aims at boosting their self-esteem and exploring their futures. What differentiates the Youth Network is their strong belief in parent involvement. They believe that parents, who spend time with their kids, cater to proper development. They have different activities where they make it mandatory for the parents to attend.

The key takeaways include:

-Creating an opportunity for people to become partners in order to sponsor fundraisers. -Creating a social media presence and reworking the website -Raise awareness among students via University notifications. -Create opportunities for people to get involved with the Youth Network. -Create a sense of community. (Appealing to the idea of friend influence.)


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Goals and Objectives

Overall Goal: The goal for the Youth Network campaign is to establish annual events that can be replicated. They must raise awareness, fundraise and produce sponsors.

Specific Goal: We hope to plan a field day event by next fall, October 2013. The amount we wish to raise for the duration of the campaign, which will occur from August 31, 2013 until March 13, 2014 is $2,000.

Measurable Goal: The campaign is set to run for eight months, starting in August of 2013 and ending in March 2014.

Action Oriented: We will create a detailed social media timeline that we will actively engage on each week. We also hope to team up with a local restaurant to have a fundraising night for the Youth Network.

Realistic: Yes, these are realistic and obtainable goals for the Youth Network.

Time Stamped: The goals and objectives of the campaign will be achieved by April 1st 2014.

Potential Barriers: It is important to look at the potential barriers that we may come in contact with during the campaign so we can plan on how to overcome the obstacles. The first barrier that we may have is the lack of interest within the HPU campus and along with that comes a lack of volunteers to pull off the event that we hope to have. Due to the fact that HPU is such a large campus that holds many events, we may find it difficult to find a date that can be scheduled to work with every person’s prior commitments. We also may have excessive start up costs for the entertainment and food that will be provided at the event.

Management Strategies: To overcome the barriers we must assign each group member specific duties to complete. We must work to properly maintain the social media calendar. Our team must partner with HPU early and maintain positive relations to help secure the location and date at the earliest convenience. It is also important to organize and recruit volunteers immediately while also incorporating them into the planning process.


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Resources Required: To complete our goals and objectives some important resources are needed. We need:

Volunteers to help at the event. We need a skilled graphic designer Social media specialist. Finding a reliable restaurant to partner with for fundraising

opportunities Establish a partnership with High Point University.

By When: It is important to have access to these resources immediately to make sure everything is in order for the campaign and there is no loose ends.

Short-term Objectives: Our short term objectives are to develop a weekly social media calendar that is following weekly to start exposing HPU students to Youth Network over seven months. Establishing and creating a logo, slogan, and website will also be needed quickly.

Medium term Objectives: Our medium-term objectives are to organize and obtain between 25-30 volunteers. Through our social media, we want to obtain at least 100 followers and increase the presence of Youth Network on Twitter, Facebook and increase traffic on the organization’s website.

Long term Objectives: Our long-term objectives are to maintain our social media calendar and make any adjustments and additions after monitoring and evaluating the success of each media outlet. We must also establish a budget and obtain sponsors and partnerships with High Point University as well as other local businesses. Lastly, we must create a reoccurring event that will allow for Youth Network to obtain more relationships, sponsors and donations for future programs and events.

Rewards: As a reward system, we will give out Krispy Kreme for those people who follow, like or mention our social media pages. Having this reward system will give an incentive to our High Point University students while increasing awareness of the organization.

Accountability: To stay accountable through this campaign, both Dr. Pamela Palmer and Ms. Buxton will hold the team accountable.


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Messages and Audience

Statement of Problem or Opportunity: Youth Network is a fairly new program that needs to raise funds by events and sponsors. Provide annual support in order to keep the program running efficiently. This is not the typical Non-profit organization that draws at your heartstrings. It does not merely focus on underprivileged kids and because of this people may not be as easy to get people involved.

Opportunity: To develop annual fun and effective fundraising events that helps support the Youth Network and builds a strong relationship with High Point University.

Campaign Goals: The goal for the Youth Network campaign is to establish annual events that can be replicated. It must raise awareness, fundraise and produce sponsors.

Communication Objectives : To create social media exposure through the various popular networks such as Facebook, Twitter and the organization’s website. With the usage of social media this will allow Youth Network to have constant expose that will reach each of the intended target audiences and help remain relevant daily.

Audience and Messages:

Audience Description Message:Youth Network will help kids


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Parents succeed in various aspects of their developmental stages of life.

