Zafar Iqbal The NGO World 2010 Qurbani Project Eid ul Azha 2010

Report of qurbani program pakistan 2010 by the ngo world

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Zafar Iqbal

The NGO World


Qurbani Project Eid ul Azha 2010

Managed By: The NGO World (www.ngoworldpk.com) Email: [email protected]


Flood Affected Areas of Layyah-Pakistan

Sacrifice, commonly known as Qurbani, means slaughter of an animal in the name of Allah

on the 10th, 11th or 12th of the Islamic month of Zil Hijjah.

It is not their meat nor their blood that reaches Allah: it is your piety that reaches Him: He has thus made them subject to you that ye may glorify Allah for His guidance to you: and proclaim the Good

News to all who do right.

In chain cycle, each day thousands of animal are killed for food purpose and there is nothing

wrong about this. But if we kill an animal just to please the divine power and then discard the dead

body of animal, I think it is shameful. if you understand the purpose of qurbani/sacrifice in Islam

you will be soon aware of the fact that at Eid-ul azha/eid-ul-Qurban, sacrifice is done by Muslims

not by animal. Because for animals it is a daily routine to be killed by man in cities or by beast in

the jungle as food chain. At Eid-e Qurban Muslims sacrifice their money to buy the best available

animal according to their financial position and then they sacrifice time, to manage all necessary

arrangement to slaughter the animal and distribute it in needy persons.

So Islam does not want muslim to " just kill a living being " for the sake of ALLAH but Islam

demands a muslim to show his affection for his ALLAH with in the natural circle ( kill and live)

So to please Almighty Allah by their deed Denis Feneri (Turkey) and The NGO World (Pakistan)

slaughtered 222 large animals (Cows) for the help of flood affected people of district Layyah-

Pakistan on this Eid ul Azha and the purpose of this act was;

To fulfill Sunnat e Ibrahimi;

To facilitate and help the poor flood affectees;

To turn people’s attention towards flood affectees.

“Denis Feneri” allotted a plan to “The NGO World” which consists of slaughtering of 222 animals

and for this purpose they asked prices of animals from different sources and in the end purchased

animals from well organized scientific Iqbal Alam livestock farm Sargodha by signing an

agreement. One day before Eid, animals were transported to Layyah and distributed in different

UC’s in custody of reliable local personalities. In District Layyah The NGO World managed this

activity under supervision of representatives of Deniz Feneri Mr. Ibrahim Altan and Mr. Faruk.

A team of volunteers under leadership of brother Samar Abbas identified nine locations for

slaughtering the animals. These 222 animals were slaughtered on these locations and meat was

distributed among poor flood affectees of surroundings.

Managed By: The NGO World (www.ngoworldpk.com) Email: [email protected]

The detail is as under:

Sr. Location UC Tehsil/Dist No of Animals




1 Dera Ashiq Ali, Village

Samtia Samtia Karor-Layyah 25 1152

2 Dera Qazi Tariq Basti

Qazi Sahu Wala Karor-Layyah 24 874

3 Dera Dr. Javed, Basti


Kotla Haji

Shah Karor-Layyah 30 794

4 Basti Shadu Khan Shadu Khan Layyah 25 896

5 Basti Darman Wala Lohanch

Nashaib Layyah 19 449

6 Basti Jakkhar Jakkhar Layyah 23 684

7 Basti Bakhari Ahmad


Bait Wasawa

Shumali Layyah 23 658

8 Basti Bait Wasawa

Shumali Jamman Shah Layyah 28 684

9 Dera Haji Ramzan Jamman Shah Layyah 25 798

One packet of meat was distributed to one family and each packet contained on average 04-05

kilogram meat.

Managed By: The NGO World (www.ngoworldpk.com) Email: [email protected]