Recruitment Selection and Process Sanvels Consulting Services I Pvt. Ltd. Arumbakkam, Chennai

Recruitment selection and process of top companies

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PPT of Recruitment selection and process of top companies, also Describes about the Types of Recruitment, Man Power Types Cost of Hiring and Quality

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  • 1.Recruitment Selection and Process Sanvels Consulting Services I Pvt. Ltd. Arumbakkam, Chennai

2. Do you agree? Great companies first got the right people on the bus, the wrong people off the bus, and the right people in the right seats and then they figured out where to drive it. Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Dont Jim Collins 3. Manpower Planning Manpower Planning is a Process by which an organization ensures that Right number of people Right kind of people At the Right time At the Right place Doing the Right things for which they are suited for achieving the goals of the organization. 4. Factors affecting Manpower Planning Sales and production forecasts The effects of technological change on task needs Variations in the efficiency, productivity, flexibility of labor as a result of training, work study, organizational change, new motivations, etc. Changes in employment practices (e.g. use of subcontractors or agency staffs, hiving-off tasks, buying in, substitution, etc.) 5. Factors affecting Manpower Planning Variations, which respond to new legislation, e.g. payroll taxes or their abolition, new health and safety requirements Changes in Government policies (investment incentives, regional or trade grants, etc.) 6. Manpower Planning Two Steps Demand Forecasting Supply Forecasting 7. Demand Forecasting Bottom Up Technique Delphi Technique Nominal Group Technique Ratio Analysis Regression Analysis 8. Supply Forecasting Internal Supply External Supply 9. Recruitment Recruitment is not about filling jobs that are currently vacant it is about making a continuous, long-term investment to build a high quality workforce capable of accomplishing the organizations mission now and in the future 10. Recruitment is a critical management function that all levels of the organization need to be involved in planning and implementation 11. Global Sourcing is changing the shape of the business world!!! Features of the New World global sourcing barriers fading away Disappearance of the Time Zones Transformation of the work processes into pieces that can be constructed anddeconstructed 12. Changing Role of HR: Modified Recruitment Structure Currently organisations use one or more of the following staffing structures: Decentralized Staffing Model Allows individual business units to develop and fill their own staffing plans. Hybrid Staffing Model Combines decentralized approach with certain centralized (or shared services) components. Outsourced Staffing Model Promotes efficiency, consistency and potential cost saving HR Business Partner Structure HR business partners work with designated business units. 13. How do organizations structure their recruiting departments? 14. Three Main Functions of Recruitment Process are: Attract a pool of suitable candidates Deter unsuitable candidates from applying Create a positive image of the organization 15. Internal Recruitment Vs.External Recruitment 16. Recruitment from Inside AdvantagesDisadvantages Career plan for existing workers & morale Existing employees may not bring-in new ideas to their new job (inbreeding). Motivator for good performance Lower level employees may not have capacities required at higher jobs. Relatively easier assessment of applicants as information is available Reduced recruitment costs (travel expenses) Causes succession of promotions Have to hire only at entry level. High-powered employees might not be able to wait long enough for their turn (political infighting for promotions). Internal strife for the post might impact negatively on possibilities for team work among existing employees. Need for management development program 17. Recruitment from Outside Advantages Larger pool of talent. Objectivity and extensive effort put into the process likely to lead to a better candidate selection. New industry insights, ideas, way of thinking & approaches might challenge existing norms and act as catalyst in continuous improvement/ innovation. Cheaper and faster than training professionals. No group of political supporters in organization already.Disadvantages Relatively higher costs. Risky of getting the wrong person. May cause morale problems for internal candidates not selected. 18. Sourcing Channels Internal Job Posting Skills Data Base Employee Referrals by Other DepartmentsExternal Advertisement Placement Agencies Internships Job Sites E-Recruiting Campus Data Base Alumni Associations/Interest Groups/ Networks Temporary Leasing Employee Referrals Passive Recruiting (Unsolicited application) Career Fairs 19. Despite the importance of strategic workforce planning, most HR departments have not yet developed a formal plan to participate in their companies business cycles. Ninety percent of HR departments have no independent planning and forecasting function, and many HR departments have no formal staffing strategy of any kind. Rather, they tend to operate independently of the business cycle, developing reactive staffing solutions instead of proactive strategies that anticipate movements in the business cycle. 