HPU Students

Volunteer at Youth Network by becoming a “Balloon Buddy” and helping them develop social, emotional and academic skills through their developmental stages.

Education & Business MajorsAssignments to help students create age, and developmental appropriate daily activities and lesson planning.

Business Donors Donating money to the Youth Network will benefit the community to help fund for reoccurring events in the future.

Sponsors The Youth Network sponsorship provides an opportunity to promote businesses and be associated with a positive cause.

Strategies and Tactics

Statement of Problem or Opportunity: Youth Network is a fairly new program that needs to raise funds through hosting events and attracting sponsors. Youth Network needs annual support in order to keep the program running efficiently. This is not the typical non-profit organization that draws at your heartstrings. It does not merely focus on underprivileged kids, and because of this it may not be as easy to get people involved.

Opportunity: To develop annual fun and effective fundraising events that help support the Youth Network and build a strong relationship with High Point University.

Overall Goal: The goal for the Youth Network campaign is to establish annual events that can be replicated. They must raise awareness, fundraise and produce sponsors.


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Logo DesignThe logo we designed corresponds to the

overall theme of our campaign. We chose to use balloons because they symbolize hope and unrealized potential. Balloons start out flat but once they are given breath, they have the ability to fly. When they are released they float to higher levels and their destination is seen as unlimited. 


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Youth Network will breathe life into children’s hopes and dreams and inflate the possibilities to reach their highest potential. 

Strategic and Tactical Recommendations:Recommendations (Owned Media):

Based off our client’s needs and budget, we have chosen direct mail as our only source of paid media. Direct mail is an easy way to reach a specific market at a minimal cost. Campaign Captains recommend a direct mail post


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card to people in the triad of higher incomes. It will explain Youth Network and have a blank envelope with a return address and stamp to be used by recipients desiring to contribute with a monetary donation.

Costs and fees:Based off of the United States Postal Service

• 200 envelopes • Standard Mail• 5 digits• Est. 3 ounce • Non- Profit pricing

o Total Price= $54.00

Cost of production based off of VistaPrints.com (Actual flyer) • 250 prints • Glossy

o Total Price (color)=$62.98o Total Price (Black & White)= $42.99

Recommendations (Earned Media)

Radio and T.V. will sometimes offer a spot for a Public Service Announcement (PSA), to local non-profits. This means, they will announce the message for free because it is for a good cause. For our main event, “Up


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& Away Field Day," we propose to use earned media to inform the public. Specifically, we will use newspaper and radio.

A. Earned Media Print (Up & Away Field Day)

The news release on the following page will be sent to media outlets, specifically newspapers and radio stations.

News Release


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Communications Director, Campaign Captains(757) 409-6120

[email protected]

Youth Network to host “Up and Away Field Day” at High Point University

HIGH POINT, N.C., Aug. 20, 2013 – Youth Network will host a family

fun day for members of the High Point community on the last Saturday in

August. The event will be a fun field day style event that gives High Point

University students the opportunity to interact with the families involved

with Youth Network.

The event is scheduled for August 31 and will be held on the

intramural fields on the campus of High Point University. The Up and Away

Field Day will feature fun activities like t-shirt making, relay races, balloon

dart painting, a bounce house and face painting. High Point University

students will also perform music for the event. Plenty of food will be

provided, including fresh popcorn, cotton candy, and barbeque from Carter


Dr. Pamela Palmer is very excited to introduce Youth Network to the

High Point University community. Along with the rest of the Youth Network

team, Dr. Palmer will be at the event to answer any questions about Youth

Network and their role in the community.


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Youth Network is a program sponsored by the Guilford County

Resource and Referral Center. Located in Jamestown, North Carolina,

Youth Network is a place for children to just be. Centered on a program

designed to strengthen the character of children, Youth Network is open to

children from any economic background.


Media List


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Campaign Captains has also already utilized earned media via HPU’s student newspaper. An article, beginning on the front page, was written on Youth Network. We contacted the school and also had a photographer take pictures for the article. This is an effective way for students to become more familiarized with Youth Network's name and mission.

Recommendations (Earned Media)

Youth Network Radio PSAAir Date: 8/21/13 – 8/31/13

SFX: Children Laughing & Giggling

Music: background music

Music: background music fades out

Announcer: Children in High Point are a light in our community. With the right support, they can experience new heights every day and learn to be a better version of themselves. What if there was a place for them to go that helped them realize all they are capable of? Youth Network is that place. Centered on a program that helps children realize their true potential, Youth Network is a place for kids to just be. Help Youth Network today through a donation. Every contribution will help Youth Network give kids support and encouragement to be the best version of themselves they can be. Visit www.facebook.com/theyouthnet to learn more about Youth Network!


