C O NSULTANTS 8, De - Ba ng ler St. P .O. Box 1243, Gboko + 234-808-080-2046 E-mail: anyebepeter @ yahoo. Com +234-703-430-2486 On-Line, On the Go: But Who are these People? By Peter Anyebe AGAPE CONSULTANTS 6 th January, 2015 View my profile WordPress Google Me Google+ Website: www.identi tykit.org Keywords: Events, Time, Space, Objectivity, Reality, Predictability People would be normal according to their perspectives of phenomena, to the extent that they resolve the relativity question; for the appropriate reconstruction of reality, which would be kernel to predictability

On line, On the Go, but Who are these People

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8, De - Ba ng ler St. P.O. Box 1243,

Gb oko

+ 234-808-080-2046

E-m a il: a n ye b e p e te r @ ya h o o . C o m +234-703-430-2486

On-Line, On the Go:

But Who are these People?

By Peter Anyebe




January, 2015


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Google Me





Keywords: Events, Time, Space, Objectivity,

Reality, Predictability

People would be normal according to their perspectives of phenomena, to

the extent that they resolve the relativity question; for the appropriate

reconstruction of reality, which would be kernel to predictability


8, De - Ba ng ler St. P.O. Box 1243,

Gb oko

+ 234-808-080-2046

E-m a il: a n ye b e p e te r @ ya h o o . C o m +234-703-430-2486

On-Line, On the Go:

But Who are these People? By

Peter Anyebe


The internet and the mobile phone have resolved two, 2 of

three, 3 crucial problems that have perturbed humanity,

including space and time respectively. Thanks to Bill Gates

and Carlos Slim, both of who are the richest men in the world.

Could there be a link, given that value is what people are willing to pay for?

However, in character with our

world, the resolution of one

dilemma often creates another.

While the entertainment, open

source, and the knowledge base

have enjoyed relative calm

from positive patronage on the

internet, the social media and

internet marketing have

suffered much abuse. With the

social media, votes have become a nightmare. When following becomes a mere

number, then quality control becomes an issue. For instance, the following

calibration of leadership is suggested:

4. Philosophers

3. Inventors

2. Industrialists

1. Purchasers

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The purchaser has earned sufficiently, to afford the comfort that civilization

provides, in terms of technology. But for every item purchased, there would be an

industrialist, who would then be higher on the scale of leadership. But these may not

be the inventors of the products, which creates a third hierarchy on the scale. Above

all of these however, is the philosopher who crafts the environment in which all of

these events take place; without which none would exist. Could votes be weighted to

reflect the quality of voters along this line of thought?

With respect to marketing, cone organizations are

known to be making millions of dollars, and bragging

about it openly, and unperturbed. The bill of health

index, BHI is presented as a possible check, to put

value on organizations, which would then serve as

initial information for the decisions to make

commitments to such organizations. Only three, 3 input values are required for this

evaluation, including revenue, profit, and cost of materials, all of which are usually

noted in the organization’s books.

The third issue concerns events, which is the main focus of this paper.


Objectivity is presented as a fundamental human

dilemma, which would be the product of

perturbations that arise from the following three, 3


Time, L

Space, A and

Events, F

Recall the following quote from Immanuel Kant:

Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration and awe, the more

often and perseveringly my thinking engages itself with them:

The starry heavens above me and

The moral law within me.

This would actually be a reference to the above three, 3 dilemmas, at once; which

dilemmas would then define the form of objectivity serially as follows:

Then the correct definition of reality, which would be

operationalized in objectivity, would resolve the

dilemma with the starry heavens; including time,

space, and events. Moreover, this would hold the key to

the resolution of the morality dilemma, which

determines the predictability of humanity. When reality

is described in terms of the natural order, N-O phenomena would at once be

characterized and procedurized. While characterization answers to what questions,

procedurization answers to the how question. And if morality is defined to be all

about, if it is right, then it is good; the N-O would resolve the problem with risk,

uncertainty, and therefore the predictability of events. So that only the morally

upright, Po would be predicted accurately, f0 for f0 = 2Po - 1. Then the correct

definition of reality, which describes objectivity, would have resolved the difficulty

with space-time, to provide the fundament for describing events accurately.

Predictability of Events

Physics started out to predict events in space by the

pair of concepts that include velocity and position.