20. Recruitment Strategy: A Six Step Approach Recruitment strategy should answer the followingquestions related to their target populations: 1.Who is being targeted through the recruitment?2.Where is the appropriate place to recruit clients?3.When should recruitment be done?4.What messages should be delivered during recruitment?5.How should the messages be delivered?6.Who is the most appropriate person to do recruitment? 21. Talent Forecasting 1. Business strategy Integrates projected company growth in terms of activity, output and revenue. 2. Human capital need Translates business strategy into staffing requirements. 3. Projection of future vacancies Based on difference between staffing requirements and current capacity. 22. Strategic Recruiting Stages Human Resource Planning How many employees are needed?When employees will be needed?What specific KSAs are needed?Organizational Responsibilities HR staff & operating managersRecruiting presence and imageTraining of recruiters 23. Strategic Recruiting Decisions Organizational-based Vs. outsourcing Regular Vs. flexible staffing Recruiting source choicesRecruiting Methods Internal methods Internet/ web-based External methods 24. Selection The process of assessing candidates and appointing a post holder Applicants short listed most suitable candidates selected Selection process varies according to organisation. 25. Selection Tools Interview most common method Psychometric testing assessing the personality of the applicants Measures of personality Honesty test (substitute to polygraph) Aptitude testing assessing the skills of applicants Measures of proficiency, achievement, or knowledge Measures of mental ability or intelligence In-tray exercise activity based around what the applicant will be doing Presentation looking for different skills as well as the ideas of the candidate Assessment Centres battery of tests 26. Choice of Selection Methods Number of applicants Criticality of position Cost/effort involved Predictive validity Extent of preparation required 27. When using psychological tests.. Clearly identify the objectives Uses a battery of test that can give range of information Have trained psychologists conduct and interpret tests Use personality testing as an adjunct to the recruitment or career planning process and exploit its developmental power Adapt tests to Indian situations 28. Determining Selection Standards Sources of Information about Applicants Application Forms Reference Checks Physical Examination Selection Tests (Reliability & Validity) The Selection Interview 29. Recruitment: Return on Investment (ROI) Recruitment return on investment (ROI) understands and compares the elements, costs and risks of a recruitment related project to the expected benefits 30. What to Measure: Hiring Recruiter Effectiveness RE = RT+TF+HR+C/H +QH NRE = RT = TF = HR = C/H = QH= N=Overall Recruiter effectiveness Response Time Time to Fill Hire Rate Cost Per Hire Quality of Hire Number of Indices Used. 31. Cost Per Hire CPH = SC+ST+MC+PC+TR=RL+MS H SC =Sourcing costs (Advertising + Agency Fees + Employee Referrals)ST =Staff Time [Travel + Interview ] x [Recruiter Pay and Benefits] or External Agency FeeMT =Management Time x Managements Pay and BenefitsPC =Processing Costs/ Operating ExpensesTR =Travel Cost of ApplicantsRL =Relocations CostsMS =MiscellaneousH=Full Time or Part Time Employees Hired 32. Quality of Hire (QH) QH = PR + HP + HS NPR= HP= HS = N=Average job performance ratings of new hires Percent of new hires promoted within one year Percent of new hires retained after one year Number of indicators usedSatisfaction of new employees with hiring. Satisfaction of managers with new employees. 33. Time to Fill TF =RR ODRR =Date requisition is receivedOD =Date offer is acceptedNumber Hired (Hit Rate) HO = OA/OE OA = OE = HO =Offer accepted Offers extended Percentage of offers that result in hire 34. The Employment Value Proposition The set of attributes that the labor market and employee perceive as the value they gain through employment in the organization.Rewards Compensati on Health Benefits Retirement Benefits VacationOpportunity Development Opportunities Future Career Opportunities Organization Growth Rate Meritocracy Organizational StabilityOrganization Customer Prestige Diversity Empowerment Environmental Responsibility Ethics Great Employer Recognition Well know Brand Market Position Product/ Service Quality Organization Size Social Responsibility Technology LevelWork Business Travel Innovation Job Impact Job-Interests Alignment Location Recognition Work Life BalancePeople Camaraderie Collegial Work Environment Coworker Quality Manager Quality People Management Senior Leadership ReputationCorporate Leadership Council 35. Want to Be a Customer of us for your recruitment needs???? Send a mail to [email protected] stating your needsVisit our website @ www.sanvelsinfo.com