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Recommendation (Social Media)

For our client we recommend the usage of the top two social media networks on the market. We will recommend utilizing Twitter and Facebook because with their popularity these two networks are the gateway for communication between Youth Network and our intended target audience.

1. Facebook - Mentor Mondays would be every other Monday of the month. With this the Youth Network can spotlight their mentors and their accomplishments with their organization. Also, Youth Network can offer tips, and possible application links to becoming a mentor or simply being involved.

2. Twitter - Wise Word Wednesday (#WWW) would be a trending topic every Wednesday on Twitter that would be used by the Youth Network to spread wise words of encouragement and quotes that pertain to their mission statement. Not only would Youth Network use the trending topic but also others can use the hash-tag to spread awareness and wisdom.


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Social Media Calendar Rationale: The social media calendar will be implemented each month with a reoccurring event weekly. With a social media calendar, Youth Network can stay relevant; have a constant presence online, accountability; and target each audience.


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Campaign Event Calendar

August 19, 2013 Activities Fair at High Point University

August 21st- August 31, 2013 PSA will air, promoting the Field Day

August 25th Newspaper Article- Campus Chronicle

August 26, 2013- August 31, 2013

Campus Concierge email for Field Day

August 29, 2013 Flyer for campus August 31, 2013 Up and Away Field Day November 25, 2013- December

2, 2013Campus Concierge- UC

Caroling Info.December 2, 2013 UC Caroling Event February 3, 2013 Direct Mailing for DonationsMarch 6-March 13, 2013 Campus Concierge Email for

MunchkinsMarch 13, 2013 March Munchkin Madness


**Social Media Calendar will be in effect throughout the duration of campaign.

Schedule for Holiday Caroling December 2 nd

6:00-6:30pm -Youth Network Kids and Volunteers will sing carols in the UC -They will also pass out candy canes to HPU students

6:30pm -Grab some hot cocoa and cookies6:45pm -Christmas movie in the Cinema with Balloon Buddies

Kids will receive parent’s permission through a permission slip, a week before the event. Kids will go home after the movie is over. We wanted to make sure that they were not on campus late because it is a school night!

Schedule for March Munchkin Madness March 13 th 8:00am-1:00pm- HPU students can go to Philanthropy tables in UC and purchase Dunkin Donuts Munchkins for $2. All proceeds will be donated to Youth Network to provide Saturday lunches and school supplies.

HPU students can also purchase basketball Brackets for $5 to fill out.


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Campaign Event Flyers:


Activities fair booth: 8/19/2013

Each semester the school hosts an activities fair in Slane. This involves multiple booths that are run by different organizations on campus. A lot of people come to this event, especial freshman, which are a large target audience for this campaign. Having a booth would help people become aware of the event and also get people to volunteer to help run the event and also sign up to perform at the event. The intern and one or two other people, who would help run the booth and inform people about the opportunities to get involved.


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Up and Away Field Day

After surveying students on the campus, majority of the respondents said that they would like to attend a sports event and or a concert as a fundraising event. Because of these results, we decided that a field day featuring student performers would be the best combination of the two. With the ticket sales at $5 a person, we can raise money while also getting people involved and build the Youth Network community.


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UC Caroling

This event would happen right around final exam time, so students will appreciate the break from their tough study time. They will also have Christmas cookies for sale and complimentary hot chocolate. During holiday season people are especially generous. We feel the UC caroling event will take advantage of this, making it an appropriate time to fundraise.


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March Munchkin Madness

There are a lot of people who get very involved in the March Madness events. Incorporating our doughnut sale during this time is a great way to do something that is recognizable and people already enjoy. Selling these doughnuts will provide money for fundraising.


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Evaluations & MonitoringStatement of Problem or Opportunity: Youth Network is a fairly new program that needs to raise funds through hosting events and attracting sponsors. Youth Network needs annual support in order to keep the program running efficiently. This is not the typical non-profit organization that draws at your heartstrings. It does not merely focus on underprivileged kids, and because of this it may not be as easy to get people involved.

Opportunity: To develop annual fun and effective fundraising events that help support the Youth Network and build a strong relationship with High Point University.

