Presentation, Sydhavnen, SEP27-2011

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"Det vil oftest være værdifuldt at knytte en udefrakommende coach til talentet. en coach kan vedholdende styrke talentet i at reflektere over egne følelser og reaktionsmønstre og skabe yderligere personlig vækst. Coachen kan sikre, at talentet fastholder den udvikling især af personlige kompetencer, der er afgørende for at kunne bevæge sig med succes i organisationen""Et talent sætter i højere grad end andre medarbejdere egne mål, egen udvikling og muligheder i centrum""Et talent skal kunne se sig selv dybt i øjnene og fremme sin egen modning. Talentets indre modning er en hjørnesten i talentudvikling, og måske den mest udfordrende for talentet. Indsigt i efne reaktionsmønstre og funktionsmåder er langt mere krævende at opnå - og måske også smertelige""For at kunne frigøre sit fulde potentiale og modne talentet er det nødvendigt, at et talent tør kigge ind i sig selv og spørge: Hvordan bliver jeg passioneret? Hvordan viser jeg at jeg vil tage ejerskab? Hvordan finder jeg mod til at afprøve mine egne grænser?Har jeg den nødvendige tillid til mig selv til at kaste mig ud i udfordringerne? Hvilke stopklodser i mit indre forhindrer mig i at nå mine mål?""Når i som organisation ønsker at opdyrke jeres egne talenter, kan i med stor fordel koble en ekstern coach på talentet, udover den nærmeste leder"

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ESTEEM….EMPOWERMENT OF A HIGH ACHIEVERfriisnaes.com - performancemaster.com

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From self confidence to self esteem( Fra selvtillid til selvværd )

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Talent coach

Leadership coach

Salesman and marketeer

44Married2 boys


•Personal development•Travelling•Hockey

Thomas Friisnæs

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High achievers

Primary strength is self confidence

Performance driven by self confidence

The individual within the team

Highest wish: more performance

Self confidence is fragile

Self confidence is grounded in self esteem

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But what are these terms?

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True drivers


Overview– priority – focus - decisiveness

Clear goals

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Means to perform

SOLIDSelf confidence

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ExerciseWhat have you achieved the past 5 years?

Looking back to September 27th 2006 and till NOW

Top 3


3 minutes

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Self esteem Self confidence

What I doYour merits

Dine ”bilkort”

What I am

PositionEducationHouseCarClothesJewelryWatches Network

ResultsFitnessFriendsSeminarsCustomersGadgetsPurses, bagsShoesTravelsRestaurants

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DOINGSYour merits

Dine ”bilkort”


Goal (surface)Underlying

Being in the performanceBe yourself

Stay in your comfortzoneBreak your comfortzone(and develop)

External recognitionInternal recognition

Pursue others dreamsDefines own dreamsConstantly towards new goalsPresent in the now

Always on the moveTime for reflectionKnow bestKnows that I can develop

Wants to correct the worldAccepts that the world is perfect

Must be perfectAccepts that we do everything wecan, with the resources we have

Self esteem Self confidence

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Self esteem – to take it to next level

What I can do anything about – I do!

What I can not do anything about – I accept!

Without your own dreams, you accept to become a resource for others – those who have found and live their dreams

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Insights in reactionpatterns

Releasing full potential

Finding nessesary courage to leave comfortzone

Insights in internal preventions

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Self esteem exercises - I

•Accept your present situation (and move on)

•Accept your past - your weaknesses – and focus on your strengths – NOTES FROM YESTERDAY

•Don’t be too serious, everyone can make a mistake

•Love yourself – you’re unique

•Praise yourself when you succeed – HOW CAN YOU DO IT?

•Visualize your success – rolemodelling

•Don’t act to please others

•Don’t judge others

•Show courage - Break your comfort zone, play without limits

•Enjoy your own company

•Admit that you’re vulnerable

•Make your own personal mental contract -

•Set your goals – and reward yourself

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Self esteem exercises - II

•Meet others with a smile, a firm handshake and look the into their eyes

•Show gratitude and appreciation, when you’re recognized

•Don’t brag

•Don’t focus on probems and negativity in your conversations. Think positive thoughts

•See mistakes as a tool to improve and learn

•Respond to pressure by increasing your activity level

•Say it when you disagree

•Focus on your qualities, take a strength test

•Strengthen the faith in yourself

•Say no – move from respect to self respect

•Practice your ability to accept

•Take chances – it is OK to make mistakes

•Practice your self pep-talk•Learn to recognize at be recognized (for what you are, not what you do)

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ExerciseWhat do YOU dream about doing within the next 5 years?

From today and untill September 27th 2016

Top 5

And WHY – what will it give YOU and PHILIPS(finding the underlying reasons and true motivation)

3 minutes

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OBTAIN insight and consciouness/awareness

USE insight and consciouness/awareness

Self esteem Self confidence

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To take it to the next


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ExerciseWhat will YOU do TODAYto get one step closer to each of your goals?






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3 minutes

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More on motivation

Dan Pink – motivation in another perspektiveted.com – approx. 19 minutes

RSA Animateyoutube.com – RSA Animate motivation10 minute cartoon

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Build your self confidence on a basis of self esteem

Slingshot / boost your self confidence

Perform even more

Find insight

Become conscious

Use consciousness

Find the courage to break out of your comfort zone


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Individual performance; a critical

success factorBased upon today's discussion please imagine three changes in your own behavior that could improve performance of your colleagues and/or direct reports

Discuss them with your new buddy and report short back to the group

Do not ask what your company can do for you, but what YOU can do for your company

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Performance improvements

Mathematic provenWhat makes 100% in life?

K-N-O-W-L-E-D-G-E 11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%

H-A-R-D- W-O-R-K 8+1+18+23+15+18+11=98%

A-T-T-I-T-U-D-E1+20+20+9+21+4+5 = 100%


21+12+12+19+8+9+20 = 103%


1+19+19+11+9+19+19+9+14+7 = 118%

a b c d e f g h I j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

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Questions? Comments?

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Self confident or plain arrogant – find your

balanceSelf confidence

•Non name droppers•Keeps the eyecontact•Is there on time•Always listening•Admits flaws•No need to brag


•Name-droppers•Eye flashers•Late for meetings•Interrupts•Never wrong•Been there – done that

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Develop selv confidence

Smile – always Develop direct eye contact Generate energy with you Love and accept yourself Pamper yourself Model successful people Do your SWOT analysis Focus og your feelings and emotions Have an attitude of gratitude Practice positive affirmations Practice visualisations Mind your negative thoughts Make a descision today to change Shift your focus You don’t have to be perfect all the time