Copyright © Hitachi,Ltd.2005 All rights reserved RFID & Traceability Related Activities in Hitachi April 6, 2005 Tetsuo Tanaka Systems Development Laboratory Hitachi, Ltd.


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  • 1. RFID & Traceability RelatedActivities in HitachiApril 6, 2005 Tetsuo TanakaSystems Development Laboratory Hitachi, Ltd. Copyright Hitachi,Ltd.2005 All rights reserved

2. 1. RFID 2. Traceability Systems 3. Standardization Effort Copyright Hitachi,Ltd.2005 All rights reserved 3. 1 RFID1.1 -Chip1.2 R&D ProjectCopyright Hitachi,Ltd.2005 All rights reserved 4. Brief Introduction to -Chip -chip -The Worlds Smallest RFID chip- (Original Target : Anti-counterfeit of Banknote / Directly embedded into Paper media) Basic Features: Read only memory, battery less (Chip Size: 0.4mm x 0.4mm) Data Capacity: 128-bits unique ROM-ID (written in product) (Low Cost Chip: Network based information management) Maximum Communication Distance: 30cm (Radio Frequency: 2.45 GHz)External antenna -chip(0.40.4mm)-chip is packaged hereInlet (-chip with external antenna) Copyright Hitachi,Ltd.2005 All rights reserved3 5. Comparison of Inlet Shape & Size Relative size comparison Inlet Sample 13.56MHz /UHFSample Small & Thin-chip InletFeasible to 2.45GHzTwist, Bend...COA InletetcCOA:Coil on Aluminum 1cmCopyright Hitachi,Ltd.2005 All rights reserved 4 6. Compact Handy Reader Prototype New Reader Module Example of New ReaderNew Reader Module CF slot Compatible Reader10*15(mm) MU PrototypeRF functionality 50mW PA + One chip RF circuit in One Chip Read Distance 2cm Hardware/Software trigger switch CF ReaderHitachi NetPDAWindowsCE.NETInternal Wireless LANCurrent Reader Module Software78*69*28(mm)Device DriverID management softwareCopyright Hitachi,Ltd.2005 All rights reserved5 7. Admission Solution for Aichi World EXPO 2005- Preliminary Personal Reservation through -ID - Smooth Entry and Exit at the Site - Prevent Ticket counterfeitPreliminary Reservation Smooth in/out -Pavilion, Events. Gate by -ID Mobile/PC Site Terminal Copyright Hitachi,Ltd.2005 All rights reserved6 8. R&D ProjectIndustries in Japan (or other countries) would like to make high-quality & low cost products using RFID.Case/Pallet ItemParts N/A function Case/ MaterialPallet HDDItemParts SpecialPurposeIC Tag 1002000 PartsItemprice/costNot only SCM but also Parts quality management (TQC) Products / Lifecycle managementR&D Project Ecology management Low price RFID Tag with fundamental feature is essential for making the market bigger and for its prevalence.Copyright Hitachi,Ltd.2005 All rights reserved7 9. R&D Project Goal Development of low price IC-tag Inlet technology Ramp-up of stable volume production Establishment of global standard for SCM Scope(2 years later) Start up and drive the IC-tag into the market 5-yen/inlet, 100Munit/month Establishment of interoperability to international standard Stable supply to the market Period 2004/8 2006/7 Project leader Hitachi Ltd.Copyright Hitachi,Ltd.2005 All rights reserved8 10. R&D Project 1. Technology development relating material, design and manufacturingprocess to realize for 5 yen Inlet*1. *1: Inlet = IC-Chip + Antenna + SubstrateIC-chipInletIC-chip for RW 2. Air Protocol - Frequency: UHF(860960MHz) - Achieve interoperability with forthcoming international standards3. Target specifications (a)memory size: 512bit (b)Re-writable (c)Reading speed: 10ms/unique ID and faster (d)Read range: 3m+, Write range: 1m + *The specification above may be changed according to the definition progress of international standards, and the radio regulations.Copyright Hitachi,Ltd.2005 All rights reserved 9 11. 