Overall Goal: The goal for the Youth Network campaign is to establish annual events that can be replicated. They must raise awareness, fundraise and produce sponsors.


Specific Goals: Replicable Event, Raise Awareness, and Fundraising Opportunities

1. Annual Event: Up and Away Field Day

Monitoring : Keeping track of attendees at each event and monitoring their time spent there. To monitor their time we recommend that the Youth Network intern or volunteer interview multiple attendees about recommendations for next year’s event.

Evaluation: Checking social media for impressions; checking retweets (Twitter); additional likes to the Facebook page; updates on status and overall attendance for the event and reviewing the interview recommendations and suggestions.

2. Raise Awareness:

Monitoring : We recommend the usage of Google alerts and Google analytics. How?? With what keywords??

Evaluation: Activity on social media (analytics) creating a comparison of attendance at each event.

3. Fundraising:

Monitoring: Keeping track of how much is being raised at each event or through any fundraising efforts other than events. This


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includes donations that are given in ways including website donations or direct mail. Will be monitored in the form of a spreadsheet.

Evaluation : Measuring ROI, or the amount of financial gains divided by the amount we spent. For each event calculate how much was spent versus how much was gained. Will be evaluated in the form of a spreadsheet.


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Cost-effective methods: SPECIFIC TACTICS

How to calculate the ROI: (Return – Investment)/ Investment

It’s typically expressed as a percentage, so multiple your result by 100.

1. Social Media Calendar Google Analytics

o Rationale: Checked at least once a week for progress

2. Up and Away Field Day Rationale: Measure ROI (return on investment) to determine

profitability and success; calculate attendance, which measures activity and involvement regarding participation.

3. University Center Caroling Rationale: Measure ROI (return on investment) to determine

profitability and success

4. Munchkin Madness Rationale: Measure ROI (return on investment) to determine

profitability and success; count the number of brackets filled out and turned in, which measures activity and involvement regarding participation

5. Website Open Web Analytics

o Rationale: Plugs into your website that tracks the traffic of your website. Free.

6. PSA (Radio) Excel spreadsheet that tracks which media sources mention or feature

Youth Network in their stories and news

7. News/Press Release Excel spreadsheet that tracks which media sources mention or feature

Youth Network in their stories and news


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Sample monitoring and evaluation tools

Up & Away Event Survey:

Hi! My name is ___________________ and I’m a representative for the Youth Network. Would you be willing to answer a couple of questions for me about our event today?

1. Gender:2. Age:3. HPU Student? Yes or No4. How did you hear about this event?5. Did you sign up to be a balloon buddy?6. If we were to have this event again next year, would you come?7. Would you like to receive e-mail updates from Youth Network?8. Have you liked Youth Network on Facebook?9. Do you follow Youth Network on Twitter?10. Have you thought about making a donation to the Youth

Network?11. Have you enjoyed your time here?12. Do you have any suggestions or ideas for ways this event could

be better?

Monitoring Media that features Youth Network:


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Weekly Progress Reports

Team Members: Leanna Bigelow, Holly Bullock, Jon Riley, Gabby Hunter, Sterling Lund

Date of Report: January 25, 2013

1. Team Campaign Captains met on January 25 from 1pm to 2pm. We met at Starbucks in the University Center.

2. Members attending : Leanna Bigelow, Holly Bullock, Jon Riley, Gabby Hunter,

Sterling Lund

3. Decisions reached:

We decided on the information to put in the situation analysis and who would complete the sections. We also decided to meet again on Sunday at 8pm.

4. Discussions:

We discussed volunteering at Youth Network in the future.

5. Assignments:

Sterling will serve as the proofreader, Gabby will complete the 3rd question on the situation analysis, Holly will complete the 5th question on the situation analysis, Jon will complete the 4th question on the situation analysis, and Leanna will complete questions 1 and 2 on the situation analysis.

6. Place, date and time of next meeting:

Our next meeting will be on Sunday, January 27 at 8pm in the University Center.


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Team Members: Leanna Bigelow, Holly Bullock, Jon Riley, Gabby Hunter, Sterling Lund

Date of Report: February 1, 2013

1. Team Campaign Captains met on Sunday, January 27th from 9:30 to 10:30 in the University Center.

2. Members attending: Leanna Bigelow, Holly Bullock, Jon Riley, Gabby Hunter,

Sterling Lund

4. Decisions reached: We are having a feature article written in the campus chronicle as part of

our campaign. The editor has been contacted and a writer has been assigned. Pictures will also be taken for the article. The editor has also given us exclusivity to the story, meaning no other group will have this opportunity. Lastly, we have decided that Leanna will be our contact person, Sterling will be the research director and brand manager, Jonathan will be the creative director for the

campaign, Holly will be the PR and promotions director and Gabby will be Media and interactive director.

