Renton Video marketing marketing tips for local businesses

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  • 10 Video MarketingTipsFor Local

  • TIP #1Balance Your Video Content

    Dont make the mistake of only making videos that promote your products and services.

    Create videos that are related to the needs and interests of your audience for the best results.

  • TIP #2Think Evergreen

    Focus on creating videos that contain useful, engaging content that your audience will always find useful.

    This way, they will help you generate new leads in the long-term.

  • TIP #3Use YouTube

    YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine online.

    So create a channel and upload your videos there so they can be found when people search for information related to your industry.

  • TIP #4Localize & Optimize

    Optimize your YouTube videos and channels with local keyword terms and search phrases that your target market would use.

    Also include your local address, local phone number, and website address in the description box.

  • TIP #5Create Video Content Often

    Keep your viewers coming back by consistently creating videos that they will want to watch.

    Video marketing is not a one-off thing; creating fresh video content should be a part of your overall marketing strategy.

  • TIP #6Capture Emotions Up-Front

    You only have a few seconds to capture the attention of your audience, so be sure to give them a reason to keep watching.

    Tap into their pain points, needs, or wants right away.

  • TIP #7Dont Go Overboard

    Online videos do not require over-the-top production; nor do they need to be long and drawn out.

    In fact, short, simple videos are proven to work best when it comes to online video marketing.

  • TIP #8Brand All of Your Videos

    Branding is important in all of your online marketing methods; including your videos.

    It can be as simple as including your company logo at the beginning to help boost brand awareness.

  • TIP #9Encourage Social Media Sharing

    Videos are often shared on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.

    Be sure to encourage your fans and followers to share your videos with their networks for ultimate exposure.

  • TIP #10Use a Strong, Compelling Call-to-Action

    At the end of every video, tell viewers what you want them to do; otherwise, most will simply close out and move to the next video.

    Want them to call you, visit your establishment, or email you? Tell them to do it.