2 Traceability SystemsCopyright Hitachi,Ltd.2005 All rights reserved 12. Concept for Traceability TraceabilityTrace back operation for compliance Trace forward operation for more effective supply chain managementTrace ForwardWho producedWho manufactured Who purchased Who scrapped when and where?when and where? when and where? when and where?Manufactured Consumer Purchased MaterialsPartsCargos ScrappagesGoodsProductsGoodsWho sold whenWho transported and where?when and where?Trace BackCopyright Hitachi,Ltd.2005 All rights reserved 11 13. Traceability and Supply Chain Innovation TraceabilityFirst Target: Meat TraceabilityMeat-Packing Meat-Packing Meat-PackingMeat-PackingMeatPackingMeatPackingCompany ACompany ACompany B Company BCompany CCompany C Traceability data Traceability data Traceability TraceabilityTraceability of goods can be of goods can be Data A Data BData C acquired acquiredTraceability Data Center Arrival-of-goodsArrival-of-goodsTraceability Data Center information caninformation canTraceability Databe acquiredbe acquired Traceability data can Traceability data can be registered through be registered through Web WebWholesalerWholesalerRetailerRetailerA WarehouseWarehouseAFarm FarmMeat Packer Meat PackerCompany Company Producer Producer A B A BB CC B C CCopyright Hitachi,Ltd.2005 All rights reserved 12 14. RFID Field Trial at the Supply Chain management Traceability Cost Reduction Misoperation reduction,Automatic Inspection Labor cost reduction Product Visibility ImprovementPrevention of Shortage,Shared inventory informationInventory optimization InventoryCheck Shared DB Inventory CheckManufacturer RetailerFactory WarehouseDelivery CenterStoreDataData Sales sideReceiving ShippingReceiving Shipping Order side Product managerReadingReadingReadingReadingConsumer productsCopyright Hitachi,Ltd.2005 All rights reserved13 15. Fresh Fish Traceability TraceabilityCombination of RFID and sensor nodes brings about more accurate supply chain inspection and control 5W + Temperature Humidity TransportTransportUntaggingReceivingReceiving ShippingTaggingStorageShipping Storage SaleMass Market RetailerLocal MarketMass Retailer A) Mass Retailer B) Sensor NodeRFBatteryController Antenna Sensor Copyright Hitachi,Ltd.2005 All rights reserved14 16. RFID field tests in Japan 2003-2004Traceability Many industry has raised their hands up to do the RFID testing, assuming theywill adopt the system within a few years of time.1. Agricultural track and trace of beef meat origin 2. Track and traceability tests based on process food supply chain 3. Pharmaceutical testing focused on infectious disease 4. Book retail market established consortiumincluding publishers, wholesaler, retailer andsecond hand book store 5. Home appliance manufacturing process and SCM 6. Construct machinery tagging for real time spot location 7. Rental CD/DVD tagging 8. Apparel tagging for shoes and clothing inside departmentstore Copyright Hitachi,Ltd.2005 All rights reserved 15 17. 3 Standardization Efforts Copyright Hitachi,Ltd.2005 All rights reserved 18. Standardization Efforts Standardization Low level interfaces are being standardized in a number of bodies. ITU-T SG chairmen's meeting agreed that networking aspects of RFIDs should be high priority topic for ITU-T. (TD44 of last TSAG meeting) Standardization at Application/data level will become necessary as the use of RFID gets widespread.Application Area Specific Standards Application Area Specific Standards Application Area Specific Standardse.g. Traceability DB Schema? e.g. Traceability DB Schemae.g. Traceability DB SchemaCode translation,EPC, ucode Information Retrieval interfaceSecurity/ISO, EPC Physical Specification, Air Interface Privacy Code Structure/FormatISO, EPC, ucodeCopyright Hitachi,Ltd.2005 All rights reserved17 19. Thank youHitachi, Ltd Systems Development Laboratory Copyright Hitachi,Ltd.2005 All rights reserved