5. Discussions: Ideas for campaign: concierge insert for the email, direct mail to

students, give out crispy cream donuts to students in the UC and introduce youth network to them, buttons, school supply and snack drive, sponsored lunches, we want to do something like sponsoring a child, work with volunteer center as well, mailings to parents, etc. we are interested in giving Youth Network a new name and a whole new identity to be more intriguing and gain more interest. Once we get a slogan and logo, we will create a website, Facebook page, twitter page and actually get them functioning allowing for people to become friends and followers. For the format of our campaign, we will create a letterhead that will be used on each page and all future assignments. Font will be Garamond at 12 pts. Colors will be limited to one or two consistent


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colors throughout the book. We will have a table of contents and the sections will be separated by tabs.

5. Assignments:

We worked together to get the situation analysis done by Wednesday. We had it done by Monday but we each took sections to review and made the analysis better. We also have created a Facebook group for communication within the group as well as we have been in contact with Pamela to volunteer at youth network the next Saturday that they will be there.

6. Place, date and time of next meeting:

Our next meeting will be on Sunday, February 4 at 8pm in the University Center.

Team Members: Leanna Bigelow, Holly Bullock, Jon Riley, Gabby Hunter, Sterling Lund

Date of Report: February 8, 2013

1. Team Campaign Captains met on February 4th from 1:25 to 2:30. We met in the Commerce building.

2. Members attending: Leanna Bigelow, Holly Bullock, Jon Riley, Gabby Hunter,

Sterling Lund

3. Decisions reached:

We came up with our research questions and purpose.

4. Discussions:

We discussed options for volunteering at Youth Network and potential campaign ideas.

5. Assignments:


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We worked together to come up with the questions. Gabby was our scribe.

6. Place, date and time of next meeting:

Our next meeting will be on Sunday, February 10 at 8 pm in the University Center.

Team Members: Leanna Bigelow, Holly Bullock, Jon Riley, Gabby Hunter, Sterling Lund

Date of Report: February 15, 2013

1. Team Campaign Captains met on Monday, February 11th at 2:30 in the Commerce Building.

2. Members attending: Leanna Bigelow, Holly Bullock, Jon Riley, Gabby Hunter,

Sterling Lund

3. Decisions reached:

We decided that Leanna would put together the results of the survey and that everyone in the group would get as many surveys completed as possible. We decided that each group member would write a paragraph


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about non-profit organizations that are similar to Youth Network. We also decided the date and time of our next meeting.

4. Discussions:

We discussed when some of our team members could go volunteer at Youth Network. We also talked about the most effective way to get surveys completed and what else we need to do regarding the campaign.

5. Assignments:

We worked separately to go around campus and get the surveys completed. We assigned writing a paragraph about another non-profit organization that is similar to Youth Network.

6. Place, date and time of next meeting:

Our next meeting will be held on Sunday, February 17, 2013 at 8pm in the University Center.

Team Members: Leanna Bigelow, Holly Bullock, Jon Riley, Gabby Hunter, Sterling Lund

Date of Report: February 21, 2013

1. Team Campaign Captains met on Monday, February 18 at 2:30 in the Commerce building.


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2. Members attending: Leanna Bigelow, Holly Bullock, Jon Riley, Gabby Hunter,

Sterling Lund

3. Decisions reached:

We reached a final decision on the goals and objectives for our campaign.

4. Discussions:

We discussed the potential for an annual fundraiser event that Youth Network could benefit from.

5. Assignments:

We all worked together to complete the S.M.A.R.T. worksheet. Leanna was assigned to do the progress report.

6. Place, date and time of next meeting:

Our next meeting will be on Sunday, February 24 at the Starbucks in the University Center.