But a problem arose in terms of the uncertainty

principle which asserts a fundamental limit to the precision with which certain pairs

of physical properties of a particle, such as position and momentum, can be

simultaneously known. The more precisely the position of some particle is

determined, the less precisely its momentum can be known, and vice versa. This is

how Stephen Hawking summarized this thought:

3. Events, F Humanity, Po

2. Time, L 6. Predictability

1. Space, A 5. Reality

4. Objectivity, f0

The uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics implies that certain

pairs of quantities, such as the position and velocity of a particle,

cannot both be predicted with complete accuracy

The unpredictable, random element comes in only when we try to

interpret the wave in terms of the positions and velocities of particles.

But maybe that is our mistake: maybe there are no particle positions

and velocities, but only waves

According to the de Broglie hypothesis, every object in our universe is a wave. This

thought is backed up by the following quote from Freeman Dyson recorded in 1980:

Thirty-one years ago Dick Feynman told me about his 'sum over

histories' version of quantum mechanics. "The electron does

anything it likes," he said. "It just goes in any direction, at any speed,

forward and backward in time, however it likes, and then you add

up the amplitudes and it gives you the wave function." I said to him

"You're crazy." But he isn't

This marked the beginning of the resolution of the accurate definition of our

universe, as summarized in the following quotes from Hawking:

When we combine quantum mechanics with general relativity, there

seems to be a new possibility that did not arise before: that space and

time together might form a finite, four-dimensional space without

singularities or boundaries, like the surface of the earth but with more


When we apply Feynman’s sum over histories to Einstein’s view of

gravity, the analogue of the history of a particle is now a complete

curved space-time that represents the history of the whole universe

The diagram presented beside is a

reconstruction of this thought:

But humanity is differently characterized from the universe. Beyond matter

therefore, there also exist the mind, spirit, and soul. While the wave model resolved

the predictability difficulty with the universe, which is material; an additional

ingredient would be required to predict the human being correctly, which accounts

for the other three, 3 components of being human. By the principle of forms, the

mind conceives input from the spirit as a form, both of which would be

characteristically three, 3 dimensional (3-d). While spirit is infinite dimensional, ∞-d

it would be sufficient that the mind, which is 3-d, identifies the form of spirit as 3-d.

When this is added to the 2-d of waves, the mind would be optimum when it

describes phenomena as 5-d formally as follows:

f0 = 4(1 – 1/√Z),

z = ½ (4 – 1/√f1),

f1 = Perception Index, N = 5

f0 = Sensation Index, N = 1

But the soul is the product of the mind. And it is also a reduction from spirit. Then

the quality of the reduction would depend on the quality of the mental picture that

the person forms, which gives rise to another principle, imagery. Diagrammatically:

By the principle of imagery, given the soul, the

person would be determined. This simplified

relationship is however made complex by the

fact that while soul is becoming, the person, is.

Thus, soul, S is completely made only at death,

being formed between the first breath at birth, and the last breath at death. But the

person is the in-situ analogue of soul. It is the image of soul, at an instant. This

makes the person also a product of the mind, albeit in a slightly different way, from

the soul. While soul derives from spirit, person derives from soul, although both are

products of the mind. This requires that another level is recognized, below the soul;

to better conceptualize humanity as at once, phenomenological, for Sp and Fp; and

behavioral, for Sb and Fb. In this case, the phenomenological is described by the

thought pattern and the behavioral, by the behavior pattern. Given the thought

pattern therefore, the behavior pattern would be determined, again with a noticeable

difference. While the phenomenological soul, Sp predicts both the behavioral soul,

Sb and phenomenological person, Fp it does not predict the behavioral person, Fb.

Neither does the phenomenological person, Fp predict the behavioral person, Fp

even when they are analogues. This prediction would be subject to discipline, 1/10

for b = 1/10 p.

Discipline becomes an important ingredient that

connects thought to behavior, because of the

interference from matter, which is absent at the

realm of the phenomenological. It is described in

this work as the capacity to do things in the way

they ought to be done. This would be the capacity to approximate the standard

procedure, which is the analogue of the N-O. Thus the more closely the standard

procedure for the performance at task is approximated, the better would the

thought pattern predict the behavior pattern. Then, the effects of the vagaries of the

environment would have been overcome. Reality would have been reconstructed

exactly, for the appropriate perspective of phenomena, as defined by the

perception model of mind, PMM presented above, as well as the standard

procedure series, SPS presented below:

The identity grid is also presented

below, to demonstrate the

predictability within the realm of

the phenomenological; as well as

the unpredictability associated with

the behavioral, because matter is involved.


