ONUR KARAMAN 284404 SOFTWARE ENGİNEERİNG Assignment 1 The Business Idea

Onuır KARAMAN The Business Idea

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Assignment 1 The Business Idea

Page 2: Onuır KARAMAN The Business Idea

•That website take some technologhical products, review these products and give some opinion for posible customers…•We have over 190 product reviews and 5 different writers…

Page 3: Onuır KARAMAN The Business Idea

Just in Turkey there are millions using internet on the other hand they use internet shopping.

They are looking on the internet which product is cheaper, which one has high performance, they decide this on our website.

Our profit is not with products, we use commercials…

Page 4: Onuır KARAMAN The Business Idea

There is too many other website like us, but there are too many products too.

If you know which product is better, that will be your advantage so we know this products…

Page 5: Onuır KARAMAN The Business Idea

You don’t need to patent on this sector but you should take some host or server and a name for your website…

Page 6: Onuır KARAMAN The Business Idea

If you have a big idea, don’t leave it while you get success…