Team Members: Leanna Bigelow, Holly Bullock, Jon Riley, Gabby Hunter, Sterling Lund

Date of Report: Friday, March 15, 2013


We discussed target audiences for the campaign Strategies on how to incorporate social media into Youth Network Website design and purpose Annual event for Youth Network

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1. Campaign Captains met on Wednesday March 13, 2013 in the Commerce building

2. Members attending: Leanna Bigelow, Holly Bullock, Jon Riley, Gabby Hunter, Sterling Lund

3. Decisions reached:

We decided that each of us would start working on various parts of the rest of the campaign for the remainder of the semester. Jon began working on the template for the mock website/blog while we as a group discussed how Youth Network would manage the website after the campaign. Gabby began to work on the social media calendar that would help advocate for the working website/blog for continuous use after the campaigns class. We also decided on the target audience for the campaign

and strategies on how to target each of them. Lastly, we discussed our next meeting time and date.

4. Discussions:

5. Assignments:

Campaign assignment due March 15; Website design; Social media calendar

6. Place, date and time of next meeting:

Our next meeting will be on Sunday March 17, 2013 at 9:00pm in University Center Starbucks.


Re-evaluating the campaign Editing and re-doing some of the campaign assignments for

clarity Additional events for Youth Network Social media aspects to use for the campaign

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Team Members: Leanna Bigelow, Holly Bullock, Jon Riley, Gabby Hunter, Sterling Lund

Date of Report: Friday, March 23, 2013

1. Campaign Captains met on Wednesday, March 20, 2013 in the Commerce building.

2. Members attending: Leanna Bigelow, Holly Bullock, Jon Riley, Gabby Hunter,

Sterling Lund

3. Decisions reached:

We decided on re-evaluating our entire campaign approach. We are looking over all of our assignments from until this point and creating a new approach on how to be more successful and create a better campaign for the client. We researched the best social media outlets to evenly split the work between group members. Jon will continue to create the website and new logo for the campaign. Gabby and Leanna are working on solidifying the media list for the assignment. While Holly and Sterling are creating an overall message for the campaign so it can be furthered discussed on Monday.

4. Discussions:

5. Assignments:

Campaign assignment due; social media calendar; social media components; media list

6. Place, date and time of next meeting:

Our next meeting will be on Sunday, March 24, 2013 at Starbucks in the University Center.


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Team Members: Leanna Bigelow, Holly Bullock, Jon Riley, Gabby Hunter, Sterling Lund

Date of Report: Friday, April 5, 2013

1. Team Campaign Captains met on April 2 from 7pm to 8pm. We met at Starbucks in the University Center.

2. Members attending: Leanna Bigelow, Holly Bullock, Jon Riley, Gabby Hunter,

Sterling Lund

3. Decisions reached:

We decided which team member would be responsible for each aspect of the Strategies & Tactics assignment.

4. Discussions:

We discussed some of the aspects of completing our campaign book.

5. Assignments:

Sterling will create the Facebook and Twitter accounts and do a write-up of the importance of a Youth Network intern. Gabby will complete the social media calendar and complete various write-ups. Jonathan will complete the graphic design aspects of the assignment and do a write-up of owned media. Holly will write-up a plan for the main fundraising event and will plan what items should be included in the budget. Leanna will complete a final budget spreadsheet and create a news release and radio public service announcement script.


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6. Place, date and time of next meeting:

Our next meeting will be on Sunday, April 7 at Starbucks in the University Center.

COM 4415100 Points

Evaluation of Campaign Book

Team Name: _____________________________________________________________Team Members: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How well prepared was the executive summary? 0.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0

How thorough was the situation analysis and the statement of problem or opportunity? 0.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0

How thorough was the discussion of research? 0.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0

How appropriate were the goals and objectives? 0.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0

How appropriate were the audiences and the messages targeted to them? 0.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0

How appropriate were the strategies for the client’s problem or opportunity?

0.0 9.0 10.5 12.0 13.5 15.0


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How appropriate were the tactics (timeline, budget etc.) and how well were they executed?

0.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0

How appropriate were your recommendations for monitoring and evaluation of the campaign?

0.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0

How well did you use the English language and, as appropriate, AP style? 0.0 9.0 10.5 12.0 13.5 15.0

Points earned: _______________

COM 4415100 Points

Evaluation of Campaign PresentationTeam Name: _____________________________________________________________Team Members: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How well did the introduction work? 0.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0

How well was the body of the presentation organized? 0.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0

How well were the main points supported and sources identified? 0.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0

How well did the conclusion work? 0.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0

How appropriate was the language to the audience and the topic? 0.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0

How good was the speaker’s vocal quality? 0.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0

How well did the speaker use gestures? 0.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0

How well did the speaker use eye contact? 0.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0


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How well did the presentation aids support the speech? 0.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0

How well did you use the English language? 0.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0

Points earned: ________________