Given the measure of objectivity, f0 the thought pattern, as well as the

phenomenological factors Sp and Fp would be determined. These derive from the

following two, 2 models:

3. Maxima Standard Procedure

2. Minimax 6. Object

1. Maximin 5. Form

4. Minima

Einstein’s energy model, E = MC2 and

The relativity model of humans, L = 1/A F2

By the energy model, energy, E and mass, M

would be equivalent concepts. Thus, energy is

released when mass is fissioned. Equivalently

therefore, when phenomena are reduced into

the essential components, according to the

PMM and the SPS; energy would be released,

according to how closely the N-O or the SPS is approximated. The factor-f0 which

measures objectivity would therefore be a measure of mental energy. It is best at a

unity, for f0 = 1; and decreases with deviance from the standard, for f0 < 1. And

given this factor, the factors L, A, and F of the model human are determined. These

would however be the phenomenological equivalents of the factors. To derive the

behavioral equivalents, the following model would be necessary:

Rn = F√n,

Rn = Rationality

√n = The Standard Procedure Index

F = The Personality Factor

This is the personality model of society, PMS. In this case, rationality, Rn and the

performance at task by the standard procedure, √n would be equivalent concepts.

Then, any observed discrepancy between these two, 2 factors would be reflected as

instability in the factor-F; which is best at a unity for F = 1, and decreases in value

for F > 1. This would actually be a measure of the factor-Fb, which is related to the

factor-Fp as Fb = 1/10 (10Fp - 1). The factor-f0 is derived from the measures of Pc

and Rn. The factor-Pc measures intuition as the capacity to reduce phenomena into

the essential five, 5 for characterization. And rationality measures the capacity to put

humpty dumpty back together again, to derive the standard procedure for the

performance at task. This makes rationality the common factor between the

phenomenological and the behavioral. It is the link that converts thought into

behavior, so that what we know can be turned into what we do. It is the seat of

values, and therefore the personal order, P-O which is measured against the N-O to

derive the factor-f0. While intuition is universally available to all humans, rationality

has to be learned. Einstein has distinguished between the two, 2 in the following


The intuitive mind is a sacred gift,

And the rational mind is a faithful servant.

We have created a society that honors the servant,

And has forgotten the gift

Thus, society would be the product of the activities of

humans in nature. And all the energy that humans would require to build society

would be derived from the understanding of nature, in terms of the reconstruction of

the N-O. Then harmony or chaos, would depend on the appropriate reconstruction of

reality or not; respectively, to derive the correct perspective of phenomena. To this

extent, knowledge would be at the heart of the distinction between humans, and

therefore the societies that they create. Moreover, this form of knowledge would be

complete, in the three, 3 models of nature, humans, and society. And in conclusion,

the following quote is presented:

A God who is self-contained,

Created a universe that is self-contained;

So that when humans become self-contained,

They create institutions that are self-contained

Could these be the model humanity and society that Immanuel Kant envisioned in the 17th

century, as summarized in the quotes below?

The history of mankind can be seen, in the large, as the realization of nature’s

secret plan to bring forth a perfectly constituted state as the only condition in

which the capacities of mankind can be fully developed, and also bring forth that

external relation among states which is perfectly adequate to this end.

A philosophical attempt to work out a universal history according to a natural

plan directed to achieving the civic union of the human race must be regarded as

possible and, indeed, as contributing to this end of nature.

Could it be that we are positioned to make the shift from

Francisco de Goya’s The Sleep of Reason Produces

Monsters, one of a series of etchings by the Spanish painter

and printmaker. The man in the print, which is presented

below, is believed to be Goya himself, who at that time was

feeling a lack of hope in the human ability to rise above


Selected Bibliography 1. Aaron, Raymond (1967) Main Currents in

Sociological Thought, 1

Penguine Books;

Auguste Comte: pp63-109

2. Aaron, Raymond (1967) Main Currents in

Sociological Thought, 2

Penguine Books;

Emile Durheim: pp 21-117

Max Werber: pp 185-258

3. Brooks, Harry C (1922) The Practice of

Autosuggestion by the Method

of Emile Coue.

