Glad You’re Here. We invite you to watch this real short video to learn about some of the benefits of joining the Retail Business Academy.

Retail Business Academy

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Glad You’re Here.

We invite you to watch this real short video to learn about

some of the benefits of joining the Retail Business Academy.

Membership Costs Less than the Price of a


That’s right.

For just $1.36 a day, with the annual option, a

Platinum Membership in the Retail Business Academy

can do so much for you, and for your organization.

Let’s get started.


First of All…

Have you thought about how convenient it would be to have continuous

‘at your fingertips’ access to a multi-purpose and multi-functional retail

management resource; a retail training resource that is continuously

upgraded and refreshed; and, above all…easy for you and all of your

people to use?

Here are some specifics to think about…


Hiring, Training & Internal Promotion

You need to hire but have not yet developed an Ideal Candidate Profile.

You've just hired and discovered some definite training needs.

You want to promote internally but the candidate just needs a little

more knowledge and skill.

Let us help.


Category Management & OTB

You want to know how to improve profits by properly utilizing Category

Management. It just so happens that we've got a full self study course

on Category Management for you.

You want your people to figure out Open to Buy once and for all...we

have that for you.


Communication Skills

You're ready to roll out an important new plan and you have to make

sure you give everyone in the field the very best shot at succeeding

because there’s a lot at stake.

You need to get it right…you need to win!

DMSRetail loves to help retailers win.


Evaluations & Performance Management

You have people spread out all over the country and they need training

on lots of different things.

Some of your people need help with the critical evaluation process.

Performance management is taking a back seat in the organization

because your people aren't that good at it. You're hearing excuses!

We get it!!


High ROI on Store Visits

The ROI on store visits isn't what it should be. Region and District

Managers are highly paid and their time is scarce...you absolutely MUST

get a great ROI on those visits.

Inside the Retail Business Academy there is a full webinar and write up

on this topic. After all, unless the visit results in moving the business

forward, then it was just a social visit.


Fast Tracking

3,000 miles away there is a new hire that needs to be fast tracked from

Sales and Customer service right through Operations Management.

The Retail Business Academy has all of the Self Study Courses for your

quickly rising star to move at warp speed.


Organizational Culture

Your culture takes hits left and right because it may not be strong

enough to carry on in the face of high turnover.

How do you fix that? The Retail Business Academy has answers.


Growth and Succession Planning

You are opening stores and need people developed...YESTERDAY!!

Who is on top of the succession plan? Does it even exist?

We’ve been there…and we can help you get it done.


Numbers are the Picture of Your Business!

You want everyone in the organization to understand the impact they

have on the bottom line but that means teaching them a little about a

P&L. We have figured out how to best explain the P&L, or Operating

Statement, so everyone can impact it positively.

You need your people to become better business managers...you need

retail math that they can easily absorb. We have that covered big

time...along with a test to ensure understanding.


Who does What?

Your product people and marketing department are overlapping and

duplicating efforts.

The same thing is happening in other areas of the organization.

Want clarity as to who does what? No problem.


Social Media

You need help with social media. We show you what to do and

how to do it.

If you want us to do it for you…we’ll be pleased to do that,

too. Just email [email protected]


Use Our Materials

You often find that you need to get refresher materials out on various different retail subjects. Just grab them from the Retail Business Academy.

You want to send relevant articles and tips to the field but you don't have time to come up with something new every day, or even every week. Use the Retail Business Academy.

You'd like to send selling hints and inspirational stories out but, again, no time! Use ours.


Workshop Discounts

You need to source outside training and you have two problems:

1) it's difficult to find reputable retail management training and

2) it's expensive

Membership in the Retail Business Academy gets you discounts on our

popular and highly acclaimed retail management workshops. Just one of

the benefits of membership.


Support for You

You are interested in speaking with an objective and very qualified,

experienced consultant.

We are at your service through scheduled telephone calls and planned

email support.


So much more…

There's so much more help available.

If we detailed everything included in the Retail Business Academy,

this would be a feature length film, and we know you don’t have time

for that. But, we hope we’ve told you enough to make an informed


For just $1.36 a day, with the Annual Membership option, you get a

world of retail management help at your fingertips.


Platinum Annual Membership - at 57%

savings...only $1.36 a day.

The Retail Business Academy: All the Actionable Retail Information You Need -Wherever and Whenever You Need It.

Click this link to save 57% on the Annual Membership…only $1.36 a day! Less than a taco!


Monthly or Annual Platinum Membership?

For just $97/month, you can join right here on this site:


Or, for the Annual Membership, Click this link


Retail Business Academy

Thanks for watching.
