Restructuring the Hiring Process for a Small Human Resources Department.

Restructuring the Hiring Process for a Small Human Resources Department

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Restructuring the Hiring Process for a Small Human Resources Department.

It has come to the attention of many that the employment processes in Pueblo are not working as smoothly as they could, or should.

Due to the companies growth and future aspirations it will become increasingly important that we adjust our current procedure to accommodate a streamlined approach.

To begin, we have always advertised positions that have become open.

However, It may run smoother if the local liaison were to create the basic advertisement (which would then be approved by the Human Resources Director).

Then the HR liaison would track and document where this was advertised and be responsible for filtering, upkeep, and removing this advertisement.

A job would be posted through various websites, and local media.

Applicants will be forwarded to the HR liaison who at first assesses the candidates for their qualifications, and ACCSC / DPOS requirements if necessary for the position. The HR liaison will then screen the applications before passing them on to the heads of the department for verification.

Once they have been deemed acceptable candidates by the heads of the department, interviews may be scheduled.

Interviews should be scheduled in a consecutive series after the cut off for accepting applications.

Example: If a job posting closed on a Tuesday, then by Friday of that week interviews should be scheduled for the following Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (adjusted according to volume of applicants).

One change I think would be beneficial is to have the head of that particular field be involved with the hiring process which is not being done regularly at this time.

The reason why this is important is to add a system of checks and levees that can add into the process and make sure that people agree on what applicant may best fill the role needed at that time.

“The best soldier to take the hill, is not always the best to keep the hill”

The long term goal of the company should be of the utmost importance, we should not let ourselves get to the point that we have our backs against the wall and must choose from a less than stellar group of potential employees, especially considering the current market that is firmly in the employers favor.


The panel of interviewers would stick to no more than four people for instructor-like roles: Director of Education.

Associate Director of Education.

Program Supervisor.

Human Resources Liaison.


The panel of interviewers would stick to no more than three people for instructor-like roles: Campus Director.

supervisor of the division.

Human Resources Liaison.

The flow of the interview can revolve around the three or four interviewers asking the scripted questions, and all will take notes.

Other probing questions may be asked as long as they stay within the legal realm of questions allowed to be asked.

Although small talk about applicants is fine, there should be a set time and date set to discuss and compare credentials, experience, as well as how this choice would benefit the company.

An offer letter would be sent out by the Campus Director, after the group as a whole can come to a conclusion about who should be offered the job. This shouldn’t be taken lightly and polite debate is encouraged. A 2/3 majority would rule that decision if not a unanimous decision.

The offer letter itself should be sent out soon after the decision is made. However, the work does not end at the offer letter.

The fact that a letter has been sent is of extreme importance. From there on the following people need to be made aware:

Human Resources Director

Human Resources Liaison

The Enrollment Coordinator

EEO is something that we can definitely improve upon with our current system.

Having the new candidates fill out an EEO form at the beginning of orientation is the best way to ensure that we are getting correct and accurate info.

Making sure that this information is collected will be the best way to avoid issues later on down the line.

Example Schedule:

1 Sun



4WedPosting Closes

5ThursCall Applicants

6FriCall Applicants







13FriOffer letter sent out



16MonOffer Accepted


18WedUA & Background completed!!!











Please note how the calendar Should be set up to give reasonable time to all involved so that that the on-boarding process can go as smooth as possible.

The U.A. and background check should be completed by the Wednesday before orientation.

The reason these should be done before the orientation is because we need to make sure that there will be no hiccups along the hiring process – a less than impressive initial showing may make qualified applicants second guess their commitment to their new company.

New hire Orientation will be handled on a Monday after receiving all required paperwork to prove that an applicant is indeed qualified and eligible for employment.

This includes a completed background check, U.A., and employment verification for faculty.

Since all issues would have the ability to be handled before orientation, this could seriously decrease the amount of work that needed to be repeated, or the possibility of releasing a new hire from employment due to issues that were not properly disclosed.

In short, this could save thousands of potential dollars in lost wages and time of our employees who handle the on-boarding process.

This also insures that the new employees are given the chance to start off employment on the right foot without countless trips back to human resources to provide us with materials that could of, and indeed should have been taken care of in the beginning.

It is my opinion that a proactive and aggressive hiring process would serve the company best considering the ways that we are looking to not only grow, but to stay competitive with other similar institutions while streamlining our current process.

By changing the way we handle our processes, I think we can save large sums of lost capital in turnover and redundant labor of current employees.