Dodd, Mead & Co.

4. Carpenter, Harry W. (2005) The Power of your

Sub-Conscious Mind:

How it works, and how to use it.

Anaphase Publishing

2739 Wightman Street

Sandiego CA 92104-3526

5. Carroll, H.A. (1969) Mental Hygiene The

Dynamics of Adjustment

Prentice – Hall Inc.

6. Catell, R. B. (1965) The Scientific Analysis of

Personality. Penguine Books

7. Coombs, C. et al (1970) Mathematical

Psychology, An Elementary

Introduction. Prentice Hall Inc.

8. Cosgrove, M. P. (1977) The Essence of Human

Nature. Zondervan Publishers

9. Coué, E (1920) Self Mastery Through Conscious

Autosuggestion PSI TEK edition

10. De La Cruz, A. et al (1981) Physiological Basis

of Human Behaviour KEN

inc. Quezon City Philippines

11. Gladwell, Malcolm (2008) OUTLIERS The Story

of Success. Little, Brown and

Company New York •

Boston • London

12. Fitz-enz, Jac (2,000) The ROI of Human Capital:

Measuring the Economic Value of Employee Performance.

American Management Association; AMACOM

13. Freud, Sigmund (1924) A General Introduction to


Washington Square Press Inc.

N.Y. June 1966.

14. Hume, D. (1740). A Treatise of Human Nature

(1967, edition).

Oxford University Press, Oxford.

15. Kant, Immanuel (1963) Critique of Pure Reason

(1781; rev. ed. 1787),

trans. N. K. Smith (London:

MacMillan & Co.).

16. Maltz, Maxwell (1960) Psycho-Cybernetics: A

New Approach for using your

Subconscious Power.

Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Englewood Cliffs, N.J

17. Niven, David (2000) THE 100 SIMPLE

SECRETS OF Happy People:

What Scientists Have Learned

And How You Can Use It.

Harper San Francisco; A Division

of Harper Co Ums Publisbers

18. Pickering, W. S. F. (1975) Durkheime on

Religion, A Selection of Readings.


19. Rae Alastair (1986) Quantum Physics, Illusion or

Reality? Cambridge University

Press, NY

20. St. Augustine (1950) The City of God. Edited by

Vernon J Bourke Image Books,

1958 Garden City, N.Y.

21. Wann, T. W. (1964) Behaviourism and

Phenomenology, Constrasting

Bases for Modern Psychology.

University of Chicago Press.

Contributors: Sigmund Kock,

R. B. Macleod,

Nroman Malcolm,

Carl Rogers,

Micheal Scriven,

B. F. Skinner.

My Links: Literature

1. The Character Model; An Approach to put a Value on People uniquely, according to their Capacity

for Productivity, Leadership, and therefore Self Containment and Sustainability

2. Niche:

A Model of Energy Transfer

3. Thought Systems

4. The Identity Kit:

A Measure of Personal Development

5. The Mind:

A Perception Model

6. The Model Human:

A Thinker and a Learner

7. The Natural Order:

Globalisation of HR Metrics to Optimise People Value for Sustained Organisational Growth and a

Liquefied Business Environment

8. The Identity Kit:

Toward a Cultural Revolution, Driven by a Precise HR

9. Performance Appraisal:

A Talent Management Platform for Sustainability and a Stable Society

10. The Standard Procedure Series:

A Phenomenology Model of Being that is the Basis for Performance Appraisal by the Sustainability


11. The Hourglass:

The Shape of the Human Form

12. Endorsements, Consciousness, Productivity, and the Creation of Value

13. Environmental Determinism:

Toward a Work Culture that is the Secret Plan Nature has worked out via a Universal History

14. A Model Of Learning

15. The Value Creation Model

16. God:

The Breath that Fires the Equations that Describe the Universe

17. Philosophy in the 3rd Millennium:

The Meeting Point of Physics and Psychology

18. Precision:

Making the Best of the Information Revolution

E-Book: The Path to Soul: Toward a Value Creation Paradigm, An alternative to The

Profit and Loss Paradigm in the determination of the ROI.pdf

Instruments 1. The Productivity Model

2. The Leadership Model

3. Bill of Health Index

4. Sustainability

5. Pc Recommend

6. Recommendations